A few weeks ago, my little cousin came over. With him, was the DVD, Monster House. He really wanted to watch it, so I thought, “What the hell. I never finished it anyway.” Well, the character that really killed me was Chowder. Chowder, what a name. With a name like that, you can implement a few good assumptions, if you know what I mean.
Now that you know the background of my blog, I’ll briefly explain my title. At the near end of the movie, Chowder and DJ get hugged by Jenny (at the same time). Afterwards, Chowder says to DJ, “She grabbed my butt.” And yeah, DJ does the typical “F7” face. So now, you don’t have to go “VVtf, Metro. Your title is random. GTFO.”
Anyway, the main connection is this: Chowder reminds me of a typical Mapler. Why? To begin with, most Maplers are around, if not his age. Well, age isn’t too important. It’s a number that represents “experience” such as your level. Nothing more, really. Well, but Chowder’s personality coincides with many Maplers because…
(These few included, but are not limited to…)
1. He’s a coward.
2. He exaggerates everything.
3. He’s biased towards himself.
4. Only cares about himself (or that’s what it seems like).
5. He’s immature.
6. He wants a* girl.
Remember, I’m not basing anything on statistics, nor am I singling out people. I’m not classifying the population as a whole, I’m just stating that MANY of the people are similar to Chowder. Also note that I love making big deals over little things, so don’t mind me.
You all know that most people you meet on Maple Story aren’t the most cultivated people you’d be able to meet. Hell, most of them are “unripe fruits”. I know, I know. A lot of them can be pretty spiffy. I know a few kids that are my buddies on Maple. Anyway, I’m not really concerned with the immaturity on Maple because it’s all the same. I’m just talking about the various forums and databases that are dedicated to Maple Story. The largest of these, is BasilMarket.
Yeah, it gets worse everyday. By that, I don’t mean only their typing, but the quality and generality of their posts. Almost all those “typical” posters does the same thing with their replies and topics.
1. They say random crap because they think it’s funny. ( i lyk pie u lyk pie so good LOLOLOROLFLMAOSLKD)
2. The reply by saying “fail”. This happens most likely when a topic is based on something the poster does not like, or the poster is replying to a “noob”.
3. 4chan rubbish. Seriously, leave it at 4chan. Nobody wants it here.
4. “QFT”. The usage of this is often abused by attention whores who are looking to gain some fame by quoting useful or clever posts. However, this rarely works.
Note: Most people either follow certain fads (fail, QFT, lulz, etc) on Basil or they try to develop their own (which they often fail at doing so). However, most fads are not Basil-originated as they are derived from other boards across the internet.
As for the topics:
1. The one that pisses me off most are kids, who think they know stuff or they decide to make a topic about their blunt knowledge or current events. The latter one is the worse of the two because most of these posters do not know what the hell they’re talking about and when flamed, they often b-tch back for no reason because they know that they have no back-up to their topic.
2. Girl problems. You don’t see many guy problems because most girls on Basil Market are much more mature than the average male poster. The most frequent types of this I see are “Should I quit Maple for a girl?” and “I like this girl and I think she likes me but I’m not sure so I’m going to resort to asking other immature people for advice on a now-mediocre forum.”
3. “_______, please look here! I MADE A TOPIC ABOUT YOU.” This speaks for itself. Fanboys are annoying as hell.
4. “Like my NX? Rate plz.” Okay, these topics are okay from time to time but they start to get annoying when the person looks like everyone else (you know, those typical NX-buyers who all have the same eyes and hair. Oh, and clothes, too) but still try to stand out amongst others.
5. “POST UR REAL PICS HEHE XDXO” Alright. I personally don’t mind seeing these if the topic creator is a responsible person. But when a new “post your picture” topic appears on the boards every week, it gets pretty annoying. Usually, the poster is some kid looking for some “action”. At times I see “only gals post pics plz”. Once again, Basil’s reputation has been ruined by desperate kids obliviously exploiting their idiocy and desperation.
6. “_____ is so interesting.” By this, I mean things that are often blogged about such as anime or stupid activities. A usual reply I’d make would be, “I know you like ______ as much as I like seeing naked women, but you don’t see me making posts about it.” Cunning reaction, I guess. Satire’s your friend. Make good use of it.
Well, I’m actually glad that MMOTales is not a big hit on Basil. If it was, people would start joining and begin to make ridiculous blogs which will ultimately put us in a state of bedlam, something NOBODY here wants.
Oh, and I’ve been continuing my desktop changes. It’s starting to look good. I’ll post some pictures (if you want), later on.
*In Chowder’s case, it’s Jenny Bennet.
