The Code


The word striked fear, amazement, annoyance and awe into the hearts of the Maplers. These beings started normally as beginners-but with one difference

They were blessed with the power to understand The Code

No-one but they knew how it happened. They were granted abilities that were not given to mere mortals. Instead of seeing the MapleStory world like a normal person, they saw it in numbers. And the scary thing was, they could alter the numbers, using one piece of guarded information, ever-changing and forever kept secret. The Hexidecimal Value.

With this piece of information, the Hackers were granted a number of godlike skills that were useful-and powerful. They had the ability to fly, or jump large distances-distances that could not even be reached by the masters of Haste, the thieves. They even had super reflexes.
They could summon monsters to them, a telekinetic power that caused all monsters in the map to zoom to their position. And to ensure that they were not hurt by the monsters, they had GodMode-perhaps a skill more powerful than the rest put together. With GodMode, they were never hit. Ever.

Their names were whispered everywhere, and they were slowly spreading throughout the world of MapleStory like a virus. They were becoming increasingly obvious, and often on purpose, blatantly showing off their unique, alien skills. The best though, kept to the back streets and unpopulated areas. Training. And training. On and on.

This is only a story to get an idea of mine across. That hackers are godlike. It will not be continued.
Feel free to take it and change it or whatever. It will be interesting to see if anything new is made.
(The super reflexes is autoclick) Also, sorry for any misinformation about hackers i may have written. I only have a vague understanding of how it is done.

2 thoughts on “The Code”

  1. The hackers aren’t god-like. . .-_- They’re scum that can’t play the game correctly.

    But it’s nice to see it put differently XD;

  2. JasminJane said: “The hackers aren’t god-like. . .-_- They’re scum that can’t play the game correctly.”

    Very true words.

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