well..me and my girlfriend are officially done with each other = (
i was alittle bummed out. the only thing that will keep me happy is playing maplestory.
my brother and his wife was in elinia, so i just went there to chat with him and his guild members. we were having a blast,
a couple of mins. later, my bro and his wife were arguing about some crap…idk what it’s about
and then….
my gf appeared with some silver guy. they stood right next to me, chatting and flirting.
that kind of annoyed me alittle bit. but it didnt want me to confront them, its not worth it.
i saw my bro’s wife walking by me and talking to the silver dude. which pissed him off.
“hey what come back here!!!!” my bro said.
“no you dont want to buy things for me” said the wife.
“well i guess im more a man than both of you” said the silver dude, which made me very angry (the picture describes my feelings lol)
we were arguing back and fourth with the silver guy, me, and my bro.
then my brother summoned an army of toy soilders and aliens to kill this noob, my ex, and my brothers soon-to-be-ex-wife.
mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! im such a bad boy.
well…. i didnt see my gf anymore, yay…..im single and ready to mingle
. . .
Uhh. Haahhhahahaaahhaa. Sorry, but this just cracked me up. XD
Oh manÂ…
LOL rasengan XD
LOL poor you.
I’m sorry what? You had a girlfriend, she dumped you (I think), she was flirting with another guy in your face (lol?), you got pissed off at her, your brother’s wife is a gold digger, and you killed them all?
Edit: HAHAHHAHAH OMF`G I JUST READ THE WHOLE THING. Wait was it supposed to be funny >_>?
I’m single and I’m ready to mingle.
Hit me. <3
Hit me. <3″
Unfortunately I’m in Scania
and can not mingle. Oh wait, I’m married. Man, it is so easy to forget that little detail sometimes 
You can forget that you’re married?
Wow, I forgot that Im born.
Haha. That’s effin’ hilarious.
. . . nub.
It’s awfully hard to kill someone with toy soldiers and aliens,
two words.
ummm, thanks guys lol
D: Why did Ganzicus slap me?
You told me to
Ow, I broke a nail D:
*gasps* I’M TELLWING!
*runs away*
Money doth not maketh the man. But it does make people happier.