All posts by NightShade72


Hey Everyone…

How are you all. I haven’t done a “blog” blog in quite a while. So i guess i’ll tell you about my latest adventures in maple.

Level 35! But that was a while ago…i like what i look like now, because of the cool level 35 gear! The goggles, man…so sweet. What do you guys think is the coolest set of clothes for each class? read more

Mysterious Beauty

Hey guys! This is a new story i’ll probably be doing, if people seem to like this first chapter. Please give it a read, even just a skim read or something, and gove me some feedback! Anything!
Takeo and Kenji were brothers. Three years apart, they were very different, but the best of friends. They resided in Kerning City, and they were both thieves, each inheriting strange traits from their parents. Takeo, the older, quieter brother of the two, who was a real hit with the ladies, got the skill Dark Sight. And Kenji, the younger, loud and just-a-bit-crazy brother got Haste.
They were walking down one of Kerning City’s darker lanes…when they heard it. A muffled scream, further down the alley. The two boys sprinted down. Although still in their teens, they were regarded as some of the best thieves of their time. Then they stopped-and took in the scene before them.
A group of thieves were laying into a young man, and scrabbling upon the mesos spilling out of his pocket. Takeo drew his throwing stars from his pocket, and threw them at the man’s assailants. A couple went down, then sprang away, up the walls of the buildings surrounding them. At the same time Kenji slashed another of the men in the back, and he fell to the ground, not even making a sound.
The man got up, looked warily at the pair of boys and ran away. Takeo sighed. The man had nothing to fear. And that was when a girl behind him materialised out of mid-air!
She can use Dark Sight, just like my brother can thought Kenji, just as the girl behind his brother made to stab him in the back with dagger. But Takeo was no longer there. He was behind the girl and quickly thrust his star into her back! As she fell down limply, he caught her in his arms. And his breath caught in his throat.
She’s beautiful thought Takeo. He gazed into her face, her closed eyelids, her hair over her forehead and her shallow breathing each time he felt her chest rise and fall.
“We have to get her back home” said Takeo, glancing at Kenji, who was watching the mysterious girl, clearly thinking the same thing about the girl as his brother. read more

My Maple Weekend

Hey Everyone!

Well, i havent actually posted a blog about my “thoughts” for a while, only the first two chapters of my story…so here’s a blog about my weekend in Maple.


Firstly, i leveled about 40% at wild boars-and got no equips at all…

Then, i decided to do some quests, which paid off! I went to the dungeon, and completed the one where you have to get the 120 horned mushroom caps and the wild boars teeth. When i completed it, i got a 60% Scroll For Staff for Magic Attack! Woot! I soon discovered that it was worth around 900k-1mil. I was in FM, advertising to sell it, then someone offered 850k…! I sold it…so now i have almost made my first mil. Also in training i got some equips-not that great-a brown jester hat…or whatever the level 30 hat is called, a mithril polearm and one of those basic shields. I did two more quests, both jump (has anyone done the one with the ninja stars? How cool is that!?) and got my level 35 thief gloves, the gold arbions and a scroll for overall armour defense…10%. I’m not sure how much it is worth. Oh, and i leveled. So all in all, it was an awesome weekend of Maple. Hope you guys had a good one too! read more

Drake Attack-Chapter Two

Chapter 2- Attack Of The Drakes

James knew that he had to move fast if he were to effectively stop this threat. He activated his Haste and put on a burst of speed and drew two stars from a pouch on his belt. The stars shone in the sun and they were icicles. Deadly-and very fast. In a blur of speed, still in the air, a rush of fiery energy rushed up James’ arm and into the stars, infusing them with magic. It was a technique nearly all thieves knew, and was called Lucky Seven. The moment seemed to hang in the air, James with his hand up, icicles in hand as they glowed with magic, and Lachlan turning and drawing his sword with a look of horror on his face. Then James hurled his stars. read more

My New Story-Story of The Five-Chapter 1

Chapter 1- Into The Game

It had been a long day at school for James. 6 periods of empty boredom, and a recess and lunchtime of playing soccer with the other kids. He had snatches of conversation with his friends, but even this was not enough to lift him out of the drudgery of everyday school life.
Finally, his train arrived and he was on his way home. The laughter of his friends walking out of school was long faded and the carriage was quiet as the train rumbled along. Quietly, James unzipped his bag and drew out his Connectiox. The silver contraption lay sleek and shiny in James’ palm. It was slightly longer than his hand and just as wide. He flipped it open and hit the power button. He slipped on some dark sunglasses. Odd. The sunglasses seemed slightly bulky…not exactly stylish. The screen of James’ Connectiox flashed up, lighting his face with a warm glow. He selected an icon on the screen. The carriage lit with a flash, the screen changed colours wildly- and then, where a teenage boy had been sitting just a second ago, was an empty seat. read more



I dont know if everyone here has been checking the basil boards, and the rankings on the mapleglobal website, but it shows that liketoks has been banned.

The story is that someone gifted them nx cash (a person called “younglink”) and then Wizet got liketoks and some other high leveled people for NX fraud. Some are even saying the account that gifted them the cash was just a mule created to gift them and get them banned so liketoks wouldn’t surpass Tiger. read more

Lvl 30!

Hey All

Woot! Yesterday i leveled to 30! Now i am an assassin xD.

Also, yesterday i got 2 blue tubes from the huge bubbles in the subway! I sold one for a panlid, 2 bamboo hats and 13k.
Then i got scammed-but i turned out the victor
A guy advertised that he was selling kumbi for 100k and i went to trade with him. I said i would do it for 90k and a bamboo hat, seeing as i had four of the things. He said alright. But then he claimed his trade button “wouldn’t work”. I felt something strange was going on. I was right. read more

The Code


The word striked fear, amazement, annoyance and awe into the hearts of the Maplers. These beings started normally as beginners-but with one difference

They were blessed with the power to understand The Code

No-one but they knew how it happened. They were granted abilities that were not given to mere mortals. Instead of seeing the MapleStory world like a normal person, they saw it in numbers. And the scary thing was, they could alter the numbers, using one piece of guarded information, ever-changing and forever kept secret. The Hexidecimal Value. read more

Game Masters

Hey All

I was just wondering…how did the Gm’s become GM’s? Were they employed by MapleStory, and paid? Or were they chosen because they are online a lot and are responsible?. I have a friend who is a Global Moderator for MSN…and its because he’s online a lot, and responsible. I wonder if its the same for GM’s? Or they are employed….
Shade read more

Have You Met An MMOTaler In MapleStory?

Hello All

I was just wondering…has anyone from this site ever met someone in MapleStory and realised that they were from the MMOTales site? It’s never happened to me…but i havent been here long at all. And, on another note, has anyone made friends or known someone else and then discovered they play Maple too? That would be cool, in my opinion…hehehe
Your opinions/experiences please!
Shade read more