The epic of our time, CCing?

Now, as of late, I have seen many many blogs on the subject of ‘CC’, and I only have one thing to say to this.

Where is our decency?

Sure, you all may find this harsh, and yes, I probably will be flamed and lose many, many fans.. but think about it. Let’s say you’re in a channel that can only support one person easily (for those of you who are 5x+, think Zombie 4. For those of you who are under 5x, think of a small channel that could only easily work well with one person.), and then someone comes into your channel. What do you do?

“Change channels please.” Is my average response, if they don’t leave in the first few minutes. Most people are compliant, but there are a few.. who either curse me out, begin KSing me, or play dumb as so many blogs have suggested to do. This is just plain wrong. If there’s not enough room, don’t try to take my channel for Pete’s sake! Sure, some folks are rude about asking you to change channels. Deal with it. I think being the politer character here really matters, and you should change channels.

I don’t mean that you should be jolly on a massive map, and change channels if someone tells you to. Just please, take in consideration before you start ignoring their pleas of changing channels.

For instance:

Example 1: A low level bandit is in a zombie lupin channel. Obviously there is room for both of you. Tell them that. If that doesn’t work, still be polite. Change channels.

Example 2: A cleric is in a zombie lupin channel. This one should be obvious. He can cover the ground fast enough that he doesn’t need a 2nd person, and you should change channels.

Example 3: A character is in a zombie lupin tree that is obviously too low to be there. This is one of those examples I think sharing is allowed, no matter what they say.

But with all of the examples, never ever defame, KS, or say mean things. This sort of this should be banned from MS. If it’s a small channel, and they don’t want to share, deal with it. Go somewhere else. I hate when people are mean to me because I’ve asked them to change channels, this just degrades my feelings about what’s left of the sanity in this game.

Also! You higher folks, stop scaring the little people out of their channels. Sure, they’re stupid and illiterate, but if they were there first, leave them the heck alone!

So, basically.. it doesn’t matter how literate or illiterate they are. Be the bigger character. Don’t play dumb. Change channels.


(MaskOfSmak pwns you.)
(P.S: Yep, go ahead, let me have it. I’m ready for the flaming, I just needed to express my feelings on this subject.)

15 thoughts on “The epic of our time, CCing?”

  1. I am just wondering, but you have two ppl on you’re liked place, that do not have any chars or blogs, why?

  2. Huh? Well Shmooki is my best friend. The other three I have absolutely no clue. o.o Your guess is as good as mine!


  3. lol, just wondering, becuase sometimes ppl can scam other ppl on websites and get you’re info and stuff

  4. no problem, my brother got hacked from many ppl pretending to be a friend of his.

  5. Everyone! Please stay on topic. I’d love to hear your opinions, but please don’t go off subject with variations of ‘CC’.

    Thank you very much. ^^


  6. I admire people who spell the phrase correctly. Great job with the blog, Mip oO

  7. My biggest issue with this topic is that too many people are channel commited. I realize that there are many areas that can prudently train only one person, but I do not see the right to ask someone to leave. This is not your game, and to incence over someone not leaving a channel that IS NOT YOURS is ignorant. YOU can solve everything by simply channging channels yourself. The animosity that radiates over this simple phase is manifesting itself into an out of control epidemic. When will people appreciate this free game? Just play. Have fun. Don’t stress over how many people are in the same channel. Change channels yourself!

    This may not apply to many of you seeing how this is a technique most commonly used for higher levels, but imagne you are in the area of dark golems. You eradicate all the golems on the ground floor and realize that backtracking up a level will slow you training. What do you do? Change channels to present yourself with a fresh batch of golems.

    I presented the situation to prove a point. High levels are channel surfing all the time to maximize their train experience. If this is the case, why can not anyone simply change channels to maximize their own training in the same way. In the example of the golems, the person “owns” his individual channel at the moment, but without hesitation changes it. If people just realize that changing channels THEMSELVES will increase training, this game will have a complete makeover.

    I will end on this: the problem is not people yelling “cc noob” or “no ks noob,” but rather people being what i call channel commited. If people just realize how many problems just changing channels themselves will solve, this game would be a much more enjoyable place


  8. Ah, Alter, thank you for stating your opinion in such a polite manner. But I’ll have to disagree.
    I personally am one of these ‘channel commited’ people you speak of, as when I find an empty channel, I keep it to myself, as spawn goes much faster when I stay in one place and solo. Of course, there are exceptions, such as cargos, but usually, this is what I do. ^^


    (P.S: Thank you Anvo! :3)

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