All posts by darkmonkey4

Fire Drakes

Ugh. Today sucked. Ksers ruin my fun! T_T I was happily murdering giant red dinosaurs for the heck of it(Exp really) not expecting anything in return (Steelies pl0x) when this mage comes in. Lvl 79. Holy Crap. 79 I/L vs 56 I/L.

Easy to see who’ll win in a ks war. But who knows? Maybe she’s nice and she’ll cc without me asking. Instead, she goes afk. Not as good as ccing but not as bad as ksing,right?
Once more, me go happily murder giant red dinosaurs in a zigzag pattern up the platforms. Then she comes back and the horror begins. read more

A sin’s story:ch 8

I rushed at the mage.It was a stupid thing to do,as I later learned. In one swift,fluid motion the mage teleported behind me and delivered a blow to the back of my head with his Thorns staff.I moaned as I hit the floor. It took me a moment to regain my senses;any longer and this fight would be over. I rolled onto my back and grabbed the bottom of his Dark Suit.It was a deperate manuever,but it worked. He fell over,giving me enough time to get back on my feet. He ddn’t stay down for long however, and sent a block of ice straight at me. read more