Back On

Acctually, it was a while ago.

Havn’t had the time to blog it.

But yes, I cleared some computer space and maple finnaly installed. Yay And I leveled. Level 54. Thanks to the 2x exp And the mighty, wonderfull, Orbis pq.

Man, is it just me, or does opq suck real bad?

So boring.


But Good News

I got more nx

Yaaaaaaaaay! New Look!

Joy joy joy.

And I bought a maple llama for 5.5mil. +100 hp. Yayy.

I went to zombies (my first time DD With Bayonett(Prissy D) the other day Zombies are ugly. And scary. And annoying for a wiz, with the stupid poisoning. Pot waster D:
But it was fun And good exp too ;3 Until we both had to go.. Stupid homework. >;l

But I went on later that day Me and fieryJAK (Jessie) Trained at El Nath. Yay. Jr. Pepe. I found a maple dragon axe.

But as we all know, training is oh so boring.

So we dressed up as noobs (Because everybody LOVES noobs ) And Begged for money. Yay. It was fun ;]
Then we crashed some dating thing in the fm, as noobs! Someone was accutally insterested in me… o.o; Then we started selling each other, but no-one bought it x[ So we dressed normal and tried to pick up guys.
I got two
Until Jessie had to go ;[
So I went too.

What day was this? Not sure >;l

But it was a day

Hm. What else?

Oh, questing in hhg 1 (Henesys Hunting Ground), Some noob asked me if I wanted to buy a stupid iron mace (I think thats what its called) for 25k. :l

And I made a new mule just to be an apple

That new training thing is much smarter than the other one.

And you get to be an apple!

I think thats everything interesting that happened.

I’ve got my store open in ch 1 fm 6.

Visit me?

And buy? ;D

Signing Off,

First: My New Look ;3
Second: Me And Jessie Being Noobs
Third: Stupid Noob t.t

Thats all for now

One thought on “Back On”

  1. Woah.

    Major XD’age, if you ask me. XD

    Congratz on leveling.

    It’s too bad you play on Windia or maybe I could’ve visited your shop. >>;


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