Simple Solution : IGNORE

Hi all. FirstKnight here, to give you a helpful tip (maybe helpful to you).

Ok, now there are people who are getting mad at beggars and such. Sure, we all hate them, so we talk back and all right? Well here’s 1 simple solution – ignore them. They’ll leave sometime, if you ignore them.

Beggars = People who ask for things. Fame, items, mesos, they want them for free, and asks.
Ways to ignore :
1. Disable trades when you’re in a place where there are lots of people, especially channel
2. Just walk past, or say “I don’t have any to spare, sorry”. If they follow you, run!
3. If someone annoys you by whispers/chats, block them! And when you think it’s safe, unblock them.

Scammers = People who ask for drop games/tells you to show their item.
Ways to ignore :
1. Don’t even play a drop game! It’s always a scam, people don’t follow the rules! (Not all)
2. Someone trades you, then tells you to press ‘tab tab space enter’. Don’t fall for it, cancel it!

KSers = People who go into your map, and kills the monsters in it, hitting your monsters too.
Ways to ignore :
1. You can’t really ignore KSers. You have to fight back. Hit all of the enemies in the map once, so you get free EXP.
2. If you have patience, wait. The KSer will leave sometime.

So, the point of this blog is to help you ignore people like these. If you do something complicated, you’ll run into bigger situations. If you have more, please feel free to post. Thank you!

4 thoughts on “Simple Solution : IGNORE”

  1. In the KSing part, what if you hit a monster and like the KSer kills it and has a drop that is yours and your like on the other side of the map, they jack it and run? o.O And alot of noobs defame you if u dont give them mesos so yeah,

  2. one of the newer additions, the black list is made so people cant bother u. When u put someone on ur blacklist they cant whisper, trade or chat invite u.

  3. Finally, someone with some sense. I totally agree with you.

    Heed the Creed of Ignoring. Even if they piss you off to high heaven, and get an uberAWEDSFAFWE drop from whatever monster they KSed, or they decide to come after you with mass defame. Ignore or log off. There’s nothing much you can do to them other than punch their pixels on the monitor. And if you give them attention, that’s just what they crave. So why satisfy them? Ignoring is the best way to go.

    Or. You could do it like me. 1) I stalk my defamers if possible and tell them strange things like ‘Zomg, I’m in luurve with you.’ or 2) I phlame them (KSers) so hard, they need asbestos underwear to survive. Either way I have fun even if I lose out Maple-wise. ^^

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