Due to the 2x drop rate event from 8:30 – 9:30,it drew several Incendirians online for a hunting spree.
Thanks to that,there were enought people to go Gpqing.
It’s always interesting,how people ask us if we are active and friendly or not,when they wanna join us.
Friendly,HELL Yes!
Active?We pop by at all sorts of random timeings.And i mean it.
And that puts them off,but who cares,I dont want those guys then.
We can be dead on saturdays and sundays but am able to host midnight gpqs on a monday.
Many mondays rather,or so i noticed.
Interesting right?
Today was one of those random timeing days.
After the 2x drop rate,people from all parts of maple flew together to one continent,one town.
At 1st,the Gpq was for fun.
But then,we soon realised,
We had almost 30k guild points.
The aim = Hit 30k!
Furthermore,from stage 1 till the death of Eragoth = 14mins
Cleared Boss stage = 15.X mins (LOLED)
Hit 30.5k+- Guild Points.
Then we noticed,
The 50th rank guild on the Guild Ranking Board was ROAR,with 3506 guild points.
We were just about 5k short.
5,000+- more.
If we tried to beat that record another day,it would be hellish harder since we wont know when will be the next time we be Gpqing again,surely by then the record would had gone up.
And making it even harder to beat.
Since it was dead late,a deal was made.
5 Rounds of continous Gpq on that day itself (250k a person) ,FOC to all, sponsered by eon.
Whoever leaves during the 5 rounds must pay for the amount of rounds that person had done.
Those who were with us from the starting tiill the end will be given extra credit.
And so it was!
5 rounds of continous Gpq,at late 11pm+ running till 2:30am+- on a school day.
It’s seriouselyinteresting to as how we can actually Gpq that late into the night.
With silver having a essay to finish that day,to top that.And us nagging at her XD
And lolli having to go to school,dcing and dying at Eragoth like… ? I lost count.
Posb kept dying cos he kept 4getting to wear his earings.
I had to pee so many times due 2 overdose of cafaine from coke that kept me awake if not i be doing something wierd.(i did some pretty wierd things in the pq LOL of which i cant rly rmb )
And somemore interestingly funny wierd things.
And it’s even more interesting such that our Gpq runs are usually after 9pm+,sometimes passing midnight.
Even on a school day.
This one ended past 2am.
Dean’s brother logged in just as we were doing our 1/5 run.
So in the end,he joined in during the 2nd round,but dced.
And,he waited. (cos it was free LOL)
2nd round done!
3rd round done!
4th round done!
5th round done!But sadly,due to miscalculation,we were still lacking 500+ points.
[/inserts groining noise effects]
Therefore a 6th FOC round.
Teh Proud and Happy Guild Master of Incendiary presents to you……..
>>Incendiary in 50th place,on the Guild Ranking Board,with 36031 Guild Points,8 men squadren,unoffically 7men party.<<
(iChill was there incase people dc-ed)
Special Thanks to-
Novv Lvl 127 Shadower – Boss Bomber
Lollipop91 Lvl 133 I & L Arch Mage – MultiTask Man / Death-Due-2-Forgetting-To-wear-Earings Man / Mini Smuggler
StephenZZZ Lvl 103 I & L Mage – Statue Man / Jump Quester
Droidekia (Posb) Lvl 93 Hermit – Jump Quester / Death-Due-2-Forgetting-To-wear-Earings-Due-2-Tiredness KING
xblesSedxx (Kiro) Lvl 20 Rogue – MiniStatue Lady / Jump Quester / Smuggler
Verchiel (Silver) Lvl 10 Rogue (i just realised she’s lv 10 ._.”) – Statue Lady / Jump Quester / All-Time Suicider
iBrat (Dan aka dean’s bro) Lvl 19 Rogue –Not Sure LOL
Dont worry,Lolli is still the King of Dying.
Eona the Lord.
Prata the Nightie.
Silver the Nubcake.
Lazy the Quiet.
Posb the Ghey.
(cant rmb the rest)
Oh,and 2 new additions to the iCraze.
Joining the current gang iChill / iSell / iDeany / iLawry / iPrata / iWhatever / iWhoever
are iRepty and iBrat
<3 ya guys
I m rightin this like 7:55am in the morning without rest.LOL.
Edit:We had 10Gpq runs that day,or so silver says.
Due to SSBB, I won’t be doing anything social for a while, and that includes GPQing on MS.
If anyone wants to put down their friend code here, you’re more than welcome. (:
Whats a SSBB,and a friend code? 0_O
Eona, SSBB is Super Smash Brothers Brawl, a popular Nintendo Wii game that throws in all the Nintendo characters from the ages to fight.
Friend codes are what you would call a Gamer Tag on X-Box live. They’re numbers you exchange with friends in order to play with them.
Prata is Lord of the Pratas~
And you’re the Nightie.
Yar. Verchiel, the GPQ nub is already lvl 25. =.=
Wow, that’s pretty neat!
Surely if she was level 10 she couldn’t have owned my level 15 archer ? >D
You know what I think of Maple Story?
Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I’mma go play that now.
wad posb the ghey?!
i am so NOT the ghey!
*RAWRS* >.>
Death-Due-2-Forgetting-To-wear-Earings-Due-2-Tiredness KING,
wad a long title, =.-
Woah, that’s pretty spifffehtaculah @ O@
And you’re the Nightie.
Yar. Verchiel, the GPQ nub is already lvl 25. =.=”
Wierd,maplesea ranking had her stated at lv 10.
*steals comment*
Yeah, what he said except better than me!
Nude Thursday –
Incendiary hits 48th Positon!
Incendiary hits 48th Positon!
How do you GPQ so much? o.0?!?!?!?
Incendiary hits 48th Positon!
How do you GPQ so much? o.0?!?!?!?”
Those 6 rounds?
Free of charge.
Cos everyone has to sponcer 50k to me,to bomb Eragoth.
Since it was free = save 300k,6 rounds = 6 chances to get scrolls/skillbooks/ect
What a cool guild
Grats on 50th rank!
Incendiary hits 48th Positon!
How do you GPQ so much? o.0?!?!?!?”
Those 6 rounds?
Free of charge.
Cos everyone has to sponcer 50k to me,to bomb Eragoth.
Since it was free = save 300k,6 rounds = 6 chances to get scrolls/skillbooks/ect”
You know I’ve never gotten anything before yet
Ty gujj
Rept dude try different boxes.
I got 3 scrolls in a row out of yesterday’s round LOL.
Ok, see, THIS IS WHY I WANT TO PLAY SEA! You guys, I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m having fun with my version and friends, but still! The STORIES you have! Just, beautifullicious!
But I can’t, because I live in America, even though we somehow got the SEA version for sometime ANYWAY. >P
The closer I get to taking Ergoth on, the more likely I’ll instigate gpqs myself. In any case, grats on the 50th place!
Haha Tninja thanks,but we are in 48th place now! >D
Btw,you wanna play mapleSea in cyber life,i wanna live in japan or somewhat somewhere else in reality.America is fine too! D:
Oh yar,how do you intend on taking Eragoth on?
(spies that you are a cdit too
I solo him for all rounds,see.