The LFG Channel(in general)

Hey everyone, it’s Tophius again, but now I’m a level 38 Tauren Warrior now! Have any of you noticed since the latest patch: The Scourge, there have been some problems with the LFG Channel? I’m SO irritated because I’m trying to get a group or a run for Scarlet Monastery or Razorfen Downs and all I see are random conversations. Blizzard put up a notice in YELLOW saying how they should ONLY USE IT FOR LOOKING FOR GROUPS, but obviously no one knows how to read now… reducing your chance to get in a group. Right now I’m going into instances to mass train to get my mount, but these people just ruin my chances. Also, haven’t you noticed that no one is looking for groups now? I mean I’ve spent HOURS looking for a group but not one person was looking for a group. There are major problems ever since /4 went global. Who agrees with???


4 thoughts on “The LFG Channel(in general)”

  1. well if u play WoW you would have noticed that every1 is started ghey convos in the global LFG channel and pplz miss ur lfg , so u get less exp

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