My Past Three Days

I just want to share my experiences the past 3 days.

Yesterday was crap, so was the day before yesterday, before that as well.

Three days ago (Saturday, I went to see the pirates movie with my Korean friends Ian (He can’t speak English that well, but enough to understand) and Jong Min (the Korean guy who used to teach me Popping, but then I changed to Locking.). So then we met up at the theaters at 8 pm and bought the tickets. The movie starts in one hour so we started to play on the Try-to-grab-a-toy-but-we-are-just-saying-it-is-easy-because-we-will-rip-you-off Machines. JM got 24 dolls using only 200 NT (around 6 dollars) and I spent 300 NT trying to get a Mario toy. Unfortunately, I didn’t get it!

The movie was seriously a piece of crap. Like, at the beginning of the movie it’s the scene where they were singing. Okay, how the hell would the viewers understand that scene without watching the scene AFTER the credits. Isn’t it obvious that people would just get their ass off their seats and leave when the credits are rolling? Gawd. Another one is when Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann getting married.. during a battle scene? What the hell? Then during the kiss, no one is attacking them! What’s up with that? Power of love fends off everything? After that, they immediately change the scene to Jack Sparrow fighting with Davy Jones.

That tells me that they forgot about them!

Two days ago, I asked the guy to teach me Skeeter Rabbit and Whicha Way (Let’s just call him N) on MSN. He said.

Sure i’ll teach you
but i think you should come to practice with us more
i can break down and show you HOW to dance
not just doing the moves
but sure

The instructor has spoken. This is him

After that, I went to take this shot that the school said that you have to take or else I’ll rape you shot. So I went to take the shot then yeah (I got shot!). When I got home, I took a shower and started to play StarCraft. I can’t even beat the computer, let alone my Korean friends! Gawd.

My right shoulder started to sore (酸痛), but then I just ignored it and kept on playing. Those god damn Zerglings. Argh. Eat Zealot spiky arm thing!

The next day was ass. Total ass. I was at the food court with my friends when I was struck by fatigue, my whole body felt overheated and my muscles struck by pain gradually building up. I used all my effort to walk back to school to see the nurse, luckily I did. She asked me when it happened and what part started to hurt first. “My shoulder and yesterday.” She gave me some Vitamin C and I carried away. Well, I can’t really blame the shot.

Because fatigue is ubiquitous in everyday life, all life. (Ooooo, big word)

So me and JM was at the cafeteria playing 大老二 (Big Two) for about 2 hours. Yes, just the two of us. You can just imagine how boring it is. I’d have more fun playing with dog turd, I’d rather 搞 a porcupine and shove a cactus up my ass, I’d rather.. I’m sorry that was disgusting.

Anyway, I was exhausted and said to myself. “Screw it” then went back home.

No chocolate frappachino for me today

Oh and check out my new drawing, I’m only showing the sketch though. Not done yet

13 thoughts on “My Past Three Days”

  1. Not only did I waste over $10 US in one of those stupid UFO/Crane/Claw game thingers in Taiwan, I broke a capsule toy machine (gachapon lol) trying to get a toy and lost 60 NT. I seriously damaged that thing.

  2. I know a Korean kid named Dong Min… not so far off from Jong Min.

    *goes to look up ubiquitous*

  3. One of the few to be able to get away with a non-MMO blog. *shakes head* You Ebilstrangler, you.

    Btw, the dancing dude’s kinda awesome.

  4. ShiningWings said: “Ubiquitous = random/useless ^^”

    No, it means ever-present, I think. . .

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