All posts by KuzuRanger

Common Courtesy

Blog #2

its time to talk about a little thing called “manners”.

i play MapleSEA, and while i dont pretend to know everything about todays youth, it seems apparent that a large percentage of kids these days are spoiled brats. dont get me wrong. im not bad-mouthing everyone. only about 50%. i have many cool friends who are very decent ppl and kind to me, but of course, most of them are above 20. read more

The Power of Idiocy

[interactions with DarkSLN90 inspired todays entry]

i could, and eventually will, give u the full details on how i came to exist in this world we call maplestory. but for now, ill just give u the short n’ skinny: i play MS to train and to meet nice ppl.

that being said, i must confess im finding it hard to do either. mSEA recently opened up ludi, so i took the inexpensive ride over from Orbis. after a few days of completing all of the quests, i decided to go check out the critters and see what i could train on. hmm. at level 60 there were not many choices left. i could either try master chronos, or try buffys or teddies. both buffys and teddies are fairly similar. i could dispose of them, but exterminating their bigger, more advanced relatives seemed to b a much more difficult task. clearly, staying there would not b efficient training. read more