How Mature

Today I was at pig beach with my level 20 mage, training on pigs, when a level 44 mage [SyrupEDGE, defame him if you see him] Came in and said cc plz. I said “No, I was here first, you cc”. So he continued to KS me, and blame me for ” Fcking with his mobs”. And I tryed my best to ignore him. So then his guild leader came along, and said “What are you doing here?” Then Syrup said “Trying to get these fcking noobs off my @ssland”. [I was training with a friend] And I said “Oh really? How mature of you” and defamed him. Then I cced, because I didn’t really want to be further ksed, or be in his presence. But of course, he folowed me. Then he said “Hey f@g, want to be mass ksed or mass defamed?” So I ignored him, and he kept KSing me. The rest is in my picture. [If it’s not up yet, it will be soon, check back in a couple minutes]

5 thoughts on “How Mature”

  1. Which server is this on? If you can tell me, I’ll gladly defame him if he’s on Khaini.

    BTW, no image D:

  2. i got a character that can defame him on everything except bera i belive so please tell us teh world?

  3. Broa, and I submitted the image >_< Oh well, it was just him calling me a “f@g” repeatedly, you didn’t miss much. Thanks for the support

  4. i wish i was on broa sorry dude. read my blogs on cc plz and the word noob to hear more annoying stuff like that on windia.

  5. Wah, sorry, I’m on Bera, or I’d defame him too. Wouldn’t be able to KS him – I’m only level 26. . .>.<

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