I was wandering the streets of MS again, and then I realized…
“Zomg, almost everyone is a higher level than I am!” D:
Yeah, sure, this is the usual, but it makes me wonder whether some people have any lives trying to get to level 100. .__.
I mean, no offense if you’re level 100+ or something, but wow. I cant imagine myself doing that at all. Its hard enough trying to get from level 41 to 42 for me! XD
Also, we have those lovely level 70+ people who spy me with my Beta hat on, and then ask me:
y r u low lv u com frm beta so u shd b hi lv
Well, I -do- have a life and I go to it.
What I hate is when people think theyre better/know more things than you. Why do they do this? o.o Id just ask a simple question such as where one can get an item, and they just go, noob go away.
I then realize to never go ask people for information ever again.
Also, BasilMarket/HiddenStreet is a wonder. X3
So yeah, just a little summary of what I have felt over the day.
I think getting to level 70 in WoW is like getting to level 80ish in Maple.
Oh joy D:
Level 58. . . what a nub I am.
Ditto. One of my friends got to 70 in a month – no glitch PQing, no diamond quest glitching, or any of that. And I’m like. “wut?”
I’m the lowest level of all my friends. And the highest level I’ve ever gotten to was 65. Which took forever.
But I like having a life. It’s fun. Life > Maple, IMO. x]
Well, that’d also depend on your opinion of life. Sometimes it sucks even worse than MS, amazingly. :/
Yeah, but I mean in general. Would you rather hang out with friends or play MS?
I level on average once a year. ^^ (exaggerrated. You know what I mean.)
. . .
I never get enough time to play.
Compared to other forums, basilmarket is just horrible and irritating.
I don’t know how I got addicted to it. I managed to get out of the website by going to Tech Support Guy forums
Me is nerd ;~;
I like this place.
It’s full of perverted people *coughdestcough* and potatoes proposing marriages to little gullible 13 year olds.
Ah, yes. This is the true spirit of MapleStory.
Yeah well, I can do both hanging out with friends and Maple at the same time. >.>
wat heks u use?
wat heks u use?”
V. 3.8 I’ll bet
I just chill with my female-friend (yea I didn’t ask her out yet) Since all my other buddies is on still on Maple.