All posts by KuchikiRukia

FunnyStory: hassarsment [sic]

Thanks, everyone who gave me advice on my recent harassment problem. I stayed on the low down for a week or so, and I think the hacker-stalker’s ADD must have caused him to forget about me. (^_^)/

I have another harassment story this time, but it’s a funny one! And not really about harassment. I was in Amoria [Khaini] and ran into a nooby dude named ImAMule1234, and the following funny conversation ensued. ( I would put “[sic]” after everything, but instead please assume that all misspellings are his and not mine.) read more

Being Stalked, Need Advice

Okay. So I haven’t been too active on MMO Tales since my first post, but I’d been thinking about posting another entry. It was going to be a happy one, with silly anecdotes about my golden pig Gohi, who makes the most *embarrassing* sounds for the poop command, but unfortunately this isn’t a happy blog.

In fact, I am freakin’ scared. And I need some help. read more

Putting My CreditCard under Lock&Key

Someone made the insightful comment that the new Amoria Hairstyle quest takes the five ugliest and least popular hairstyles and gives them to a bunch of suckers, so that we (suckers) then have to turn around and buy NX Cash to fix it.

I think they were right.

Even though I liked my default Edgy, I thought, “Oooh! Free hairstyle, why not?” and promptly received a Polly. That hairstyle is the fugliest thing to grace 2-D gaming since… well, since ever. It just looks bad. Regretting the stupid quest immediately, I whipped out the good old, over-used credit card and bought some NX Cash for the first time. read more