When did this start?

I was looking at my blogs, reading through them, and I noticed I’ve gotten a bit more vicious as of lately, delving into issues that were more personal qualms than anything, not just things that effected the general public. For that, I deeply apologize. I’ll attempt to not let it happen again, because looking back on it, it makes me no better than the people who complain about things simply because it bugs them.

So I supposed today I’d brush a topic today that I’m sure many of you would understand, particularily that of ACing. I myself haven’t actually PQ’d since Kerning, since the Ludi PQ came out the day I became level 52. So cruel and ironic, but I did have a good laugh about it. :3 However, my sister let me watch her play when she was strong enough, but I still have no clue how that whole thing works. But her main complaint was, “Why are there so many ACers?”

This to me, seems to be overlooked in the whole hacking prevention outlook. Autoclicking itself, although not as dire as other forms of hacking, is often forgotten about and brushed aside. It may not effect the economy, and I agree, other forms of hacking should be eliminated first, but.. have you ever tried getting into a PQ for a long time, only to have an ACer get in.. twice? Three times? More?

This can attack nerves and feelings more than anything, making people more discouraged about a PQ all together. It’s gotten bad enough, I’ve seen a few people actually bragging about their AC, but nothing actually happening. I almost think that MS should make a band of undercover GMs, have them join PQs, and if they find an ACer, freeze them. You’d get a bunch just that way.

Of course, I’m quite sure there are flaws in my plan, since, it’s probably more difficult to track down a ACer than an everyday hacker, because an ACer isn’t changing the parameters of the game, they’re just making their mouse move in a godly speed. In fact, on that subject itself, wouldn’t it be so much more effective if they had undercover GMs? Change their names once a week, and have them track down the scum of MS. That, in my opinion, would be the best remedy to this hacking overdose.

This all got me thinking even more, when did people start accepting hackers in general? I know I’ve touched this subject before, but I must ask, why do people think it’s okay that people are hacking? “Oh yeah, I’ve got a few friends that are hackers..” You wouldn’t believe how many times I hear this, and I’m absolutely amazed at it. I boggles my tiny mind how anyone can make friends with a hacker. Yes, I’m aware they’re humans too. But they’re humans that are clearly doing wrong, and making the game worse for everyone.

I myself have had buddies who I then found at were hackers. No, I didn’t start flaming them or reporting them, as cruel as I may seem, but I didn’t welcome them with open arms either! My friend was on my MSN list, so I deleted him from my buddy list on MS, and now whenever I talk to him on MSN, I absolutely won’t discuss MS. End of story. There is no exceptions. I don’t care how cool this person is, or how they might be your best friend and give you things. Hacking is hacking, it destroys the game for everyone, and obviously the person isn’t very good if they’re messing up things for other people just to pass someone in level in an imaginary game.

Yes, I’ve gotten into ‘Mad Mip’ mode again, but sometimes I can’t help it. ^^;; Yesterday I did start playing Trickster on my dad’s lappie, and it’s a lovely game, although I died way too many times from the insane lag. I’ve hardly been on at all, but if you do get on, look for me, ‘Dandelion’, or my sister ‘Carnation’. Although we probably won’t be on too much for a while, since we’re still in the med school center just for the internet, and I don’t yet have internet at home.

Oh yeah! I gotta go PM Captain about adding a Trickster section, so I can write a full-blown review.
*waddles off* Talk to ya’ll later! Thanks for reading!


(MaskOfSmak pwns you.)
(P.S: Godli, maybe I am losing my touch. :D)
(Something else that would help: Having a limit, like, you know when you spam your talking too much, you get a ‘STFU’ note basically and you can’t talk for a bit? They should implement that into the PQs, so if you click too fast, you get a pause note. That would be lovely.)

37 thoughts on “When did this start?”

  1. question 1) why am i adding more wemotions into teh story or whatnot: many peopel are flaming you about being yourself and people natually get mad or flustered (right word?) and well things go from there and people looking for a flame war and they are nub cakes in short!
    question 2) ahh a/c is becomgin common, way to common. Many people add must have a/c to teh end of joining pq now a days. Way to many and I think the GM’s know this but when you get in a pq you get rilled up and more envigorated to where if you get in multiple times and get some nice stuff you are willing to buy nx because you think teh game is great! so maple is trying to make money in a hurry , but there are better ways to do it.
    Ohh and look for tcflame on tricster, that is my brothers character, but i dun play!

