All posts by kOrNoNkOb

Bandit Or Assassin? The Age Old Question

o you want to become a thief? Well thief is the most common and most seen type of class on maplestory. Everyone wants the speed power and overall coolness of being a thief. But before you can be one, you have to make a choice. Assassin or Bandit? If you think you’re the only one that has had this thought occur you’re wrong. Very wrong.

In this short little guide I’m going to show you the ups and downs of being an assassin and bandit. I have no assassin or bandit, but believe me I’ve played on a 5X assassin and read all I can about being a bandit. I believe I’m pretty well educated, so if you’re ready continue and hear me out. read more

Stupid NX Cash brats!

Out of all the groups of unkind and immoral players I hate on MapleStory, the ones I hate the most are the braggers, and the ones who use their parent’s credit card to buy mesos or earn money. I recently met a guy in path of time 2, hunting for more tobi on my friends sin. he asks if I want free guild. I agree, because it has a cool name and a cool symbol. Anyway he gives me my rank and tells me to level up to go up in the guild. So I’m like, ‘Ok I’ll do that.’ read more

What The Heck?!

Today was kind of odd… I went to fire boars with a friend, trying to level, when I got this fire boar into a corner and my friend killed it. When the spoils dropped a wad of mesos hit the wall and flew over her head on the screen. We both instantly made the f6 face but i didn’t take a pic. (>_<) Anyway I picked it up and she said she thought I was hacking. (what?) read more