RANT asplosion.


Hey there, kids. I feel a big, fat, salty rant comin’ up. So. . . It’s time for . . .


Alright, so what’s with all those people out there that love to ruin my state of being content? Listen morons, if I like a game, and I play it often, and you know that I play it, don’t go up to my face and say:


I like MS, alright? It’s not exactly the most popular game in my school, and not everyone plays it, so I like being unique. I play it when I get the chance, and I have plenty of friends on it, both from r/l and cyber-ly.

Everyone goes up to me, saying things such as: “Dude WoW is better ms is gey(torade),” or, “Rofl? maplestory? ms? hahahhaha pms b1+tch1ng”. Listen, what is so effin’ wrong with me playing this game? Let me be who I want to be, a MapleStory lover.

And listen, I don’t like paying money monthly just to be able to play a game. It’s hard to find a fun game and that’s free as well, and MapleStory both fits those categories as easy as 1,2,3.

Hey, th1s g@m3 h@s bett3r grafix and itz 3-d

orly? My response: Hey, MapleStory has lush detail, and it’s 2-D.

3-D better

No 2-D

The best part about MapleStory is that the user interface is quite easy to grasp. Most games I download are either boring or impossible to understand, and what to do. I downloaded “Trickster”, and I played for 1 second, and my head contacted with the table so fast I nearly farted from sudden movement.

“But Spade! Halo totally roxors > Maplestory! That’s great! I enjoy playing Halo. I have Halo 2, and friends come over often, and we play whenever we get the chance. But does that mean I can’t enjoy MS as well? It’s great, but there are things from MapleStory that Halo 2 can’t capture, and things from Halo 2 that MapleStory can’t capture.

“fine halo 3 then, wut about dat.” Easy. I sold my 360.

There are also many debates about what’s better, RuneScape, or MapleStory. I’ve tried RuneScape, and once I got past the training process, I had NO idea what to do. I’m not saying it’s a bad game or necessarily hard to play, it’s just that the taste doesn’t fit my buds very well. And to all those RS players out there, please don’t bash on MS, we know you dislike the game, but don’t ruin it for the +3,000,000 people that are playing.

Whew, I worked up a sweat. Alright. Rant, OVA.



MSN: iSHiNx7 AT NOSPAM hotmail.com

20 thoughts on “RANT asplosion.”

  1. Download link to WoW+TBC downloaders, in a .zip
    MirandasWoW website
    MirandasWoW forum (may be temporary)

    1. Download both the client and expansion. This may take a while, as the client is total of around 5 GB. Don’t worry if you have to cancel the DL, when you run the downloaders again they will check the download progress and start again from where it left off.
    2. Install the game and expansion. (duh)
    3. Patch the game by running the launcher. (WARNING: CANCEL THE DOWNLOADER/PATCHER WHEN IT REACHES VERSION 2.3.3 OR HIGHER)
    4. Create an account at MirandasWoW. (NOTE: SERVER IS CURRENTLY DOWN FOR UPGRADES, and the account registration page is currently closed as well. The upgrade is expected to last until Tuesday.)

    5. Enter your WoW folder.
    6. Open “realmlist.wtf” with any text editor.
    7. Delete everything, copy the following, and then save.

    set realmlist mirandaswow.servegame.com
    set patchlist us.version.worldofwarcraft.com

    8. Use your WoW.exe to run the game, NOT THE LAUNCHER! At the login screen, uncheck the “Show Launcher” box at the bottom right. Check if the version is 2.3.0 ~ 2.3.2. Now, just login and create a character!

  2. iSPADE said: “Advertisment. *bans Gan*



    The rules say nothing about non-profit private game servers o:<

  3. Just tell them that you’re entitled to enjoy whatever the hell you want. If they don’t understand, it’s their problem. Half the people that will go up to you to talk about their own personal concerns about Maple Story will be naive about it. Don’t let it get to you.

  4. I totally know how you feel! I have this friend who keeps telling me to play Flyff. I tried it TWICE and I was extremely bored with it. I told him that I would rather play MS and since he had a few characters on there, he played with me, for all of 2 days. Suddenly, he was telling me how much MS sucked. I don’t know if it was because I was a higher level than him or because his best friend decided that MS sucked but he always started to bad mouth it every chance he got. Finally, I told him that I will play my games and he will play his. Put up or STFU. From then on we don’t bring up MMOs. I don’t know why people just can’t respect the fact that others have different tastes than them. Geez.

  5. 3D vs. 2D?

    I’m all for 2D. Do you want to know why? Because when I was a child, I wanted to grow up and be an animator for Disney. And then those guys went psycho and fired all of their 2D animators. I was heartbroken. Of course, they re-hired them . . . but all because 3D is more of a money-maker?

    I honestly hate 3D. All of my friends who are animation majors tell me that 3D is one of the most boring forms of art ever made. Really, reeeally boring.


  6. Yep.


    I brought a ham and cheese and peanut butter sandwich to school one day. It tasted wonderful to me. My table made the experience miserable though, what with their faces and utterances of disgust and complaints. What’s the big deal anyway? It’s not like I’m making them eat it.

  7. Ryuuki said: “Yep.


    I brought a ham and cheese and peanut butter sandwich to school one day. It tasted wonderful to me. My table made the experience miserable though, what with their faces and utterances of disgust and complaints. What’s the big deal anyway? It’s not like I’m making them eat it.”

    rice + ketchup + soy sauce = not good

  8. “That’s a kid’s game!”
    “The graphics on it suck.”
    “Those people you play with are idiots!” (*after lookint at a random smega*) Me: I don’t know them?
    “You don’t even know who these people are!”

    All things uttered by my boyfriend. Alas, I’m lucky enough to have a non-gamer boyfriend. At least not online.

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