4th Job. Yawn.

Blarg. Guess who got 4th job?

Random guy: FangBlade?

*Shoots random guy with MAH LAZAR! MAH SPARTAN LAZAR!

Ahem. Sorry ’bout that.

Anyway, I got 4th job. I/L Arch Mage. Yes. ME. Sadly, it kinda sucks, being that you have to FIND your skills. As in find books and use them. Kinda reminds me of the Matrix of the red pill and blue pill. Take one and something happens. And not like anything ordinary (depends on the definition of ordinary that you define it as).

I still havn’t chose what skill to go with first. I’m hoping for a skill book with the Ifrit summon and Blizzard first. Then, world domination.

Leafre is a pretty decent place. Except for the fact that everything can kill me in 1-2 hits without magic guard. I havn’t gone past the red dragons, which look nothing more than instantaneous death for anyone under level 100 or is skilled with Dark Sight. Or dodging. LOTS of dodging.

The kentauri with serpent’s tongue are easy meat for my ice skills. And I like the birds. Also easy meat. The only enemies that have an actual potential of slaughtering me are the ones in the dragon forest and anything that can’t freeze.

In the world of Halo…

I beat Tsavo Highway on Legendary! YESH! Wraiths > Choppers (and for those who don’t play Halo 3, I don’t mean helicopters). It took me an eternity of times to kill every single brute in sight. Then you get shot by a jackal sniper. Reminds me of the time I played Sierra 117 on Legendary. All just an intense sniper duel.

I STILL need Xbox 360 live. I dunno what significance that is to you, but I say it anyway.

I wonder what would happen if you merged a future-based first perseon shooter with an MMO 2D game of which looks like it was based off of violent toddlers. I could see it now.

OR maybe not.

34 thoughts on “4th Job. Yawn.”

  1. Hey you can add my gamertag if you want.

    It’s torlilo

    t o r l i l o

    don’t ask about the namage -_-

  2. @Dest1: No connection. Don’t got wireless, and router’s too far.
    @iSPADE: Your name is familiar. Though I don’t got Halo 2. If you got Halo PC, then maybe we’ll chat (or kill).

  3. Last night one of my friends came over and I played Custom Game with his little brother at Narrows. I got easily owned in the man cannon. I got hit from his legs in my face and the next thing you know I fell down a hole.

    Yeah if I ever get Xbox Live (not silver membership and the cable won’t fit in my tugboatin modem) , my gamertag would be FireLeo86. I beat Halo 3 one legendary with coop. I also got the randomly obtained Security Shoulders. Anyways back on topic.

    You have to find your skills on the ground!

    <insert profanity here>

    How come noone ever told me?

    <insert awkward silence here>

    Oh right. Never came on in a while. This stinks.

  4. darkness said: “@Dest1: No connection. Don’t got wireless, and router’s too far.
    @iSPADE: Your name is familiar. Though I don’t got Halo 2. If you got Halo PC, then maybe we’ll chat (or kill).”

    Halo PC you say? I would so not be able to kill you guys. I stink at Halo battles.

    Sorry for the double post but when I saw Halo PC I just needed to comment.

  5. Hehehe. I havn’t played Halo PC is a whiles now. I still remember the Ubered pistol, and the FRG that only takes two hits to kill someone. And health. I s’pose that was more of a nuisance than helpful.

    Narrows, you say? Then you’ll love my variation. The main bridge section is littered with fusion coils. And under each man cannon I placed trip mines. Have a nice trip.

  6. darkness said: “Hehehe. I havn’t played Halo PC is a whiles now. I still remember the Ubered pistol, and the FRG that only takes two hits to kill someone. And health. I s’pose that was more of a nuisance than helpful.

    Narrows, you say? Then you’ll love my variation. The main bridge section is littered with fusion coils. And under each man cannon I placed trip mines. Have a nice trip.”

    I would get your Editted Narrows but I can’t connect my 360 to the router.=

    The only editted map I made was Sand Trap and all I did was remove all vehicles from the map, and added two Mongooses and one chain Warthog onto the two Elephants. I added weapons as well.

    Yeah that health bars were a down side. I still wonder how can you use a zoom scope on the M6D.

  7. Dest1 said: “Luckily, my 360 is in my room.

    The Tv is conveniently placed right next to the router.


    I could move my 360 to my parent’s room, plug it in, and try to connect my 360 to the router. The computer is in my parent’s room btw.

  8. @FireLeo: I would send you the map, but pity me that I don’t got Gold, nor Silver. Someone get me a wireless adapter or a 50-foot long ethernet cable, please.

    @Dest1: Lucky.

  9. A few minutes ago I checked if I could connect to Xbox Live. Now I’m signing up for an account and would possibly play a 48 hour gold trial using the card from purchasing Halo 3. Lucky me.

  10. Dest1 said: “Oh yeah, if you have a mic, and we talk, beware. I have a super duper 3 year old voice D:”

    Listen to my voice. I sent you one. I said tortilo instead of torlilo.

  11. Uh… Anyone have Poke’mon Diamond or Pearl for the DS? We can verse Wi-Fi and talk to each other there. xD

  12. Doesn’t really matter, does it?

    BTW, your armor is very, very plain. Besides the Mark V and CQB, seems very plain.

  13. Also, 25 tugboatin gamer score? You have not been trying hard to obtain achievements have you?

  14. Really doesn’t matter, does it? I’d be on now, but my brother is signing up too. Maybe I should get a memory card.

  15. Hehe.

    Sorry, I can’t come on right at the moment. I gotta tend to the RP.

    I’m usually on at random times. If you catch me on, I’ll probably play you in some matchmaking or campaign? Yeah.

  16. My XBOX Gamertag is “Grimno”

    I am awesome in Halo 3.
    And I am quite the champion when it comes to “Infection” games.

    I even have all the Achievements and have the Katana.
    Awwwww yeah.
    I rank Major.

  17. Oh, infection, don’t get me started.
    I was teh zombie master of my friends.

    Then again, maybe it was because they had their share of betrayals. Me, as starting zombie of a save one bullet game, had everyone else as targets. Fun.

  18. ya i saw the prices for the 4th job skill books in the FM. in broa, a book goes for 25 mil.
    A while ago i saw prices for the same item in Taiwan MS and the book was one BILL.
    i never have anymore than 5 mil at anytime, how the hell am i going to get new skills if i ever make 4th job?
    it’s like in WoW. as you level up, the skills from the class trainer get more and more expensive >.<

  19. Don’t buy stuff.

    The majority of my stuff I’ve either killed or, on the rare occasion, bought. And that would explain my 97 ATK Kage. I havn’t even got a Dragon weapon yet.

    Of course, each class has their ups and downs on cash.

  20. Great! I’ll be on tomorrow at 6:45 pm PST. I wonder what chaos we can do in Campaign/Match Making. . .

    Also I downloaded Grifball on the beach. I’ll be sure to try that out.

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