Well, to start off, Last night i trained at Zombie Lupins FOR 7 HOURS, and i did not find any maple weapons. (I was there because i saw a screenie of a ZLupin dropping the maple claw.) Luckily i found a silver crow (NPC’ed it) and a blood avarice (scrolled it and transfered it to my sin). I leveled to 47 on Itachi49, and maxed SB. So this morning i signed on my sin to level him up. I got to level 20 and went to pick up some quests, like the kerning JQ, the horny shroom 99 quest, the green shroom 999 quest, and the pia and the mushroom quest. So I went to sleepywood to start up the 999 and 99 different shroom quests. I first picked up the 999 green quest, then went into the Ant tunnel to pick up the 99 horny quest. SO, I head back to the first ant tunnel to kill a bunch of the horny shrooms since it was empty. ANYWAYS, onto the part that has me pissed off…
All posts by Jammaros
Training in Mardia
Well last night i worked hard and gained 5 Levels even though my goal was to get at least to level 14. instead i got to level 16, because I really wanted to get to level 15 for new equips, and new quests. So i decided to be stressed out by training among the flood of newbies there at HHG 1, training on the slime platform getting KSed by mages, a sin, 2 bandits, and a few random archers through the time i was there, not all at once 0.o
I got a Pet! =D
So yesterday i finally got another $10 NX card and i already had 100 NX left over from last time, so add those together and it is exactly enough NX to buy a White tiger, bow, and name tag. So that’s what i did and i named it after my brother (his middle name) Lynn. And ever since i got him i’ve been only working with him and raising the closeness level. Currently he’s at level 10 and i noticed it’s speaking mostly english now and not krowling as much. So now i have a ton of work to do to get Lynn to level 15 so i can talk through him =D
New warrior, again
Well i felt like making a new warrior in bera, so i did it today and it took me a long time, but at level 9 with 77% i found a red rose, and i think it’s above average, at 31 ATK.
so now i’m at level 14, equipped with me rose, and i decided to make him a spearman instead of a Axe fighter. (my name is going to be questioned all the time now xD )
woot! i’m a mercenary now
well today i trained on lawolfs and grownup lawolfs till level 14 50% with a random party and then we went up to fefern plants, and a while later i leveled up to 15, so i warped to town and started up the quest, and it took me 3 tries to finish the first part, because of lag and my bad hand-eye coordination when it comes to clicking on the monsters. i eventually got it with 2 mins left and went and bought chupims and twinklestones and luckly i already had the advancement book from when i stole it from bubble plains, and went to finish that, went to kill the huge barbari thing and ta da! i became a merc.
Second day of FlyFF
So today i try to sign on lawolf with LordJammaros, but both the normal channels were full -_-
so i decided to make a new character in Glaphan since it was the emptyiest. (lol i think that’s spelled wrong )
I made Searos and he’ll become a merc as well.
so I immediately went hubnting on airbaits and eventually switched to the beatle looking thingies o.O (i didn’t know about the level 3 mushroom things until i got to level 6 xP )
my first attempt at FlyFF
Well i tryed FlyFF for the first time, and i like it. xD
The only problem i have is that it’s sometimes laggy on my comp. Right now i’m level 3 and in the lawolf world. his name is LordJammaros if you want to stalk me xP
quick question, how do you take Screenies in FlyFF?
Rant On hackers and Hacking in general
I Just leveled after like, a month of being on level 40 (i stopped training) and i was stressed so i went on a suicide run. first i hit EL Nath and died to a pack of ravage Pangs using their special attack on me. Then i went to aqua dungeon for the second time and i wanted to see if i could find Pianus. well when i got to the map with all the sharks i saw somebody hacking, and it was none other than a level 111 ‘Sader using Bot, Item Vac, Godmode.
Mage rises from the ashes of a cleric
Today i decided to quit my level 41 Cleric and make a new magician that i’m planning on to become a Fire Mage. Right now he’s level 13, has all his equips except for 20-30 and level 60+ xP I already bought my level 48/50 equips a long LONG time ago. So now i’m taking a short break and later tonight i’ll get to level 15 at the least. I would like to get to level 20 but that might take to long. I just can’t wait until i get Fire arrow and that’s what motivates me to train my butt off. plus when i made my cleric months ago I got him way past 30 in one month. honestly i could do it in 3 days, today, tomorrow, and sunday. but i doubt i’ll get to level 25 by monday.
Gelt Chocolatte owns
I finally got the remaining 9 altar peices i needed while training at my favorite spot today, and got the gelt chocolate, so i decided to “waste” one and take multiple screenies of my damage.
Normally it take me, a level 40 bandit with level 21 SB, 1 Savage blow and 1-3 normal hits to kill a fire boar. with the gelt chocolatte, i could kill fire boars in 2 normal hits. my max damage that i saw on a normal hit was 1k+ my max Double stab was well over 2k and my max Savage blow was 2749.
So i decided to go to the map with all the drakes and fire drakes and try my luck there. I could kill the normal drakes in 1 Savage, and if that didn’t kill them, 1 normal hit after that did it. and then i tryed Fire drakes. i could kill them in 3-5 Savage blows. eventually i was fighting a fire drake when my gelt chocolatte wore off and i saw that without it i culd only do like, 20 damage with Savage blow on that fire drake