Evil in two words: Super Megaphone.

Normally, I don’t tend to write so often, but this item of evil has come to my attention in the worst way!

This afternoon, I was chatting amongst my guild, as we are currently planning something for the ‘Guild Screenshot Contest’, but was suddenly interrupted. ‘Ch 1: Buying Maple Kandayo, paying well, message me!’ except in that all too familiar foreign language ‘N00bspeak’. A moment passed between all five of us online at the time, then we continued.

But that was just the beginning..

Suddenly another popped up, previous to the first one. Then another, then another! My guild met this with slight annoyance as well as a few universal grumbles, but struggled to continue a civilized conversation amongst the mass of spam. Was it even possible? These Super Megaphones yell to the whole world, no matter where you are, no matter what channel you’re on.

Think of it this way.. would you want junk email, those viciously annoying ‘FW:FW:FW’ to reach you no matter what email you used? Masses and masses of it? I think not. Therefore, I don’t want to see people spamming to the whole world about buying something, or even worse, spamming about nothing at all.

Well, let’s say you’ve already bought some of these torture devices? Want to use them properly? Then let me give you a few pointers personally:

1.) If you want to use one, just use ONE. You don’t need to use three or four to get your message across. We heard you the first time, and you just wasted 3 or 4 dollars. Go you.

2.) Try to use it for something special. I don’t mind when someone shouts out (literately, of course), that their friend has just gotten to the 3rd job advancement. I might even send you a little congrats. Don’t use it for a crappy reason, like to shout out how you want a GM to come to you, or you miss your ex. Nobody cares, and no GM is really going to come to you. Please, stop this nonsense.

3.) Please, for the sake of us folks who like reading whole words, type out completely what you’re saying. If you’re going to waste a dollar for something that’ll last a split-second, at least take the time to type out your words. If you don’t know how to spell something, look it up! If you’re buying/selling, people will listen more. If you’re announcing something, people will be happier for you. Do it.

Jeez, there should at least get a ignore function for these things.

Stop the madness, don’t buy Super Megaphones!

(MaskOfSmak pwns you.)
(P.S: Thanks to everyone for reading my blogs! <3)

15 thoughts on “Evil in two words: Super Megaphone.”

  1. GO GO Mipsacri! ^o^
    I really like your blogs, their fun and hmm, interesting XD
    and ya, megaphones can sometimes be quite annoying. Like instead of just sending a message, eg. “Chn 1. Selling Steelys 6mil” they start with a type of chat like, “X person is hot” – “Oh ya, and i love him!” – “Go him, ” ok thats just dumb ><

  2. I agree there should be an ignore function, but I think after an initial buzz people will use the super megaphones less.

  3. Yea, but when you’ve spent so much time on jMS, you get used to it.
    I think on mSEA to rpevent spam, they increased the price! XD

  4. I agree completely. They’re such a pain when using the Guild or Party chat features. Every few seconds you get interrupted by someone screaming out about someone else being a |-|4x0r or how their mom is ugly. It’s getting really ridiculous.

  5. agree these megaphose are the worst thing since AIDS to hit society.

    and players that use em are not worth the pixels they are made of. DX

  6. Yes, I am not fond of the Super Megaphones either. I must admit that I tried my hand at using them, in order to buy supplies to make my Thorns.
    I was promptly whisper-spammed by no less than thirty people asking how much I’d ask for them, and was harassed when I went to Free Market in an arranged meeting with the lot.
    Kids these days.

  7. I’m not, SUPER bothered by them.

    But they do tend to piss me off after I hear the same message over. And over. And over.

  8. I don’t know, the regular megaphones can be quite as annoying as well.

    I’ve seen whole arguments over megaphones.

  9. I am aggrivated as crap by these things.
    Yesterday, the same people sent messages back and forth
    “blahblahblah is KHAINIS CRACK-HO!”
    “blahblahblah LIKES BIG COCKIESS”
    “blahblahblah WILL YOU HAVE MY CHILDREN?”

  10. i sooo agree wit u on the SUPER MEGAPHONES i was playing yesterday and this guy keep doing this on a super megaphone “sorry guys i cant read what your saying with all the whispers saying shut up”
    another said oops just wasted a dollar. i mean honestly come on stop spamming

  11. HoHum.
    Someone wasted a lot of NX the other day using Super Megaphone to make a bunny.

  12. Thank you! Finally someone else who understands how stupid and evil the super megaphones are. Theyre extremly bad on windia considering our mass popluation of rich idiots who decide to squander the money by displaying to the whole world their defective in-game love life.

  13. T_T” Super megaphones. I get where you’re coming from (and I agree) ; their message reaches you no matter where you are.

    But still, it has its useful uses =]; but at least I can have the satisfaction of knowing that the person who megaphoned that useless post just spent over $1USD, which in my country is $2, which can buy you a pie. x_X”

  14. The arguments and “I LUV U (insert name here) baby/love/darling/honey/sugar/pumpkin/sweetiepie” things are EXTREMELY annoying. However, it’s not as bad as it was the week they came out. So annoying,

    I don’t mind when people say buy/sell ONCE, and they spell things right, but when they don’t, and do it 50 times with “@@@@@” in them, it’s really just pointless.

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