All Alligators Alliterate! Always!

So like, I’m going to talk about how school’s been like for me for the past few weeks-

– Not. >D

Just two words though: Recess Week!
That means no school all next week! Yay!

Le Leafre Loop! Loopediddilyloop!

The balloon ship is cute.

And what with that thing you can do to all large round curved surfaces in the Leafre maps, they are just asking for me to act silly.

Anni’s right. Leafre is waaay too obsessed with eggs. If I were its Forest, I’d be Cranky too.

I didn’t last long at Leafre.

No, it wasn’t because of the pwnful monsters.
Nor was it the horribly slow rate at which I collected furballs.

In the middle of the green fields of Leafre, an innocuous-looking green swirly and pretty thing swirled innocently and prettily in its tree trunk. A curious (and completely awsm, don’t you forget) Ranger, one SilverFx, walked past.

Hey, she thought. That’s a rather innocuous-looking green swirly and pretty thing. What happens if I go through it?

This was the answer.

*feels stupid*

Random Recordings Ripped (from the Guild Chat)

(Or at least, what my fuzzy memory can recall of them. Don’t worry, my memory is considerably much better than Eona’s. >D)
*Novv = Eona

Novv: I got the urge to eat french-fries.
SilverFx: You have a lot of urges hor.
Novv: 0_o I have the urge to eat SilverFxs too XD
Novv: ./nibbles SilverFx
SilverFx: *holds out arm* Na, here.
Novv: Whee.
zxdeanxz: a… after you have eaten tell me how it tastes like.
Novv: SilverFxs tastes silvery… and fxy. With a bit of muffin taste. 0_o
SilverFx: *knocks Eona’s head*
zxdeanxz: can I have the other arm??
Novv: *saw off Silver’s other arm and hands it to dean*
SilverFx: right, I’m typing with my tongue from this point onwards.

SilverFx: DEVVY!
Novv: Who’s devvy? 0_o
devilryarc: T.T
SilverFx: … That’s the third time you asked that question today, Eona.

Novv: I will never tell my user id n pw to the GRAVE
SilverFx: Sure, don’t tell the grave
SilverFx: Tell me. ;D

Novv: We like to talk nonscence in this guild.
devilryarc: Yeah, as nonsensical as the way you spell that word?
[After a whole lot more misspellings]
darky543: We need to re-educate Eona on her spelling!
SilverFx: How long will that take?
darky543: I don’t know, years?
StephenZZZ: No, centuries.
SilverFx: Will we even live that long? What ever shall we do!

StephenZZZ: [says something, I can’t remember what]
SilverFx: *bites*
Novv: 0_o
Novv: Silver, don’t you know that biting someone the opposite gender is… s3xual?
SilverFx: o_o No.
StephenZZZ: Oh no, Silver. Our secret has been discovered!
StephenZZZ: What shall we do!
StephenZZZ: Murder?
SilverFx: I prefer somewhere more along the lines of MASS MASSACRE! 8D

[On the day before a quiz]
SilverFx: hm?
SilverFx: oh yeah, I better >>;
xLuvdk: LOL

Thank ye gods for conscientious Guild Leaders and instances when their short-term memories seem to get an extension. XDXD (The quiz was a killer, btw, and the common consensus amongst the classmates was that we needn’t have wasted the time to study. >>; Damn.)

GrAzEd (aka darky543 of Incendiary): ./goes off shocked that silver is a gurl
… Because you learn something new every time you stalk down your Jr Master of your new guild!

We spam too much, sometimes.
Devvy blocked the guild chat about a couple of hours or so right after he joined us. (Yey, the first MMOtaler to be recruited to Incendiary. *glomps*)

Well, Devvy, if you were looking for it, here is your very own incriminating and silly screenshot of the blog!
(He was trying to jump, yeah.)

Something Strange…

Something had happened in the guild that made both Eona and I feel uneasy: someone had apparently pretended to be Eona, and ‘borrowed’ the Blue Marine (lvl 90 staff?) that Stephen recently hunted from the Leafre mobs. And that silly Stephen actually passed that staff to the con-person.

