All posts by NightShade72

Best MapleDay Ever

Hey All

Well, yesterday i had the best day of my maple life ever. It put me in such a good mood!


First, i leveled to 27 (noob, i know)

And i traded some guy a single earring for a level 35 warrior weapon called a Dankke

Then, on a whim (lol) i saw a guy advertising cheap items at free market, so i went there. There were loads of people there and then…Tiger came! It was crazy. Everybody was shouting, following him and putting his fame up. His fame went up by 5 in a bout 30 seconds read more

Omega Sector

Hello there all
Well, seems like we have Omega Sector…in the latest patch..
Sounds very interesting with the “mesorangers” lol! All i know is that you go there from the bottom floor of Eos Tower….
Anyone got any info? Like what mesorangers do, quests, monsters?…
Anyways, cya!


First Blog….on MMO Tales…

Hey All Here…

Well, i’ve been reading all your blogs here for a while, and this place seemed pretty cool, so i decided to join and write some blogs. I started MapleStory when a friend told me to download it and originally had an archer…which i screwed up-lol, a very noobish thing to do- i didn’t know the statistics and added points to intelligence and health XD.
Anyways, i started back again about a month ago as a thief in Scania. I plan to be an assassin. read more