Stupid NX Cash brats!

Out of all the groups of unkind and immoral players I hate on MapleStory, the ones I hate the most are the braggers, and the ones who use their parent’s credit card to buy mesos or earn money. I recently met a guy in path of time 2, hunting for more tobi on my friends sin. he asks if I want free guild. I agree, because it has a cool name and a cool symbol. Anyway he gives me my rank and tells me to level up to go up in the guild. So I’m like, ‘Ok I’ll do that.’

So I’m training and I notice the guild leader is talking. He is saying something about 5 tobi 11 att work glove and a 10 luk cape. so I’m thinking he’s just wondering what his dream items are, and he goes, ‘I have the money yeah, about 100mil’. And I’m thinking ‘WOAH… This guy is a level 4x bowman, there’s no way he’s unfunded. So i ask him how he got that much money, and gets super pissed. He just says, ONLY WAY TO MAKE MONEY IS WITH CASH SHOP NOOB.

… I tell him he might need to reword that, because what he said is untrue on so many levels and is a ridiculously nooby thing to say. It doesn’t even make any sense. So I tell him, ‘NX cash can’t get you mesos.’

He’s like, ‘STORE PERMIT NOOB!!!!!’ I’m wondering why all of a sudden he’s all pissed and I start laughing, ‘lol’ing at his stupidity and logic. He then goes on to explain that store permit is ‘teh’ only way to make big money in the game, because he’s a rich pro, and I’m a noob because I was training in my psuedo noob outfit.

So now I’ve pretty much deciphered his side of the story. he buys crap average or low and sells it super high on the channel one fm’s. That’s an effecient way to make money of course, but it got to me that he was raving about how he was so pro, like he worked hard for his money. He probably did work hard to earn 100mil through merchanting, but not nearly as enough as a true pro who mastered the game without thier parents credit card. It makes my blood boil and I’m still angry now. To all you kids with your parents credit card: don’t try to say you’re pro because you’ve decked out your pixels with 45$ worth of virtual items. That just makes me laugh.

PS: So I don’t get flamed by a bunch of people who think I’m a some jealous kid without a credit card, I DO have a credit card, I just don’t spend that much on things that aren’t even tangible. ie. Pixels.

15 thoughts on “Stupid NX Cash brats!”

  1. :/ These brats are the ones that keep MS running, I guess. Their stupidity and spendthrift ways make up the paychecks of the GMs and game developers and the advertisers and the the, Ah. All teh ebil people that make up MS.
    Bear with them? I mean, other than making you mad, there is really nothing they have done to hurt you. Just flame them so bad, they think Hell has air-con

  2. You have a good point, but the gMS community sucks. I wish my computer would run jMS, >_>

  3. The “braggers” is wasting there money. usualy people buy 10k NX, you buy buy clothe in REAL LIFE. that wil last more then 90 days. and the guy your talking about, has no life what so ever, he cares about online life rather then real life.

  4. Same for MSEA, kornonkob. I think it is something to do with MS itself, haha. I don’t know japanese, so I’ll just die of confusion in JMS, I think.

  5. well i went to go buy a prepaid card and went ahead and did what he did to get rich. but i did not become a jerk. i dont brag to the point where i look like a complete a**h*** just because someone doesnt have it. plus it takes much longer to make profit without a cash shop. i tried with out it and i make 4 mil in 1 month whereas with a shop i make 4 mil in 2 days sometimes quicker. the point that i am trying to make is that not all ppl are brats who ask their mommies and daddies to buy nx some actually work and spend their own money on the game. after all its free to play y not spend some money on the game?

  6. not all people who buy nx are evil, i only got it in the first place because its cheap for me – $30 is £17

  7. Sorry but i dont use my parent’s money. I usually save 50% of my weekly allowance and save till about $50 before buying a card which cost $10.50. My weekly allowance isnt much either, only $10 per week.

    It is Singaporean dollars guys.

  8. HEy, Cashusers please continue to use cash! YOu are not stupid and pro to use Cash.

    Keep the game FREE!

  9. MAN, that got ME pissed off >_> That dang noob. I mean, I was gifted the cash for my birthday, but I don’t even have a store permit. And what a noob, he should go train to earn money, instead of leeching off his parent’s credit card. . . >_>

  10. waht i dont get is that why parents let their children use their credit card
    isn’t there a thing going on bout video games and their cons blah blah blah?
    i would have thought he made money (somehow) and used his own on his game, not begging his parents for money (and i thought parents were tough to budge)

    since im lankan, my parents wont even think about funding my game so i could play more

  11. merr my parents wont even let me have a allowance =.=” and they dont let me buy manga >=( how evil so no way are they going to support pixelated stuff that actually cost money =.=” i AM jealous that ppl get nx cash (my friend has nx cash and shes younger than me!) but bleh, gotta see what will happen next =D

  12. hm, I have bought 10k nx cash with my own money. cuze I didnt wanted to use my parents money for the nx card.
    and I am angry on my self that I was stupid enough to buy it -_-.

  13. I remember, I bought 25k NX and then my cousin went on my account and burned it all on EXP hairstyles. O_o And then I bought another 25k NX for my friend, and I stopped talking to him after that.

    Funny how that works out.

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