The poor dude’s probably never going to see that staff ever again. But it is freaky how someone in Incendiary could actually go out like this to scam another guild member. We have no idea who it is, but gee, if I knew who it was, I dearly wish to sock all the air out of that person. >O!

Grrargh Grinnnd.

I got a little motivation to level up, seeing how as questing and slacking and killing random things for the past five weeks or so managed to get me a good 78%.

Meet PizzaUno aka XH, my good old friend of about seven years. Excuse the green screen; she’s just a little shy. Nothing at all to do with my perfectly good timing with SSes.

She has been Mapling since the ancient Singapore-Malaysia-Thailand gateway. Her SMT character was a level 4x huntress, which was considered really really pro back in those days, and it was one of the reasons why I started a smexeh Ranger.

And since XH was back in Singapore from her studies overseas, she could login, yay! And when she asked if anyone wanted to train in the Showa Parking Lot, I rushed over as fast as I could.

The party dwindled eventually to just me, XH, and Mole aka Flame0Caster, a level 6x Fizard. It was fun training, because we talked a lot as we did, and told all kinds of funny jokes. The bunch of equip drops I got were pretty encouraging too, even if I didn’t get a Guan Yu Polearm. :X (They gave me a Nine Dragons instead. Pffbt.)

We cleared the map by having Mole lure his harem of Yakuza girls () to the front, where XH and I would wait to finish them off. It was a pretty good method, and rather fast exp. We ended up keeping the party to a mere three person one, and trained for four/five hours straight.

Ooh, pretty lights.

We stayed around after I leveled, trying to get Mole his level up as well. However, I had to go to pass a friend something right after Mole hit 93-ish%. So I left SilverFx outside the PL, sitting there sleepily on her chair, recovering her HP/MP.

I was at 12%. And I specifically told my brother to not touch my laptop.

But when I came back half an hour later, I was met at the door by the brother.
‘Sorry, I killed your character.’
I stared at him. ‘You’re joking right?’
A sheepish smile. ‘No, I really killed your character.’
A check at the EXP bar. 6.25%


Cue explosion from me.

Grr. I will LOG OFF whenever I go out of the house now. Geezus.

ZakumPQ? Zoinks!

Or rather, ‘How I Wasted My Di’s Time Magnificently’

Right after my death, I had no motivation whatsoever to train anymore. And since I had just about used up my EXP gain quota for the next two weeks or so, I just hung around, doing more quests, helping random people find their way and robbing aliens of their space hamburgers.

I even managed to collect ‘hi’s from five random strangers in a row. (Man, must be the sexeh buckethat. ;D)

But I hung around mostly because Berry had promised to bring me through the first two stages of the Zakum PQ. I was reasonably excited, of course; I had never seen the inside of a ZPQ before.

Incidentally enough, Tomi/ xx3vil5inxx was also doing a ZPQ and asked if I wanted to join his party. It would have been nice to join him as well, seeing how as I haven’t seen nor spoken to him for the entire past week, but Berry didn’t want to. So.

While travelling to the Lava Dungeons, we picked up LeeHuan, another Incendarian, to join us for the PQ. But when we reached there, there was another party already inside.

/find xx3vil5inxx
‘xx3vil5inxx’ is currently at ‘Adobis’s Mission I – Area 13-1’


So we changed channels and had to walk all the way back in again. Pbleh.

And whilst inside, being the nubcake I am, I screwed up the order of the rooms being searched. As in, I took the list of rooms, and went into them from the back. It wouldn’t have been that disastrous if I actually remembered which rooms I searched, but nooo.

We ended up with only five minutes left to look for two stray documents.


I blame Eona’s short term memory for being contagious. And the rooms for looking too bleeding alike! D<

Berry restarted the PQ, and we decided to just collect keys. That was done pretty quickly, even though we were again delayed because I kept getting lost.

Then, we had to do the jump quest.

Jeeezus, JQ?!

