All posts by silverfx

Aurora’s Redemption – One

¤ Silver, Adventurer Librarian

“Travellers that brave the journey through the monster-infested Orbis Tower will pass by an enigmatic sculpture at its highest level. A calm, beautiful girl stands on a tall polished pedestal, poised for takeoff with both devil’s and angel’s wings.

Many speculate about her story and her past. Why the devil’s wing on her back, in this World of Fairies? Is she mortal, or fairy? The fairy residents of Orbis, however, refuse to speak about her, preferring her story to be kept a secret from us mortals. read more

Unfair suspension!

So I was happily browsing through blogs, and typed in a comment at AznRiceFan’s fic. The next thing I knew, I had a warning slammed on me, and I was restricted from posting.

The record of suspension is as shown. I don’t understand it: I don’t remember ever typing that string of characters in one go at any point of my computer-bound life. I’m pretty sure I know how to spell. read more

Murdering Sacks

So I got a little bored and decided to level up my noobie warrior, Gemina the hard way. Previously, I left her in the hidden room on the 10th floor of Orbis Tower, with dear old Huckle, and slowly crawled up to 2x from level 15 using the Huckle quest (‘huckling’ is the slang I prefer).

Motivated by boredom, I decided that I ought to do some honest training with this warrior, so I happily took a Fish Spear and started whacking Jr Sentinels. Inefficient training though, but if I was lucky, two or three power strikes would do the trick. I even got a drop: a lvl 30 Female thief top. Not bad for someone just fooling around. read more

Loved by Gravity: My Ludi Experience

When the flash animation for Ludibrium first came out on the Maplesea website, I was so excited. Ever since Global got their Ludibrium maps first, I couldn’t wait for it to come to Msea. I thought it would be so cool to jump down a hundred storied tower and poke the cute lil’ ratz. I was so excited when I saw the flash, I was so excited to see the itsy bitsy patch, I was so excited to take the first train (that didn’t DC on me), so excited to land, so excited to start the new quests, so excited to finally get to poke those ratz… you get the idea. read more


(excuse the most imaginative title, but I can’t think of a better one )

When the guild system first came out, I thought it was a fantastically innovative way for Maple to siphon away extra mesos from the whole Maple economy. Just look at the cost to set up a guild: they come in millions. Of course, it might just be a gripe coming from a player who just Cannot save enough mesos, but oh well. The conspiracy theory is more interesting. read more