Rant On hackers and Hacking in general

I Just leveled after like, a month of being on level 40 (i stopped training) and i was stressed so i went on a suicide run. first i hit EL Nath and died to a pack of ravage Pangs using their special attack on me. Then i went to aqua dungeon for the second time and i wanted to see if i could find Pianus. well when i got to the map with all the sharks i saw somebody hacking, and it was none other than a level 111 ‘Sader using Bot, Item Vac, Godmode.

I bet he hacked to get that Z Helm too >___>

People like this piss me off and make me wish GmS would start Fining all hackers $100+ that would drasticly cut the number of hackers, except for the rich kids that have nothing better to waste their money on. I mean, why hack? Are you so stupid that you can’t seem to play a EASY GAME without cheating? Why waste your time hacking when you’re inevitabily going to be banned and all that time you spent hacking is wasted and you no longer have your precious “pro” character. Sure, some times Leveling gets hard. Simply enough if you can’t handle it, then DON’T PLAY THE FKING GAME. if you can’t handle being broke, then don’t play. don’t go run off to a site and buy Mesos or download hacks. if you want to play the game then PLAY LEGIT. It saves you a lot of problems and keeps us legits Sane. I see so many Damn hackers a day that i want to seriously go to Nexon america’s HQ, and log in a Gm’s account and ban them, since the GMs don’t seem to be doing so very quickly. DOn’t get me worng, I like the GMs and appriciate the time they spend helping us, but they need to STEP IT UP. I want to go on the game, and see no hackers, to train in popular hacked maps where all 20 channels are not hacked and where if i see a hacker and report him, a few minutes later I see a notice saying that person was banned.

If any hackers in MS are reading this, i want you to focus on this. QUIT HACKING AND LET US HAVE OUR SANITY.
Also, to all the people out there that KS and Loot from AFK hackers. STOP. you’re not helping and you’re getting yourslf at risk for a ban. if you see a hacker, report, screenie, and ifyou want, then defame. then turn around, and either leave the map or Change Channels. I also dislike the mules that get SuperMEgs and advertize the sites for hacking and buying Mesos. I’ve seen so many of those that the url of those sites are burned int the back of my brain. Yes, buying mesos would be helpful, buit i’d rather get mesos the legal way and not in the way that could get you banned.

So in summary, Don’t hack, Hacking makes you seem stupid, don’t buy mesos, don’t advertize illegal sites, Help keep my sanity.


Oh, and don’t bother defending hacking or hackers. because i honestly don’t give a crap about your Pro-hacking opinion.

5 thoughts on “Rant On hackers and Hacking in general”

  1. lol, sorry, but chances of him hacking a z helm are pretty slim with gms parked in the ch
    he probably just went legit, not that hard when u are 100+

  2. Still, you have a point, Jam.

    I see tons of hacker every day, I can’t even train at certain maps anymore because they are all hacked. ;(

    And it seems that no-matter how many times you report, defame, super megaphone or just screenshot the hackers and post the pictures somewhere, they just won’t get banned.

    The GM’s said they were looking at the hackers, and that they ban them in one massive go, right?

    That’s so friggin’ inefficient.

    It’s also really retarded you can only report one hacker a day — I mean, there’s more hackers then legits nowadays!

    Nice blog, nevertheless. n-n

  3. i cant train on grupins anymore, i think at one time all 20 channels were being hacked
    now im forced to go to jr yeti or somewhere else
    and i go with rokuji >>> There’s more hackers than legits nowadays!
    even if you auto loot or auto click its hacking, so, there really is more hackers than legits
    its sad how people rely on things like those.

  4. We really need to have unlimited reports per day, are they so stupid they haven’t changed this? Or do they support their NX-buying hackers? >_>

  5. I understand the frustration. It’s something that really bothers me as well; not only in the hackers spoiling the game for others but also in lack of action in actually removing the violators. I’ve heard the excuses: “Leveling is so tedious. It’s so boring. Hacking is fun. Why get all uptight over it?” If you feel you have to cheat to make the game enjoyable for you, go find yourself another game and leave Maple Story for those of us who do enjoy the adventure of it. I know going from level 26 to 27 like I’m doing right now isn’t going to be nearly as rough as going from level 79 to 80, but I look at it as making that accomplishment that much sweeter.
    There are two groups that this really hurts. First are all the lower-level players who would just like the opportunity to wander outside of town, beat up a gaggle of monsters to level up and earn meso and items, then return to town to heal up and buy items. Now they have to put up with monsters they could dispatch to gain precious EXP dying mysteriously before their eyes before they have a chance to raise their weapon. The other group would be any of us trying to complete item-fetch quests. I don’t believe in buying the items I need; I’ll go out and get them myself. I have one quest where I need pig heads, and I’m short by 4 heads. Every time I wander out east of Henesys, where pigs spawn frequently so it normally shouldn’t be TOO hard to fill out my quota, I have to deal with jerks hiding in the trees, hacking and vaccing all the pigs within a couple seconds of spawning.
    As far as KSing, that is starting to bother me a lot now, too, as I’m trying to complete other quests and power up. As the population continues to grow, the problems are only going to get worse.

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