Fire Drakes

Ugh. Today sucked. Ksers ruin my fun! T_T I was happily murdering giant red dinosaurs for the heck of it(Exp really) not expecting anything in return (Steelies pl0x) when this mage comes in. Lvl 79. Holy Crap. 79 I/L vs 56 I/L.

Easy to see who’ll win in a ks war. But who knows? Maybe she’s nice and she’ll cc without me asking. Instead, she goes afk. Not as good as ccing but not as bad as ksing,right?
Once more, me go happily murder giant red dinosaurs in a zigzag pattern up the platforms. Then she comes back and the horror begins.

Me[happily murdering giant..meh, you know]: la la la la
Her[KSes me]: haha
Me: Omgwhtbbqsauceksernoobgdie! K I didn’t really say that
Actually I didn’t say anything. Unless I wanted to type “cc pl0x” but that’s nooby,obnoxious, and stupid,eh?
So I endured the ksing. kinda..maybe..ok not really

Ksed..ksed..ksed…74 hermit walks in! Yay maybe she’ll help me get rid of that nooby kser person whom I really hate right now!

But wasn’tmeant to be
Hermit : Hi sis
WTHBBQSAUCEOMGSIS?! That’s horrible! She’ll HELP her ks me! Oh the horror! -cries in a corner-
Me[not happily killing giant..nvm..] T_T
Mage: F3
Hermit: F6

Yeah that sucks. Cold-hearted demons! Unbeknownst to them..I have pie on my side! Ahh yes that scrumptious dessert that gives +120 m att. You gotta love pie!

Oh wait..only 2 left. I should save them.
Another hermit walks in. He’s worse than the other to. Ksing..with haxx0rz!

As if things couldn’t get any worse..mage’s BF walks in and flames me for absolutely no reason whatsoever O_O
And that was my day…maybe I should use pie O_O

Any Kind-hearted Windian MMOTalers out there willing to lend me a hand? Kthnxbai

P.S. IGN = GodOfMagic97
Yeah not a very modest IGN but I copied my bro’s,ok?

P.S.S She’s 1CuteMage2 SHe is so evil. Me must kill her!

15 thoughts on “Fire Drakes”

  1. Right now I’m looking for options. I can’t ks them and I definitely won’t cc. Defaming them seems like a pretty god idea right now. . .

  2. :/ Ew.

    But maybe you should have changed your channel. You know, just give it up. No point wasting your time fighting against kiddos like these.

  3. Just cc. They prolly just little kids who wants to piss off people online cause u can’t do anything to them.


  4. Well, with the whole group of them being there, I would’ve just placed a bomb somewhere and cc’ed. Then when they’re bragging about how they made me cc, the bomb will go off. They will all die and hopefully have learned their lesson.


  5. MasterCheeze said: “Well, with the whole group of them being there, I would’ve just placed a bomb somewhere and cc’ed. Then when they’re bragging about how they made me cc, the bomb will go off. They will all die and hopefully have learned their lesson.



  6. If you have 25mil to spare, use a noob to buy a jr. balrog sack in FM and summon it when they are close together. OR just use the pie and kill the *coughs violently* (For real, I am sick )


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