My life – Entry 1

Dear diary ,

I am bascially a very shy person . This is why I have chosen to be a warrior . I like the strength I see , the power . Since Im not good at remembering things , I guess no mage for me . In school , teacher said that writing a diary overcomes your shyness . This is the reason why I am writing this down . Teacher told us to have a dream future .

I wish to be strong , a great warrior and have many friends . because of my shyness I only have one firend . her name : Ivy .

She wants to be a bowman . I do not know the reason why , but Im sure one day , I will ask her . The events tht happen today were of up most importantance . Today is Chinese New Year . A wonderful day . Its gives us lots of quest to prove ourselves to our job instructers . But I will not start on any of the quest . Today is alos a day of spending time together with our family and friends . If i have time later , I might start training soon . Maple island is techinally boring . Wonderful stories of victoria island has spread on during lunch . I might stay back for one year as my little brother wants to folow me to victoria island .

This should be all for today . I want to go and have fun now .

And one more thing , mum bought me a spear , she says its to encourage me to be a spear man . I can be very fickle minded at times .

Spearman all the way ,


11 thoughts on “My life – Entry 1”

  1. *applause behind the curtains*

    “Pay no attention to that woman behind the curtains”


    A diary entry as a mapler <3

  2. Annikabelle said: “*applause behind the curtains*

    “Pay no attention to that woman behind the curtains”


    A diary entry as a mapler <3″

    You’re weird. o_O

    Anyway, that “dairy language” is interesting.

  3. I see an abundance of full stops here. Do make more use of commas, colons or even semi-colons.
    You forgot to capitalise the first words of some sentences.
    Also, there are minor mistakes pertaining to punctuation and tenses.

    Still a good try, although you should lengthen the chapters if possible.
    In school my teacher would never accept anything so short >.<

  4. Maple island is techinally boring . Wonderful stories of victoria island has spread on during lunch .

    O_O That sentence had nothing to do with the paragraph.

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