My happy day

Hi everybody….It’s not night it’s his bro…again.

So, yesterday My bro finally let me on Male YAY

I began my training at cakes i was 50% then my cousin loggs on (he noob and new to the game)

Cousin: “have u gotten a maple weapon yet?”

Me: “yeah i got a Wagner”

Cousin ” Zomg a Kandayo just popped out!!!”

me: “HOLY @#$#%” (im not used to getting stuff)

Me: “wanna trade it with me for some stuff?”

Cousin “OKAY!”

SO i go to Fm and meet him, he puts in the Kandayo it’s 23 att +20 avoidability.

Me: “ill trade for these equips?” *puts in crappy lv 30 equips*

Cousin: “OKAY!”

we do the trade…..

THEN LATER…. now im like 85% or something training at the cakes when…BUN BUN BUN a soul searcher pops out! 60 ATT wooooooooT!!!!

OH yeah! I just remembered! I also ripped off my friend by trading my 57 ATT wagner (3 below average) for his 1 above average impaler ….he kinda dumb >.<

then finally i ended the night with levelling…

PS PS PS PS…i got steely the totally awesome.

i want a signiture! ~lvluppit…hehehhe