All posts by silverfx

Of Dragons, Bosses and Charlie

I’ll get to all three of them. Eventually.

This is a Special Public Service Announcement…

Ye, so our beloved and most esteemed Guild Leader, Eona did log in to attempt Zakum once again, and did command us to remind her to purchase lunch for her own honorable consumption at 12pm.

SilverFx: You mean you’ll see it at all?
SweetFlo: Maybe we should mega. ‘EONA BUY YOUR LUNCH’

And verily, so Flo did. SMega, I meaneth. read more

All Alligators Alliterate! Always!

So like, I’m going to talk about how school’s been like for me for the past few weeks-

– Not. >D

Just two words though: Recess Week!
That means no school all next week! Yay!

Le Leafre Loop! Loopediddilyloop!

The balloon ship is cute.

And what with that thing you can do to all large round curved surfaces in the Leafre maps, they are just asking for me to act silly.

Anni’s right. Leafre is waaay too obsessed with eggs. If I were its Forest, I’d be Cranky too. read more

Aurora’s Redemption – Sixty-five

So like, when was the last time I updated this. *scurries away*

¤ The Sixth Chair

The mild sunlight that eternally shone in Orbis poured through the giant skylight set in the ceiling, providing illumination for the entire length of the King’s throne room. The many courtiers of the King’s court gathered and mingled there now, the inhumanly beautiful fairies with their courtly finery and gorgeous wings made even more radiant under the sun’s rays. read more

Isn’t It Just A Game?

I figured it’s time for an update.

Because, yes, I’m still alive. Kinda.

But after this blog, I’m going to be kinda dead, I suspect. >.>

The Things of Little Consequence. I Think.


Okay, first of all, MSEA got Leafre. As speaketh, ‘The scent of fourth job is getting stronger!’

My first reaction?
‘Wot, you mean it doesn’t bathe?’

My second reaction, upon loading the login screen.
‘Whaddya mean, NEXON?! What happened to Asiasoft?!!’ read more

It’s Sin-gah-pore lah.

A Semi-Official Walkaround in the Singapore maps
(Yes, I’m aware that I’m /slightly/ late. >>; )

So I say right, I thought they won’t come up with the maps le loh. They always take so bloody hell long one, say want to have what exclusive map lah, new boss lah, and suddenly really come out with one loh! Unbelieveable sia. [/Singlish] read more

[Splinters] A Question of Life and Death

Have you ever died before?


Cold, against the bare skin of my forearm. Cold, against fingertips left uncovered by my gloves. Cold, against my back, chilling the bones through the sodden cotton of my dark robes.

My eyes gaze upwards to the grey skies, scudded over with scruffy white clouds that drift stubbornly in those skies, refusing to go away. I imagine if they look down to see me, I would look like some fallen angel, lying spread-eagled on the ground with dark wings of black cloaks crumpled carelessly beneath me in the stunning white snow. read more

The Many Deaths and BucketHats of Silvar

Tuesday, 31st July 2007, 11:43PM, in front of Dong Squishy Jr the Laptop
Hmm, let’s see. I had 159 screenies the last time I checked. *clicks open MapleStory folder*

HOMG, Maple0290?! How the hell did I take that many screenies in two days?!!
(It’s up to number 415 now. -_-)

Fun with Ganzy and Panda~

GreenGanz: evil mushrooms keep molesting me
PandaLuck: ?
PandaLuck: LOL
SilverFx: you’re too sexy, ganz XD
Annikabelle: Yup.
GreenGanz: LOL
Annikabelle: How could they resist?
Annikabelle: D:<
PandaLuck: SCREENIE’D read more

Zipangu Parking Lot: The Movie

What, can’t I try my hand at scriptwriting?


SILVERFX appearing above the shiny portal, The CAMERA ZOOMS IN to show her suspended there for a moment as her much abused laptop scrambles to keep up with the furious exchange of digital information. CAMERA PANS BACK as she is dumped unceremoniously onto the ground as the laptop finally keeps pace, landing next to a stylish looking automobile and a bored looking Black Pig, BAKWA. read more

Even If

Even If

A short story

It has been such a long time since we sat down and talked to each other like this, hasn’t it. I do miss those times, when we could just talk about anything and everything under the skies.

Do you remember, back then, how we would both go out to hunt those kittens? What are their names… ah, yes. Baby Cellions? Oh, that’s right, we met in those gardens in the first place. read more

MMOtalers on the Loose! and more FoG-ing

So like, I made this because I was bored. Is that anything new?

I had the idea ever since I saw Ganzy’s MMOtales wallpaper. Like, what happens if we were let loose on the front page?

Knowing us, it’d be havoc, of course.

Most of the character configs are stolen off Ganzy’s second MMOtales wallpaper. I’m sorry I couldn’t fit in more people. I got kinda tired right after I put dee in. Then it got a little too crowded near the top. Didn’t help that Paint.NET was being a bish and the ‘Move Pixels’ function behaving exactly like its name: everything was moving pixel by one pixel. And that I couldn’t find no Maple sprites around the place. read more