Oh, by the way, the Lakers traded Kwame Brown, Javaris Crittenton, Aaron McKie, and the 2008 and 2010 first round draft picks for Pau Gasol.
I love Chowder. Monster House rocked.
And i liked your blog. People annoy me too.
And i liked your blog. People annoy me too.”
In similar ways, I suppose?
Anyway, I forgot to mention this but I have in most of my other rants. This blog applies in reality. Maybe not directly but if you look closely, you’ll notice that people around you follow certain fads and trends. They follow and copy others (individuals who are contemplated) to draw attention to themselves, even if they must do something moronic. Hmmm, I guess this is something mankind has to grow to deal with. In a positive way, of course.
i’m pretty sure nx hoars are included the immature section, right will? =)
lol at Chowders manboobs
They are the epitome of manliness.
They are the epitome of manliness.
Oh, and I say “QFT” or “Phail” sometimes.
Generally, I don’t think people who uses those terms are “noobs”, but people who abuse it too much in a way that they’re implying that they’re the “smartest” or the superior ones are. However, I agree with you on everything else.
Generally, I don’t think people who uses those terms are “noobs”, but people who abuse it too much in a way that they’re implying that they’re the “smartest” or the superior ones are. However, I agree with you on everything else.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I don’t mind people using those terms as they do have objecting connotations. If you use them to make a point, I’m all for it. However, if you use it to gather up attention, then you’ll look like a moron. For example, if you said “Fail” to someone’s hard work or “QFT” to a stupid remark that you think is funny (which probably isn’t), that’s where the problem begins.
lolololol. Metrolink is referred to as “Metro”. lololololol.
I phail at wuv.
Generally, I don’t think people who uses those terms are “noobs”, but people who abuse it too much in a way that they’re implying that they’re the “smartest” or the superior ones are. However, I agree with you on everything else.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I don’t mind people using those terms as they do have objecting connotations. If you use them to make a point, I’m all for it. However, if you use it to gather up attention, then you’ll look like a moron. For example, if you said “Fail” to someone’s hard work or “QFT” to a stupid remark that you think is funny (which probably isn’t), that’s where the problem begins.”
Generally, I don’t think people who uses those terms are “noobs”, but people who abuse it too much in a way that they’re implying that they’re the “smartest” or the superior ones are. However, I agree with you on everything else.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I don’t mind people using those terms as they do have objecting connotations. If you use them to make a point, I’m all for it. However, if you use it to gather up attention, then you’ll look like a moron. For example, if you said “Fail” to someone’s hard work or “QFT” to a stupid remark that you think is funny (which probably isn’t), that’s where the problem begins.”
Ganzicus, you fail.
Naw, just kidding there, buddy.
, I don’t know if it’s me, actually, i do think it’s me,
cuz I have no idea what QFT stands for, it’s not my fault D: I have played in soo long
– VanillaPocki –
oh wait, nevermind, T_T i got it.
Quoted for Truth right!? lol,
– VanillaPocki –
Isn’t it just one of those deliberate typos? Like “liek”?
Liek, yeha, mna.
Monster house was a show that didn’t seem nice but was awesome
2. Girl problems. You don’t see many guy problems because most girls on Basil Market are much more mature than the average male poster. The most frequent types of this I see are “Should I quit Maple for a girl?” and “I like this girl and I think she likes me but I’m not sure so I’m going to resort to asking other immature people for advice on a now-mediocre forum.”
Hell Yeah, you get my like. Stupid boys/girls. (So I’m not stereotyping)
~Lily x33.
They need to bring it back. Either that, or they should put Mythbusters in a time frame in which I can follow. I don’t have time to watch it anymore.
Hell Yeah, you get my like. Stupid boys/girls. (So I’m not stereotyping)
~Lily x33.”
Not to mention that most Maplers are desperate. . .
Finally, someone who also hates the phrases, fail, phail, epic fail, epic phail, QFT, pie jokes and stuff like that.
I also hate FTW.
FTL is even worse cos its someone trying to make something funny out of something not, which doesn’t work here.
I also hate FTW.
liek, azns 4tw
I also hate FTW.
liek, azns 4tw
phail phail phali!111eleven!1onehundredone! wyte surpremacie liek ftw!
I also hate FTW.
liek, azns 4tw
phail phail phali!111eleven!1onehundredone! wyte surpremacie liek ftw!”
ye mom iz surpremacie
I also hate FTW.
liek, azns 4tw
phail phail phali!111eleven!1onehundredone! wyte surpremacie liek ftw!”
ye mom iz surpremacie