All posts by silverfx

FoG-ing: The Ultimate Experience…

… yeah right.

(As continued from Eh.)

16/7/2007 – I have bought a daily x2 EXP card for the 1000-1400 slot, capitalizing on the fact that I have now free time in the mornings (Ya, I quit my day job, whee~) and the maps are relatively Kids-free in the morning because they’re all trapped in school. >D But I usually play more than those four hours, taking whatever time that is necessary to level up or to get to a decent percentage so that I could level up the next day as per scheduled. read more


Random conversation

*diooong!* Wolfrage has logged in
Wolfrage: yay, i’m back
SilverFx: Wb
Wolfrage: Only one person said yay when I said I’m back
SilverFx: only you?
Wolfrage: =/
Wolfrage: no
Wolfrage: including me, it’ll be 2.
SilverFx: Fine, YAY.
Wolfrage: =D

The next day…

*diooong!* Wolfrage has logged in
SilverFx: Wolf!
Wolfrage: Hey all
SilverFx: ^^
[a long pause]
*diooong!* Wolfrage has logged in (again)
SilverFx: o_o DCed?
Wolfrage: I strongly believed it’s because no one said yay.
SilverFx: LAWL read more

Aurora’s Redemption – Sixty-four

¤ Second Victory

Ferra heard that click of doom as well, and he smiled as he realised its implication. Not wasting this precious chance, he bored down quickly onto Wing, raising his staff to cast one last spell-

‘What on-!’ His staff in his grasp was jerked sharply, as if some strong force was yanking at it to keep him back. Unnoticed behind him, the golem had lumbered up to Ferra. One mammoth fist closed over the knob of his staff, the tiny thing, and thus its owner, thoroughly immobilised. read more

Rambling Muffins – the Second Dosage

[h]Warning: Really long blog ahead, read at own risk.[/h]
I have to stop doing things like this, it’s bad for everyone’s health.

Here’s the pattern of gaming for me nowadays: I play a game (in this case, Granado Esapada) for about five days to one week straight, neglecting the other(s) (i.e Maplestory or FlyFF). Then, I get restless, and rotate to another game. read more

Aurora’s Redemption – Sixty-three

¤ Potions and Poisons

Once again, that subdued excitement in the open air arena.

Once again, the breathless wait for red silk to touch ground.

Once again, two nearly anonymous beings, poised for fight and flight. Masked with white porcelain, they were only distinguishable by the vastly different wings on their backs, one with a pair fully feathered while the other possessed a pair iridescent and frail looking. read more

Rambling Muffins

Disclaimer: It’s a long rambly blog, with some bits of Maplestory at the end, so turn away now if you aren’t interested in swimming through 3K+ words. I’m not in the mood to deal with you.

FlyFF was fun, when I first started it. I remember Lamvao’s blogs about FlyFF, then even Indescane started playing. So I was like, what the hey, let’s try it. read more


The Ebilly Insane and Squishable Rat (nezinshadows) demanded this, so here it is. Blame him for this blog!

Meet Sunshine6256 and bluestar95, the newest additions to the BL that I made just the other day while fooling around in the Zipangu Spas. They will bring you the next bit of entertainment in this blog.

[whilst in the midst of fooling around in the Spa]

Sunshine: I’m going to make you say how.
Bluestar: How?
Sunshine: Gotcha.
SilverFx: LOL

[a few minutes later, after we have gone separate ways] read more

Life as a (Sexeh!) Ranger

Let’s have some random Screenshots first, shall we not?

Bad grammar brings bad misunderstandings. Besides, no one can steal teh Silvar. ^^

I found yet another clone! Even if she is a Sniper, and wears a Green Lineros, and is seven levels higher than me, but it was still fun.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been collecting random ‘grats from the BL and Guild, all of whom never thought they’d see the day that I will get to third job. XD One random stranger even congratulated me too. read more

The Muffins Are Not Innocent!

It’s amazing how long one can take to get that mere 50% required to get from level sixty-nine to level seventy.

I blame the muffins.

Anyway, that little saga ended on Friday, one day after Eona called me up over the phone to ask about the fight. Eona told me that a few people had complained to her about my behaviour (‘Anihow kick ppl, anihow invite noobs etc.’) and so I was demoted even without the chance to defend myself. read more

Aurora’s Redemption – Sixty-two

¤ First Victory

Salmer winced on Aurora’s behalf as he saw her take the damage from Lakelis’ spells. ‘Why did she not duck!’ He hissed to Daedalus, frustrated.

‘She’s mad.’ Daedalus only returned in awe, as they both watched the two combatants spring back into action. Aurora and Lakelis were two blurs of white in the arena’s perimeters, now close together as they exchanged bolts, claws and spells, then far apart as each escaped and evaded the other’s attacks. read more