  2. Well, it’s not that there have been any fights around here. I just think my last blog was badly spoken on my behalf, pushing my personal opinion on other people. Besides, flaming is bad, so I don’t do to others what I wouldn’t want done to me.

    And I’ll keep my eyes open for you! 😀


  3. Yes, I agree too, but you must know one thing: AC is not a hack, it’s a bot, because you don’t have to do anything. Report for bug instead >=D


  4. Ac’s only bother me in ludi pq. I can and have beaten acs. (as in my buddys tryed to get in against me and they have acs and I got in and that was mainly on rushs) O and The707th rants are most of the time most interesting to read so stfu.

  5. AC is something that takes effort from clicking, its like man and technology o.o
    Kids these days spend their time in PCs, while 100 years ago, they’d be doing labour work etc

  6. Well, AC isn’t illegal. It is just a game after all. If you can’t beat em, join em.

  7. An autoclicker is a simple program which is really easy to make. Even windows has a free typer which works as a base for an autotyper. And there is no advantage to having an ac because now, cuz everyone has one. there are 4 things that matter about getting in pq:

    1) Distance from you to server
    2) Connection Speed
    3) Computer speed
    4) AC/clicker

  8. Mipsacri said: “(Something else that would help: Having a limit, like, you know when you spam your talking too much, you get a ‘STFU’ note basically and you can’t talk for a bit? They should implement that into the PQs, so if you click too fast, you get a pause note. That would be lovely.)”

    Lol ‘STFU’ note xD

    But yeah, that’s a good idea.

  9. Ah, so very true, though I myself haven’t Ludi PQed, I do know the frustration of having ACers get in, but I’ve learned a way to destroy them.
    1)Drink 1/2 a liter of coke or more
    2)Try to mentally focus the caffine on your finger
    It only has one setback(A few but here’s one) I broke my mouse while doing it T_T
    -ShurikenLord Of Bera

  10. Alright, listen buddy. You are biased. I used to like you, i’ve read your stories commented on your opinions and what not. But why delete some guy you don’t even know in real life off your buddy list and never talk about MS ever again? I myself am a hacker (though, I do NOT hack MMOrpgs), and to see people like you bashing us, it hurts. Some people call us outlaws, some people call us idiots, some people call us unfair, some are just plain biased and hate us.

    What’s so bad about hackers? If you’re not a hacker, you have to hate them, is that what’s going around? Really, most of you ‘hacker bashers’ just cuss at them and hate them beacuse you’re jealous. That’s right. I bet you’d wish you had that godly vac hack to make you level 5 times as fast, or that AC to make those PQ’s a breeze, so don’t go around saying ‘zomg hackerszz iz teh nub schoold dyee LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL’.

    Seriously, every hacker is smarter than about half the MS population. Why? Because rather than mashing that attack or skill button, they’d rather have an actual challenge. Some of you guys don’t get how hard hacking is, thinking it’s a walk in the park and just clicking on some buttons. No. Us hackers are the gifted maplers. You think we’re the lazy ones because we don’t want to get off our ass and hunt the monsters, when in our point of view, you’re the lazy ones for not going through the trouble of hacking. Just cause you you play for countless hours doesn’t mean it’s hard to play maple story.

    And get that thought out of your brain that every hacker gets it easy. They spend hours creating that UCE that needs to get remade and bypassed after every patch and server check. And why the hell do they bother you SO much? It’s not like they’re gonna be number one, cause if they do, BOOM, they get banned (just like H4CKDAM). Sure AC’s are annoying when you’re a legit clicker, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get in, does it? And why do you get extra pissed off when you know you’ve lost to an ACer? When you lose to another legit clicker, you don’t think that much of it. But when it’s an ACer, you just gotta go to MMOtales and cry about it, don’t you?

