What The Heck?!

Today was kind of odd… I went to fire boars with a friend, trying to level, when I got this fire boar into a corner and my friend killed it. When the spoils dropped a wad of mesos hit the wall and flew over her head on the screen. We both instantly made the f6 face but i didn’t take a pic. (>_<) Anyway I picked it up and she said she thought I was hacking. (what?)

Anyway later we’re training and she gets this message from her level 70+ ranger friend saying he found ilbis and wants to know if she wants them. She turns him down. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. o.O

3 thoughts on “What The Heck?!”

  1. that thingy with the cash flying overhead happened to me 3 times, everytime was in a corner

  2. ive had cash fly out of a corner, but it didnt fly OVER me(im a sin, and i dont punch things in a corner)

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