“AC isnt haker”

Next person to argue that auto-clicker isn’t a hacking tool is getting the business end of my foot in their business end.

Anyway, I’ve been somewhat quiet lately. I seem to be somewhat distracted, just off in my own world. Anyway, for anyone who hasn’t seen the EternalAngels BBS, I’ve swapped Veroandi out for my newer magician, Ustione. I’ve only been playing her for a while, so you might see more of me now. So on to my actual blog. Not sure where to start.

I guess I’ll start here. I felt like trying out Magician a week or so back and did my normal sit – around – bored – for – two – hours – and – get – a – 4/4 thing. Decided to make her a F/P Wizard and, through the use of Google Translator, I came up with Ustione. Lots of leveling, blah blah blah, finally started doing party quest.

Now, the Kerning City party quest is level 21 to 30 only, for anyone who’s forgot, but Magicians and Assassin-to-bes are by far the fastest until the later half. My first level or two I had some trouble, but only died once and made up for it with speed in the second through fourth stages. I can understand people not knowing how to do things, everyone’s new at some point, so I had no problem in teaching them.


When they still didn’t get it, I’d say it again, but with a hint of annoyance. If they still didn’t get it, then I just started to get angry. I dislike incompetence, but I hate when they just don’t listen, even after asking. At least twenty times I had to go through how to do it in just one day (like five hours online) and just refused to teach anymore. I had moved from 21 to 26 in about a day and a half (not solid play time) and started asking for experienced groups.

Doing the Party Quest a few times, experience dose not make. The term “experienced”, in my understanding, is someone who knows not only how to do the quest, but to do it well, and importantly, fast. Around this time I was pretty annoyed and ready to hurt things. Then I get the party from ach – ee – two sticks. Standing around in channel one, I was asking for a party that was experience, level 25+, and no hackers. I see over on the side of me screen, not an invitation, no, someone screaming at me to move to channel three. I figure, ok, leader is holding the room or something, so I change over.

No one was there.

I wait, and nothing. I scroll through my long chat log and find his name and send a few whispers. Nothing. I send more. Nothing. I change back over to channel one and start my requesting again (keep in mind this was the middle of the night on GMS so there was few people around). Not a minuet later, he’s screaming at me again. I just wanted to hit 27 that night so I changed again and got an invite (shockingly).

Screen goes black and I think “Thank God, an actual party quest.” Wander over and get my question, levels to become a thief, and start getting my kills. Now, stay with me for a second, this all happened so fast I’m not sure of the order. I see there’s a warrior with us, but he’s in bad armor. I figure he’s low dex and just move on. Then I see one of the thieves doing extremely low hits and check him and see he’s only level 22. Peeved that they ignored what I said, I let it go. Then, this one tops it, I hear “Can we drop out and rush back in? I need 35.” It was the thief that said it, so I tell him to not worry as I can kill fast and help him. After I have 15 or so more then I need, the leader says we are going to drop, because the warrior needs 35 also. I say “Fine, whatever, just make it fast,” and watch as a lose all my tickets.

Now, here is where I almost killed them. They send one guy to scout and he says it’s all clear. We drop out and start running back to the NPC only to find not one, but two parties standing there. Since we dropped out of stage one they didn’t seem to notice and we got in again. We get our questions and they decide they’re “acceptable”. I get mine and just sit and wait because they apparently don’t need my help. I go away for a few moments and tell them so (but apparently they can’t read) and when I get back I see the leader vacing all the monsters a little ways to the left of me, then walk through them. I was about to take a screenshot, but I see them ALL attacking them and the leader starts walking through to show off his “god mode”. THEN the warrior does a Slash Blaster and misses every single one. Now I see why they didn’t want to collect large amounts. Checking the party list, he’s only level 21.

Right here, I was pissed. I’m kicking myself for not taking a screeny, but I reported the leader for hacking and included the chat log (you can do that now, little check box at the bottom) and said something about loser hackers and got them kicked, used my Nimble Feet to get there first and told the parties waiting that it was open. Last I saw of them.

So now it’s a day or two later and I’m now level 28. I’ve given up on Party Questing for now, on to hunting for a Maple Helmet and a Staff. There’s a mass mob of hunters, but that just means super spawn rates and free drops (no one picking them up back hackers, so I might as well loot it). I might actually take a break from playing and try to de-stress myself. Probably write another chapter or something.

1) Getting my Leaf Earrings.
2) Someone randomly mentioned our levels (Guild, names blurred).
3) More stupid people, unprovoked (Warning: Swear Word).
4) After I leveled up . . . (see #2)(lowered quality for size).

Edit: took three times to submit all the pitcures so they were small enough, and I can’t figure out why there’s / s in my title . . .
Edit edit: Now they’re gone. o.o;
Edit edit edit: Reread it . . . fixed a number of spazzy errors.

8 thoughts on ““AC isnt haker””

  1. ROFL I liked the face you put on the guy in pic 3. XD And yeah, People are awfully similiar in Orbis PQ, I only did PQ 2 or 3 times. I trained for the rest of the levels til I went to Ludi PQ, which had the same results. I don’t like PQs anymore. I keep on bugging my friends to get to lvl 51 to do a Orbis PQ. XD , Longest comment (for me) yet. o.o

  2. O_o I am in EA. And about four – six people left the guild. Some got kicked for misc reasons which it left entirely up to the Jr/master. So vague.
    @Freece, so YOU’RE that magician. 0mg you level so quick!

  3. Hacking Tool= Something that didnt come with the game and you use to get an advantage over other people.

    So yes AC is one lol

  4. Next person to argue that auto-clicker isn’t a hacking tool is getting the business end of my foot in their business end.
    Meatwad:Well I’m in business, business of kicking your ass, and lemme tell you business is booming, I’m open for business. . . business is giving you the business. . .up your butt man. . . .

    I was bored O_o ?_?

  5. Hm.

    Which is why I try to keep away for PQs, other than the times when I decide I need punishment.

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