    Stop posting blogs about how much hackers piss you off, cause you can’t do anything about it. And stop bashing us because we have it hard.
    Thank you.
    Your former fan- Theo

  11. Oi oi, I can feel the burn on that one, Theo. I respect your opinion, but I express mine no matter what people say. Why do I hate hackers so much? Because I’ve been robbed of my things before and they make the game unfair for everyone. Now, I didn’t say hackers were stupid, or illiterate, nor did I say that they had it easy.

    They’re just have an unfair advantage over us legit people. Besides, if I stopped complaining about it, then more people would accept hackers, and more people would think it was alright to hack.

    In fact, I have a little story related to just that. In about 2005, around Christmas time, my 7 year old brother was playing GunZ. (You see, he’s always been a computer game freak, even when he was little.) At that time, hackers were rampant in GunZ, but my brother did he best and got to level 22. He was SO excited. He was yelling and bouncing around and telling me all about how strong he was, basically what a happy child does. Around those days, the hackers decided to prove a point to the GMs about how they weren’t doing their jobs, and started deleting characters randomly, (I lost my level 26 too.) basically whomever was online. My brother was one of the unfortunate ones, RIGHT in the middle of the game. He stumbled into my room, sobbing, “My guy is gone, ” That’s all he said. Have you ever seen a child that has worked so hard on something, who usually never cries, SOBBING because they lost it all?! Do you know what that feels like?!

    Ever since then, I’m completely and utterly agains’t hackers. No exceptions.

    So, I shall continue my evil bashing, with my happy little hammer of doom, thank you very much.

    But thank you for your opinion anyway, ne~?

    (P.S: Last time I even mentioned hackers was June 20th, so it has been a while, and maybe you didn’t understand me, but my sister was the one that had trouble with the ACers, not I.)

  12. I base my opinion on the fact that hacking is not just a nuisance, in the United States it is a crime-a felony to be exact. Recently in my home state we had two boys 13 and 16 tried as adults and sentenced to 10 years in prison for it.

    The question is, you can accept a friend even if they hack but could you accept them if they robbed the local convenience store, broke into someone’s home, dealt drugs, etc because it is essentially the same level of crime in the eyes of the law.

    To me that is saying it is ok to commit one crime but not another. In my opinion when a person, not matter how intelligent commits one crime, it makes me question what else they are capable of. Will they steal their best friends boy/girl friend, cheat on tests, spread rumors, steal things from the lockers. It is a matter of morals.

    I would have no more to do with a hacker than any other criminal.

  13. Mipsacri did you know that you wrote. . . more than 20, 0 0 0 words. . . in the series The day the clock chimed.

    PLus all your blogs. . . ZOMG that’s like 30k WORDS! 0_0″

  14. Stormskye said: “
    The question is, you can accept a friend even if they hack but could you accept them if they robbed the local convenience store, broke into someone’s home, dealt drugs, etc because it is essentially the same level of crime in the eyes of the law.

    Umm, maplestory hackers don’t hack into the mapleglobal site and erase anything do they? THAT’s the hacking of sites and is an attack on the company/owner of the site, When you refer to hacking on maplestory it means editing YOUR client to give you an advantage. The 13 and 16 year old kids probably hacked a site, not a game.


  15. As Gust said, that’s called cracking. When you go a step further than hacking.
    Anyway mip, I’ll forget about this. I just had to let out some steam. But, i never knew you had a brother. You always talk about your sister, i never heard you mention your brother. Did you make that up to add more drama?

  16. Theo said: “As Gust said, that’s called cracking. When you go a step further than hacking.
    Anyway mip, I’ll forget about this. I just had to let out some steam. But, i never knew you had a brother. You always talk about your sister, i never heard you mention your brother. Did you make that up to add more drama?”

    Naw, actually I have 3 sisters, (one older, two younger), and two younger brothers. ^^ All of them except Renee (the older one) and my littlest sister Hope play MS. xD Even though Nathan sometimes has a hard time reading it.


  17. Yes, she does have family other than her sister, and I have seen them.

    Either way, Hackers are criminals, because they are messing with data that was created by Wizet and such, messing with the way files and such work. This in turn causes inevitable problems to be caused in the game. Hackers are criminals because they can mess with your computer, even on a game. I have had my computer crash a few times due to hackers, the lag they can cause, and the actual damage they do to the client.

