Made my own guild!

I’m so happy! First, I was in such a bad mood this morning. My bf (and guild leader) suddenly decides to quit, doesn’t want to hand the guild over to me and I got the old “it’s just a game” bit. We totally had a bad break-up, but thank God for Sargee, my bestest friend on Maple who suggested-while we were playing on Maple Island with our noob mules-that we make our own guild. I supplied the mesos, of course, he supplied the name, which I’m not thrilled with, but it’s growing on me and I love our emblem.
I took this pic when we got “guilded”
It was only me and Sargee online and we wanted to do it ‘right now dammit!’ so we just found the other 4 ppl wandering around Orbis, lol

6 thoughts on “Made my own guild!”

  1. I remember when I made my guild, Now it is flourishing with 18 people (max 20) A crown emblem and we are totally MONEY obsesed! Our name is “Merchants” 😛

    Good luck on getting people who aren’t guild hoppers,

  2. Ah, the time I made my guild. It was a bit wobbly at first, everyone left after they saw our very low amount of guild members. Luckily we got some loyal members and it is now a full 30 member active guild with an emblem.

    It might be hard at first, but it pays off, when I have fun talking to my guild, I know my 14.5m was worth it.

  3. What server do you play in? I might join the guild. Oh wait, I said I’d rejoin HeeroJay’s guildÂ… I’ll just quit that again. xD


  4. Duh, should have mentioned that, lol, Bera server, : ) I let the low lvl noobs stay that helped get the guild, but have set a lvl 25 minimum which I think is generous. I have expanded it twice (possibly three times, can’t remember) already so have plans on recruiting eventually, ; )

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