Leave Me Alone

OMG! Cursing in this blog! Beware! Also, laxation on the grammar.. Amazingly.

Come to Lawolf, ploz. (Becuase there I can answer any questions… Yes… Questions…)

It’s just a few days until the big update. My keys have almost melted from having to spam all my self buffs and my AoEs. The faded spots on my mouse are now complimented with a little dent. Have a feeling I’ll need a new mouse, soon..

So, what could the topic on this blog be about? Obviously it could be about how much I despise skill training, right?


It’s more about the annoyances I’ve encountered during this period.

About how every time a level thirty-eight comes up to me and asks for a power level, I die a little inside. About how I’m asked to buff and ressurect makes make me yearn to behead a few people for their sheer stupidity or just being close by.

At first, I start spamming at Cranes. I was camping for the giant. I need Pxp. I am lagging very bad. I attack one, only to realise someone has taken it. I didn’t mean to, so, no problem, right?

AoEer>> Too many KSers around here.

Well, not really that. More like..

AoEer>> to many ksers here

And of course, his little assist agrees. I’m in a bad mood. I’m doing something I really don’t want to be doing. Yet, I have to, in fear that I won’t make it.

Binseon>> You know, it was an accident, no use in being such a ****ing ass about it.

Damn that censor and my ability not to care about it at the same time.

For the sake of pissing anyone else off and of remotely sounding like this was in a chronological order, I fly to Giggle Boxes to skill spam. Noobs here, so they may leave me alone.

Or maybe they won’t.

At first, it was simple. I was asked a few dumb questions. I was a noob, too, so I answered them politely. I was in a good mood of sorts, too. Yet, I suddenly felt like being an ass when I got an invite to join their party. I was a level seventy elementor in a full contribution party, in which all the members were nearby.

And now, they go from bonus experience, to no experience.

The best part was, they didn’t even notice. I listened. I continued to sit and listen to themselves talk while training, not remotely noticing the experience they weren’t gaining.

On another note, I gained one hundreths of a percent.

While in this party, a magician ran up to me and asked for buffs. I was too busy laughing/contemplating to actually type anything, but he just stood there. Not saying anything else. Just stood there. He asked about two more times. By the second time, though, I was frustrated at this guy’s stupidity. Eventually, he did go away.

He was quickly replaced with a person asking for me to ressurect someone.

Words fail me.

And then earlier, I was spamming with Chao (Sam) at Peakyturtles. Every few seconds, someone would run up and ask for buffs, which wouldn’t bother me usually. Not my problem, even as annoying as it is. Though it was about an hour ago that this epiphany of stupidity reappeared itself in front of me.

More people joined us by now. Forky, TaiYurng, and IceSpreader accompanied us in our little spam session. This idiot ran up in the middle of our little camp.

Nooblet>> /s i love you
-Someone buffing Nooblet.-
Binseon>> Well, I hate you.
Binseon>> Go away.

What annoyed me the most was the fact this guy asked for buffs in the most obscure and idiotic way. I much rather hear “buffs plz” than “i love you”. He did go away, so I was happy.

Nooblet>> can i have some buffs pliz
Nooblet>> last time i promise
Nooblet>> /s i still love you

He didn’t even let in a pause in between it, either. He made it abundantly clear how annoying he was. I mean, how could you even target him when he kept spazzing around us like a two-year-old epileptic kid on crack.

Binseon>> I still hate you.
Binseon>> Go away, or I will find the money for airfare.

Ok, I made that last part up. But I was thinking it very loudly.

Bottom line, the closer to the update I’m getting, the more I feel like committing a felony or two.

Leave me alone.

5 thoughts on “Leave Me Alone”

  1. ahaha, that was funny, and maybe i’m just wierd so +1 like for you! (or i’m supremely tired/bored out of my mind -.-)
    and btw, i havn’t played MS for a long time and, your talking about ressurections, is 4th job out yet? O.o
    (don’t blame my ignorance! I havn’t played for MONTHS!)

  2. Tinkle Winkle goat livers! Puffballs being eaten on the bathroom floor with a screwdriver imbedded in the dry wall! Upchuck and the Rotten Willy!


  3. xD Gotta love those noobs who think us RMs have GOD BUFFS!

    But you are now done with all the work you had to do, glad you made it. ^^

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