    And not all hackers make their own programs. Sometimes they download them from those easy to get sites. So your “Praise” of them is waisted on half of the population.

    Hacking is not to be excused, just because it might take a level of skill. It’s still morally corrupt and wrong. You’re taking away from the fact that people have less fun when placed into a situation with hackers. They bring shame to themselves and the server if they do something monumental, such as defeat Zakum.

    I don’t care if you take days, weeks, months to develop a hack. If you do that, you might as well level correctly. If you’re that skilled with writing programs, do something that can actually benifit you with more than just pixels. If you’re that decent of a program/code writer, then you should be actually earning money off of it, not exclaiming that you spent yet another night at your computer “perfecting” a hack with which you use to destroy the experience of playing anyone may have.

    And, all of the hackers I’ve met, are people who obviously care about noone else. So why should I care about them, if they don’t have the common decency to just let up on it and let everyone enjoy the game normally?

    It’s like getting high to watch a movie. It might be fun, but it’s really not needed.

    But, whatever. This is just Shmooki’s two cents.

  18. Shmooki said: “
    Either way, Hackers are criminals, because they are messing with data that was created by Wizet and such, messing with the way files and such work. This in turn causes inevitable problems to be caused in the game. Hackers are criminals because they can mess with your computer, even on a game. I have had my computer crash a few times due to hackers, the lag they can cause, and the actual damage they do to the client.

    Umm, they don’t mess with your computer. The only reason you can see the monsters moving is because that is the data sent from the server.

    Shmooki said: “
    And not all hackers make their own programs. Sometimes they download them from those easy to get sites. So your “Praise” of them is waisted on half of the population.

    Actually, probably only an eightth of the hacking population make their own hacks. the rest of them just mooch.

    Shmooki said: “
    Hacking is not to be excused, just because it might take a level of skill. It’s still morally corrupt and wrong. You’re taking away from the fact that people have less fun when placed into a situation with hackers. They bring shame to themselves and the server if they do something monumental, such as defeat Zakum.”

    Hunting as a game is morrally corrupt and wrong, but you don’t see the government banning it. The hiroshima and nagasaki bombings were morally corrupt and wrong (They attacked civilians), but I haven’t heard of the US apologizing for it. Mcdonalds is morrally corrupt and wrong, but over a billion people eat at Mcdonalds.

    Shmooki said: “
    And, all of the hackers I’ve met, are people who obviously care about noone else. So why should I care about them, if they don’t have the common decency to just let up on it and let everyone enjoy the game normally?

    Hackers do care about other people. So boo on you. And I know that If I use my hacking friends as an example I’ll just get lynched. So I’ll shut up now. >:|

  19. I see you only countered half of my statements.

    Let’s see, Actually, yes. Hackers have messed with my computer. Causing me to lag so badly that my computer does freeze, to which I need to turn off the Power Supply, because nothing else will work. And this is a relatively new system.

    Fine, even less of the hackers make their own. That gives me even more of a reason to not respect them, even if I was to before.

    Well, let’s see. I don’t hunt, and I don’t really like it. I wasn’t around during those bombings, and I really don’t like the fact that the country I live in did such a thing. And near every huge company is morally corrupt and wrong. And I do agree that those types of people do horrid things. But whomever said that I agreed with those kinds of things? But that doesn’t represent the population as a whole.

    Fine. They care about other people, only people they know. But nothing for the good of the common player, else they would let up on such activities. If they cared about random people, then they’d stop their actions when someone came in instead of continuing and showing off that they could do it.

    And for the record- I DO care about people I’ve never met before. I’ve done it countless times, where I’ve just met a random person and helped them for no reason whatsoever.

