All posts by Mipsacri

The Day the Clock Chimed, Act 8.A.

[Continued from Act 7.]
[Note: It may be confusing unless you remember that italicized parts are all thoughts or flashbacks, not current events.]

Mipsacri leaned forward slightly in her chair as she heard this. So many things could be answered this way, and she was anxious to hear it. “Are you sure you don’t want some tea first? You seem rather tense, Miss Mipsacri.” To this she shook her head politely, sitting up straight again to try not to display a look of mixed excitement. “Please, continue. I’m alright. I’m just so interested to hear what I’ve been trying to figure out all along.” read more

CrystalMyth:The Extremely Simple-minded.

I suppose I should start this blog saying that I LOOOOVE Crystal. It says it’s a boy, but it’s a bit more.. feminine than I would expect from a guy, so it is simply labeled an ‘it’. I’m actually going to do this whole blog in the friendliest, most polite form possible, as I’ve been doing with PMs. 😀

So, Crystal, this whole blog is dedicated to you, and how absolutely special you are. ^_^ And to show you, that no, I don’t hate you.. (okay, maybe), but simply the fact that I’d enjoy it if you leave my friends alone here and the site I so love. I will defend it, and you will lose. ^_^ read more

Rants from all over.

Let me point out before I start this that I am not normally a very angry or aggressive person. But these things have bothered me to no end, having me blog about this.

I know this has nothing to do with my story, which will be posted tonight, but everyone, please stop making these hate threads. Saying you hate such-and-such will likely get you banned for harassment, and we don’t want that at all. read more

Mipsacri: Sucked into Flyff! OMGWTFBBQ!

My sis and I have been playing this game, Flyff, for about 3 days now, and it’s addictive. It’s a bit less grinding than MS, seeing as the monsters consistently change, and they’re all around, not just right in front of you.

Another upside is the lack of hackers. I have never seen one in the three days I’ve been here, and it’s all been good and fine. Also something else I’ve enjoyed is the fact that everyone is generally non-‘n00b’. Sure, there are a bunch of illiterate folks, and a bunch of folks that don’t even speak English, but nobody yells at you when you bump into a monster that isn’t yours for killing. I noticed the fact that there IS no curse filter, but surprisingly, no one cusses, except for a few spouts when you die. It’s really nice to type out a super long sentence and not have a filter tell you there’s some curse hidden in there. read more

The Day the Clock Chimed, Act 4.

[Author’s note (please read this): I bet you all have been looking forward to this, right? *sarcasm* I have a new idea I want to try out with this story, however, I must please ask that you do not borrow this idea. As far as I know, I’m the first one to do it, (please correct me if I’m wrong with a link to the blog in question), but being so, I’d rather not have everyone using my ideas to their heart’s content. read more

How to make a better blog/story.

Lots of people have emailed me about the fact that they need help with their stories, or the fact that they need help about something similar to that.

Well, this blog is for you.

I suppose, to start off, I’d like to point out a handy little tool called IESpell. Unfortunately, it’s only for those with Internet Explorer, so I’ll be keeping my eyes open for options for people with other browsers.
What this does: It’s a browser plugin, so it puts a little button on your browser. Once you’ve finished typing your blog, highlight the text and click the little button, and it’ll spell-check it for you! It’s really super useful.
Best of all, it’s free, and you can get it here: link read more

The epic of our time, CCing?

Now, as of late, I have seen many many blogs on the subject of ‘CC’, and I only have one thing to say to this.

Where is our decency?

Sure, you all may find this harsh, and yes, I probably will be flamed and lose many, many fans.. but think about it. Let’s say you’re in a channel that can only support one person easily (for those of you who are 5x+, think Zombie 4. For those of you who are under 5x, think of a small channel that could only easily work well with one person.), and then someone comes into your channel. What do you do? read more

The Day the Clock Chimed, Act 1.

(I see most people here write lengthy stories about their dreams to be a famous such-and-such 3rd job, or how they started their journey, so I am going to write my own piece, attempting to write outside the box. Wish me luck, ne?~ Also, this is a work of fiction, as you’ll soon see.)

Mipsacri sighed heartily at the work she had done that day, stretching out at the platform high above the zombies. She could hear their angry moans below her, hisses of torment, beckoning her down there, but she would have none of it. The rather strong thief was tired, and she had just leveled up not moments before. Clutching her dagger loosely on her chest, her kitty curled up beside her singing to himself, she let out a quiet yawn, her eyes beginning to close for just a moment, the droning yells of the zombies beginning to lull her to sleep. read more

The day I solo’d the Jr. Barlog.

I sit here in silence and wonder during this hour-long server check, wondering what I had gotten myself into. I guess to sum it up, today I did quite a bit. I leveled, changed my hair from cute to grotesque, AND solo’d the fabled Jr. Barlog. At only level 66.

My day started off fairly average, with 33% at about 10 AM. I was training at zombies, as usual, and by 2 pm, I was at 80%. Then Shmooki showed up, just home from school, and we trained together till I leveled. Lately I had been getting tired of my curly hair (Too many people have it, and it isn’t my style), so I was hoping for something a little more dangerous and interesting. Therefore, I had milked $5 out of my mum, who’s owed me for quite sometime anyway. read more

MaskOfSmak attacks!

Hey everyone! Mipsacri here. It’s been, what, two days since I wrote my last blog? Wow, a record.
Pondering the evil fate that awaits me? Well, actually, I’ve been accomplishing the impossible.

After failing horribly to find a lama two days ago, even with the help of my dear friend, Shmooks, I decided to go back to training, determined to beat my rival, Za. Right now he’s level 71, and for the past two days, I’ve been training my butt off. So, I have jumped from 63 to 65 in two days. That’s right, 100% a day. I don’t really know what’s gotten into me.. but that’s okay. It’s been tiring, and I’ve spent almost every waking hour on the computer, but I’m very proud. read more