Rawr I can’t take it anymore.

What is up with Maplers these days? All I hear are complaints now.

Complaint 1: Sins are mean.
Sins are not mean, it is the player behind the computer that is mean. There are no ‘mean’ classes. Sins just seem mean because there are more of them. People overlook the nice Sins and just point out the mean ones. Stop stereotyping.

Complain 2: Too many hackers.
Do you know how many hackers there are? Yes there are a lot, when GMs ban one, they go and pop up on another account. Hacking can never be stopped, but GMs/Nexon/Wizet is doing all they can.

Complaint 3: Nexon/Wizet cares about money.
Free-to-play. ‘Nuff said.

Complaint 4: PQs are so hard to get into.
If you don’t get in often, then don’t PQ. It’s that easy.

Complaint 5: People should stop summoning on my noobs, I always die.
You probably summoned on other noobs… Hypocrits.

Complaint 6: Legit level 100+ have no lives.
They have lives, they just don’t have YOUR life. Even if it’s a life of sitting in front of the computer playing MapleStory, it’s still a life. Just not the best one for your future.

Complaint 7: People need to stop idoling Tiger.
If they want to, they can. It’s not your place to say who they look up to and who they don’t.

Complaint 8: All Dragon Knights are hackers.
Completely wrong, although the majority of the hacker population are DKs (don’t yell at me because it’s true and you know it is), they are not ALL hackers. There are legit Dragon Knights. As there are legit Spearmen and legit Warriors. Stop stereotyping.

Complaint 9: FreeMarket rips people off.
If you don’t like FM, go to Basil. If you don’t like Basil or FM, grow some patience. If you can’t, quit. We don’t need impatient people like you here.

This ends my rant. I’ll think of more later.

EDIT: Added Complaint 8
EDIT2: Added Complaint 9 and fixed Complaint 1

14 thoughts on “Rawr I can’t take it anymore.”

  1. So true o.o” too true, “WHERE DID YOU FIND OUT THIS SECRET INFORMATION!?” two thumbs up, – forces friends thumb up- three thumbs up! D;

  2. I agree with all of them. I have a DK friend who gets randomly defamed once in a while because someone assumes he is a hacker . . . it’s really sad.

    Nice points made, very nice <3

  3. Complaint 1: Sins are mean.
    Sins are not mean, it is the player behind the computer that is mean. There are no ‘mean’ classes. Sins just seem mean because there are more of them. People overlook the nice Sins and just point out the mean ones. Stop stereotyping.

    This is sooooo true . It’s always like this .

  4. *Sigh* all I can say, is why is it that every time I post something almost EXACTLY like this, that I get no likes?

  5. sirsolo said: “*Sigh* all I can say, is why is it that every time I post something almost EXACTLY like this, that I get no likes?”

    Because you are always negative. =P


  6. Fenrir said: “

    sirsolo said: “*Sigh* all I can say, is why is it that every time I post something almost EXACTLY like this, that I get no likes?”

    Because you are always negative. =P


    Agreed xD

  7. Very true and add this one:

    Complaint 9:
    Sins and mages KS close ranged based classes.

    UNTRUE, If your a bandit, get a claw and a few stars, I have a plus 1 meba and tobis so when I see a mage or a sin coming into my training spot I just KS them! Whoot!
    For you warroirs, sorry but at least you have a group attack at level 10+, us bandits get it at 70+

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