  20. They don’t actually ‘not care’ for you, but they think you’re like the others, hateful and biased. Only a hacker understands a hacker, and I understand my fellows. Maybe you should go make some hacks and talk to some hackers before you assume and make suggestions. And by the way, hackers can’t download hacks and make them work. They have to bypass GG and game rev and what not before the hack can actually work. And even if they do, if the hack isn’t up to date with the pointers (location of the codes and where they’re found at) and the codes (changed after every patch and server update), the hack won’t work. So don’t go around saying “Half of those hackers can’t even hack they just download the hack”. If that was possible, I assure you hardly 5% of the maple population would be legit.
    And the people that hack your computer? Well that’s a COMPLETELY different story. Those hackers are the actual bad ones. They go to your computer and can completely screw it up. They can even get your credit card number if they’re good at it. But are we talking about those hackers? No we’re not. We’re talking about hackers that hacked a GAME. Not your computer. Not your bank account. Not the pentagon. Just a little game that some of you take as seriously as real life.

  21. They don’t hack my computer. They hack the game, which causes the client to freeze, which in turn causes my computer to freeze. I know the ones that hack computers are worse, because they can screw with your life.

    If I was smart enough to make hacks, or had the attention span to learn how to, I’d wrather channel that energy into something that can help myself, or others. That seems like a much smarter route to take, doesn’t it? I’m only hateful because they get in the way of what I tend to get onto the game to do- Have fun. Why SHOULDN’T I be hateful? I used to walk into Wraiths, and have to search through every channel before I found one that wasn’t vacced, or wasn’t dead due to hacking. Zombies were better. Then I went to Soul Teddies, and found hackers in abundance there, usually interfering with what I got on to do, as I said. Dark Golems were the same way. And from what I’ve seen, there are even hackers pathetic enough to hack areas such as early Ellinia, HHG, and the Construction site.
    And if Gameguard is SUCH a problem, why do I see more hakers now than before Gameguard was out?

  22. Well why do you see more hackers than before gameguard was out? Because it takes time to figure out a game. And by the time one hacker figures it out, he tells his friends, and they tell their friends, and they go on internet sites and tell everyone. Obviously, more people learn how to hack maple story every day, even though it wasn’t so popular back in the day.
    You said ” I used to walk into Wraiths, and have to search through every channel before I found one that wasn’t vacced, or wasn’t dead due to hacking”. So you FOUND a channel nontheless. Is it really that tiring to have to go through 19 channels (18 if you don’t count channel 1)? It takes about 3 seconds to change to another channel, so why are you complaining? And I understand that if you don’t find any channels at all (channels that are completely the fault of hackers, not because someone is there or someone doesn’t want to share, which I highly doubt is the case you’re talking about), you would be angry. If so, go find something else to do. Go outside, play some basketball or soccer or go to the mall or hang out with some friends. Go to FM and search for stuff you need. Go complete some quests that you didn’t finish. Chat to your buddys and some friends on MSN or AIM. It’s not the end of the world if you can’t train.
    And don’t call the hackers pathetic just because they hack in Ellinia or HHG or the construction site, or maple island for that matter. Some of them need to show off, just like those showoffs in real life. They show off their skills and abilitys and smarts (which you don’t have, according to your post).
    And trust me, if hacking wasn’t illegal in MS, we would be very friendly with you. We would vac those monsters for you so you can get those items for that quest you needed, or dupex (make more monsters for you to hunt) so you get more experience. Trust me, we would. Just because we do something that’s illegal in MS, doesn’t mean we don’t have hearts or are plain iggnorant. Maybe if you wouldn’t tattle on us and bring out your whole buddy list to report us just because we can level faster, we would be much nicer to you. Maybe if you didn’t shun us and treat us like sh*t, we would be nicer to you.
    And you think we’re the as*holes?

  23. Okay, I won’t blab on, and yes it was fun. I would’ve liked to know how long this would’ve lasted if we kept on going and going and going, but I guess we should both give it a rest, for now at least. Truce?

  24. Truce.

    It was lovely. 😀

    Thank you for not acting as I said most people do. It still amazes me that there are some people that don’t crumble at the sight of a debate.

  25. Yes, and it amazes me that some people can type properly. Now if you don’t mind, I have another argument to catch up to =)

  26. Well, okay, O.O,
    Right now, almost everyone has AC, >___> It’s like a MUST in Ludi PQ ( no i don’t have ac )
    So therefore! I PQ in the mornings! where no one is on and we often find empty channels XD
    Kewl arguement, actually read all of it.
    Lets put hacking this way. It’s against rules = crime. Yes it is, if it wasn’t, people wouldn’t get banned by doing it.
    I’ve talked to hackers before and I actually stopped one of em from hacking ^^ (i stalked him a few times and he was training without hacking *~*)
    I don’t treat you hackers as rubbish or those sort of stuff. But you have to admit, you ARE cheating. Even if you are nice you ARE still breaking the rules. Yup! You got it, I am jealous. But I still won’t hack because I can resist to that desire and becasue the consequences to obtain that desire is way to harsh.