My ability at jump quest is epic . Liek, ‘Eww, you suck’ epic.
I watch the YouTube videos of those people doing JQs and think that they are godly.
I spent weeks in the second Sabimatra’s JQ. In fact, I locked myself inside there on purpose, knowing that I can’t get out, because I had to study for exams.
Almost all my JQs are done by the brother on my behalf.
It was after perhaps a good hour or so of sheer perseverance then did I manage to master the three Kerning JQs. Even after that, I can’t do it in good time or without falling.

I can’t even get on a rope in a normal map without jumping, if I’m lucky, just a couple of extra times for it.


So. Zakum JQ. Sure, I can do it. Maybe in about, a century’s time…?

I took about… forty minutes, an hour? for the first part. My palms sweated as SilverFx hopped from tiny platform to tiny platform and clung nervously onto chains besieged by fireballs, only to get knocked off into the lava again and again. Ow ow ow.

Meanwhile, both LeeHuan and Berry had finished the first step, gone through the second, and out of the place. Berry came back in again, and guided me step by step out of the first part. I kept chickening out at this platform with Firebombs, and had to restart so many times because of that.

But after I got past that platform, I managed to reach the end without falling once. Yey.

SilverFx: YAY
SilverFx: HOLY! >O!
IceyBerry: dun so happi
IceyBerry: still haf 2nd part
SilverFx: ****


The second part was a disaster. On my first attempt, I managed to jump without falling all the way till past the centre of the whole stage. Then I moved too low on a !@#$ rope, and got knocked off.

From that point in time onwards, I never got to that part successfully again. I got lucky sometimes, and didn’t fall even though I jumped to all the wrong platforms, but that didn’t help. My brother took over while I did my chores; my bro couldn’t succeed either. Both of us lost patience, I guess.

Lucky for me, Berry never did lose his patience. He stuck with me, and kept jumping back to the start to guide me from the beginning over and over again. He even offered to help me by logging into my account to jump for me; I’d refused at first, not liking the idea of letting anyone else into this particular account.

But after what felt like eternity (eternity ≈ two hours long), my resistance crumbled and I took up on Berry’s offer. I was taking too ridiculously long, and even though he was so nice about it, I felt really guilty for wasting his time.


So yeah. I phailed completely to finish the Zakum JQ.

But hey. <3 ~ Warm fuzzy feelin’s, yo.


*throws cookies and muffins* All for you, dear reader~

15 thoughts on “All Alligators Alliterate! Always!”

  1. I attempted to do the 1st part of the ZPQ by myself, on my first time. Yah, I guess a party would kinda help. >.>

    Andandand the patch for GMS isn’t working on this compie. D<
    I even redownloaded the Manual Patch, but it’s either just slow, or not working.

  2. XD
    Well, not much in the past month, really. But yeah, if you went back another month, you would have seen me shot up eight levels or so in two weeks.

    @Waffle: Dude, we started school earlier than you guys. And we don’t happen to have summer holidays. XD

  3. were us peaking in pidgin or sumthng o.o

    -has no idea what anyone said in last screeny except a few words-

    and lol i also suck at jqs ><

    i ahd to ask grasna to do it for me T.T


  4. Pinyin, Dee, not pidgin. O.o;;

    AzNxKnife said: “JQs are tools of Satan! Burn in hell!”

    Isn’t the whole Zakum thing IN Hell? <(O.o)>

  5. 3 pointers!
    1.I died at kentas because i had 1.3k hp (i 4got 2 pot) , wanted 2 bomb it but ACCIDENTALLY pressed assulter,slamming past it n dying on the spot D:
    Stephen found his 1st marine shortly after the both of us left.
    2. I DONT SUX AT MEMORYING! *Deinies* >O >O >O
    I just forget the less interesting bits. *Shrugs n Pokes in denial*
    3.Grats silverfx for contracting my short memoryness

    All those who read this comment would contract short term memory (stm) soon.

  6. Silver! ! ! !
    You created a blog! A magnificent blog! It’s so awesome that everyone in the world will like!

    Lol, this one was really funny! Also that egg thing is kindof weirdish in a dinosaur sorta way! *RUNS*
    Also, I believe this is fiction! There’s no way your life can be so amazing!

    ~LaZzz. . .

  7. I agree with lazydame. It almost makes me want to take up Maple again.

    Recess break sounds horribly short.

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