Common Courtesy

Blog #2

its time to talk about a little thing called “manners”.

i play MapleSEA, and while i dont pretend to know everything about todays youth, it seems apparent that a large percentage of kids these days are spoiled brats. dont get me wrong. im not bad-mouthing everyone. only about 50%. i have many cool friends who are very decent ppl and kind to me, but of course, most of them are above 20.

there are actually some days where i can play MS and *not* b KSd or bullied. now, u may b thinking, “this kuzu dude must b some lvl 25 noob. so of course hes gonna b KSd.” it happens to everyone, right? this still happens to me at lv 80+ and, well, it really shouldnt. if everyone had just a teeny ounce of respect for other players, and had a little bit of consideration, KSing would never have to happen. KSing is all about greed. that player does not care at all about the other player, who has possibly been training there for XXminutes patiently. instead of asking nicely to share, they barge in and overcome the other player with brute force. (ok maybe im being a little melodramatic, but i want ppl to read my blogs too ^^ )

what is with all the attitude? i cant step into a semi-popular map without someone shouting, “CC pls!” Before i even set foot on the ground or chuck a single star, someone is telling me to basically get the @#$! out. how about using a little bit of courtesy? u could try saying, “sry the map is full” or “please find another channel.” then i would respond with, “ok thank you anways” or “sorry to disturb you.”

have u even been to FM and tried to trade people? I cant even begin to count the number of times where traders just cancel the conversation, without giving a comment or farewell. I know what they are thinking, which is: “ur price is too low/high.” But why cant they just say, “acutally im looking for __meso. if u can meet me halfway, maybe i will consider it.” its really not that hard… to just extend a teeny amount of courtesy. like a simple “hi” when u open a conversation. i know ppl are in a hurry; i am too. but it makes dealing with ppl much more pleasant if we all gave each other a little thing called ‘respect.’

has the youth forgotten what this word means? im not the type of person to go around preaching, but i really think its time for a change. there needs to b a change in attitude, a change of character, a change of heart. stop acting like @#$!heads pls. ty ^^

5 thoughts on “Common Courtesy”

  1. Welcome to the real world buddy, see i am a nice guy and rightious guy, but theres still goign to be some rude people, like this one time, tryng to get horns for my friend for exchange, this sin 3x or so comes to my ch and tell sme to leave, lying and so on, then he thought he was real cool he got out his COUSINS 6x sin to ks me, and abuse, being a rightiuos guy i tried to reason with him to share a map, i didnt defame him or did not report him for abuse, then i got fed up and told my friend to come by hes 9x dk and brought his friend 9x icelit mage, the sin didnt bother to do nothing, he didnt say anything as they came in, the next day he apologised, and i told him to do the right thing

    thanks for your blog it inspired me more to keep going and try to change this world by ms

  2. I agree wholeheartedly but this is the trend of the times when time is money and money overrides everything. Even in a game. How often do you see someone levelled more then 60 NOT throwing their weight around with the 2Xs and 3Xs? Then again, for some reason Sins just get very very poor street cred with other players. Not all sins are KSers- but its a form of prejudice ya?

  3. Its the tv and movies and such, and more and more asswipes are being born, corrupting once good kids. My little brother whos in 6th grade knows many more curses and such than me, and I’m frigging 17.

  4. ohh i open my trades with “hi”
    but if the price is too low i cancel.
    and i mean, who would sell someone tobis for 500k?

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