    ~I have a feeling this doesn’t really make sense, but then again, my brain is clogged atm~

    – VanillaPocki –

  27. Whomever said I thought of you as A-holes? *Stupid, Censors.* I don’t think I ever said that, Actually, I think that this has been the best challenge of an argument I’ve had in a while. Everyone’s either given up or yelled something obscene and prooved their idiocy by now.
    If hacking weren’t illegal in near everything, then things might fall into shambles. If hacking weren’t illegal in Maple, what makes you thinks that some of you guys wouldn’t delve into the code of Maple Global’s site and start deleting characters randomly, such as what happened with Mip’s trial with the Gunz hackers? I’m sure there are some nice ones out there, as they’re is good in almost everyone. But it’s just hard to see when they’re practically stealing from you. And I have NEVER called my whole buddy list or guild on one person to report a hacker. It’s quite stupid, because my friends would either defame them, report them, or both. Fame is something that people take too seriously, and I honestly don’t care if I lose one or one hundred fame to people. I don’t wear those dark equips or do much trading in the FM, mainly because my drops are often horrid.
    I don’t have the intelligence to hack, I admit to that. But I’m proud to be intelligent in other areas of either computers, vocal arts, or stuff of the like. This is about Maple, not High School courses. But I can assure you, 100% I am not jealous of hackers. I’m actually afraid of being in the same area as them for too long and get blamed for hacking aswell. But I just find it, Somewhat stupid that they’d waste their “sskills and abilities and smarts” in a place where some newbs don’t even know what the heck’s going on.
    Sometimes. Not all the time, of course. Sometimes, there was that lucky, solitary channel that wasn’t either dead or taken by a hacker. And the dead ones are what cause me to be the most irritated. Because, correct me if I’m wrong, doesn’t hacking over a prolonged period of time cause that? And if I’m not, then the people who told me as such need to be yelled at. And I’m aware that it’s not the end of the world if I’m not able to train my little, what, 100×50 pixel character? It’s just actually WANTING to train is a rare feeling for me, so I’d like to take advantage of it when I can. And I’m also aware that there are other things for a Cleric to train on, for the same or more profit and Experience. But they’re often an island or two away, unless I’d like to train at Dark monsters.
    But you said it takes more skill in order to get around Gameguard, each patch, and each server check. Then how do the new hackers who obtained the knowledge to hack know how to get around each of these things, unless their friends take the time to actually teach them the coding?

