Power Leveling…?

idk if “Powerleveling” is a abd thing or a good thing, but i found a company (totally legit) they have been around for 5 years, so i gave them a shot and they leveled up my wizard from 48 to 51 in 1 day, 8 hours. I’m totally clueless if i should be ashamed of what i have done, or grateful. They level with great fortitude, and legally. thepowerlevel.com was the site, but if anyone can tell me if hiring companies like this is a good thing or a bad thing.

6 thoughts on “Power Leveling…?”

  1. I don’t know if I would trust them, just because I’m super wary about things like that. What with cookie grabbers and such. : I dunno if it’s really good or bad, you didn’t hack, but yet you didn’t spend the time to level your character either. *shrugs* It’s all how you view it I guess.

  2. I don’t know if I would trust them, just because I’m super wary about things like that. What with cookie grabbers and such. :/ I dunno if it’s really good or bad, you didn’t hack, but yet you didn’t spend the time to level your character either. *shrugs* It’s all how you view it I guess.

  3. Be happy.

    Noone wants to train like that in 1 day.

    I mean. . . Who absolutly loves training around other people who will tell them to CC?

  4. I’m pretty sure account sharing is a bannable offense.

    Power-leveling is essentially giving your account info for someone else to use, correct?

    Legitimate or not in their training, it ain’t legitimate for such things.

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