All Your Site Are Belong to Me.

Just kidding, ladies and gents. It is April Fool’s Day, yeah? Time for the evil to make it’s reappearance.

Oh, look, dear friends, it’s the mythical creature of lore, out to eat your children~

‘Fo’sho, duds.

So, here I am. Ooh yeah, and I actually have something to write about for a change! I’ve finally gotten into a new MMO, only this time in a completely foreign format! <dun dun dun> THE XBOX 360! *insert thunder and scary lightning*

This game is appropriately labeled Phantasy Star Universe, and I decided I’d write about it today, even though I’ve been playing it on and off since November (400 hours logged and counting!). Normally, this is the place where I would show you all my lovely screen shots, but alas; the 360 doesn’t take screenshots. So, just use your imaginations.

So, you may ask, why get into PSU? Why not just stay with cool, free, PC-based games? Two reasons:
1.) I needed a change. NO MORE COMPUTER ADDICT. Teehee.
2.) My husband plays and we were trying to think of something to play together.
What better reasons does one need than that, srsly?

Overall, the game sucks. There are some awesome clothing choices (if you’re lucky enough not to be a Cast), and the game is updated fairly regularly, but, yeah. It still sucks. The graphics are lacking, the maps are recycled over and over again, and missions are ground on over and over again, and it’s filled with a pack of young boys playing as female newmans (kind’ve like elves), looking for ciber. However, the classes do change things up a bit, and it makes it a bit more interesting, especially since many missions require you to have parties, which require you to have friends.

(Speaking of which, I wish all MMOs these days included that function, to talk within a party with a mic, not with a separate program.)

There are four races, CASTs (which are kind’ve like androids, geared more for gunning), Newmans (elves, obviously first pick magic user), beasts (cat-type people, main melee fighters), and humans (well.. duh.). This all seems fairly standard practice for an MMO, but the classes make this game special. There are the basic three classes: fortegunner, fortetecher, and fortefighter, but within that, there are more classes that can use both things. For instance, a gunner who uses healing magic on the side (Guntecher), or a techer who focuses on traps(Acrotecher).
Right now, Mike is a level 123 Cast Fortegunner/Guntecher, while I’m a 92 Beast Fortefighter. If you have PSU on the 360 and a few minutes, drop me a line on my gamertag, KingMango, and we could hang out sometime!
Other than that, yeah, I know the game isn’t anything spectacular. I know there could be much better things to do with my time. But it’s a fun game if you have a 360 and an extra 10 bucks to waste a month. Otherwise, don’t go out of your reach to get it.

But yeah. That’s all I gotta say this time.


(P.S: I don’t wanna talk about modding. Don’t even mention it, kthxbai.)

15 thoughts on “All Your Site Are Belong to Me.”

  1. My first reaction was . . . You’re married ? o.O

    Anyways , all hail you for joining the cluthes of da xBox360

  2. Wait, Mip’s marri-
    *Tears plan on how to get Mip*
    And secondly.
    YAY! You have a BOX X 360! (Yea, I call it the box x 360)
    Well, I don’t really know much about that game, but I’m currently playing army of two. Which brings a new meaning to the term teamwork.
    Edit: I feel that the married part is just an april fool’s prank.

  3. Lol, I remember I got your invitation, but I missed it, and the next time I opened the envelope it expired. I was like, “NUUUUUUUUU!” It was epic. x]

  4. Well, actually, Mikuni, this is my real husband. <3

    HAH, I could show you my marriage license, with all the important parts blurred out.

    But yeah, that would be an AWESOME April Fool’s joke, actually. x3


  5. Lol Mip, now if only you played Halo 3 more than PSU, then maybe I could play with you, since I already have you on my 360 friend’s list.

    I tried the demo before too. I don’t know what’s so great about the game. The graphics are horrible, the controls are terrible, and the gameplay is confusing. But whatever, it’s your choice.

  6. Mipsacri said: “Well, actually, Mikuni, this is my real husband. <3

    HAH, I could show you my marriage license, with all the important parts blurred out.

    But yeah, that would be an AWESOME April Fool’s joke, actually. x3


    Wow, that’s pretty young to get married. Ish.

  7. Ah, my parents got married when my mom was 18, so 20 ain’t so bad. Rly. o.o

    Yeah, as I said Dest, the controls are pretty crappy, the graphics are crappy, I only play because the missions sometimes keep me interested, and my friends are on there. ^__^


  8. April Fools?
    Is this blog april fools?
    All my site? I have no site? April fools?
    What is the babbling you are babbling about?
    Fools of April?

    ~LaZzz. . .(I dun get it! T.T)

  9. Dest1 said: “Lol Mip, now if only you played Halo 3 more than PSU, then maybe I could play with you, since I already have you on my 360 friend’s list.

    I tried the demo before too. I don’t know what’s so great about the game. The graphics are horrible, the controls are terrible, and the gameplay is confusing. But whatever, it’s your choice.”

    Halo 3 FTW.

    I played some version of Phantasy Star somewhere. Oh yea, it was on my Dreamcast. WAY old times. Good times. Except I was afraid of everything, so I killed them at range.

  10. I was like
    E:’Hey mum,you did know dad went out to fish,rite?’ (In the wee morning,on a tuesday when he’s suppose to be working)
    M:’What?He never go to work?’
    E:’Yar,he just went out to fish lol’
    M: *Fabergaspsed look*


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