  28. How do the new hackers obtain the knowledge of how to hack? Well it’s not just friends that teach them. I know about 4 websites that are all related to hacking games and coding. A complete stranger will tell people how to get around the gameguard. Now, thousdands of hackers look at this, and then gameguard isn’t a problem. Hackers aren’t as rare as you think.
    And well, we don’t just hack maple. We hack all the other games as well. It’s just that the MMOrpg’s are difficult (patches, server updates, gameguard etc.) and the hackers like a hard challenge. If you look at the rankings of some hackers, you’ll see that they’re in their 20’s or 40’s, because they don’t do it for the game, they do it for the challenge and that warm feeling you get when you finally get that hack you’ve always wanted. The highest level hacker I know (that isn’t banned) is level 8x, which isn’t too bad.
    Again, don’t get into the serious hacking. I’m talking about the vac hacks and the god mode hacks and the no breath hacks. Going into the code of Maple Story and deleting some characters can get you in jail. Not because you delted the charachters. But because you went INTO the Maple Story system. That’s called CRACKING, HACKERS and CRACKERS are not the same. Hackers can actually be good. Hell, there are some hackers that get paid to go into some computers and figure out the blindspots and weak spots. I’m talking really important computers, like the goverment’s computers. Hackers also make games. Yeah, all those games that you play are the work of hackers. Hacking is basically ‘re coding’ something. Or, it can be making a code that never really existed (making a game). So if you’re afraid of hackers, think of it for a second. You’re playing something that is the work of a hacker.
    Crackers, on the other hand, can go into your bank account, and turn that $50,000 into a 0. This actually does happen to some unlucky people, and I agree that it IS horrible. Terrible, heartless and plain selfish. But we’re not talking about those kind of people right? I hope you understand the difference now, because you’ve been told of this a lot of times, but still include it in your posts.
    And I’m not only talking to you, but to everyone that hates hackers and DOES think we’re as*holes.
    And I know it’s not a High School course, but what if you’re at home, and it’s raining outside and there’s nothing to watch on TV? Well, the hackers hack. They’d rather do something to IMPROVE their smarts, rather than watching something that you don’t even like to pass the time, or surfing the web and losing precious brain cells. I can assure you, a lot of us hackers are as smart on their computer as in real life. But you don’t know that, beacuse you don’t hack and neither do you know any hackers, and you come here and make assumptions.
    We’re human, and we want to be treated as humans. Not some ‘little brats who are stuck to the computer because they’re failures in real life and want to feel bad by hacking’ (and don’t say in your post that you never said that. Again, this is NOT only directed to you). Every hacker I know has more of a life and more friends than some people that play maple story (yes, those skinny kids with buck teeth and glasses that can’t play any sports and sound like little girls. Yes, I actually do know some people like that who are level 90+ in Maple Story, and it’s disgusting).
    So, hate us if you want, but I still think there’s that little spark of jealousy deep inside you.

    ~I think, therefor I hack~ In the words of a smart hacker

  29. Enough of this. Shmooks, Theo. Take it easy.
    I don’t mind a discussion, but you guys are getting all riled up over this.

  30. Mipsacri said: “Enough of this. Shmooks, Theo. Take it easy.
    I don’t mind a discussion, but you guys are getting all riled up over this.

    Thats right u two! can’t we all live in peace? Y(T.TY) Peace!Yo

  31. , Sunova, I refreshed and lost half my argument. So, this is going to be shorter than the others.

    I know hackers aren’t rare. I see a few a day, if I decide to actually do something on Maple. I just thought that friends taught friends because hackers are afraid that if they teach complete strangers, said strangers will report them and they could lose everything they hacked for.

    Crackers and hackers are different, you’ve established this before. Or at least, someone has. Apparently, I didn’t get the full message. But I know that hacking is basically coding. And if coding things such as websites can be considered hacking, then I guess I’ve done a bit myself aswell. Not advanced, but HTML, which probably does absolutely nothing to games.

    I know that some hackers are hired by big companies to find faulty points in computers. I was actually going to present that in an earilier post. But not all hackers are as such. Some do it for personal gain, which I find is greedy or wrong. Even if it is in a video game, or real life.

    You’re right, I don’t hack. And I honestly don’t have a huge desire to want to hack, unless you count maintenence and repair of computers hacking. Then I suppose I’d be guilty of such an action. But yes, I do know one hacker. But I get annoyed each time he gloats about his actions of hacking, mainly because I find it stupid that he’d waste time doing something as stupid as “Getting onto the top of the signboard in Henesys and have a game declaring “I’M HACKING BAN ME.” Even if it did take the GMs multiple hours to find him, which I find as an incredibly long time.

    Those types of people that are 9x and are as you described are disgusting, which is why I’m thankful that I don’t know anyone as the such.

    Hate is too strong a word for anything. Dislike is more the term. And you can think I’m jealous if you like, you can think anything you like. But I can assure you, that I’m not. But I’ve not a need to prove this to you, because that would only make me seem pathetic and desperate.

    And, As it seems that neither side is willing to give in, should we agree to disagree? If so, I thank you for the fun I’ve had.

    Edit: I didn’t see your two posts before I started typing this. But I also proposed to end it, so that should be enough? <<; And besides, I’m not getting angry. It was fun, because it was actually a chance to argue with someone who’s able to argue back and not act like a child. 😀

  32. What I wanted to say made no sense so I deleted it and posted this one.

    I understand Mip.

    I take no sides.

    That’s all


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