woot! i’m a mercenary now

well today i trained on lawolfs and grownup lawolfs till level 14 50% with a random party and then we went up to fefern plants, and a while later i leveled up to 15, so i warped to town and started up the quest, and it took me 3 tries to finish the first part, because of lag and my bad hand-eye coordination when it comes to clicking on the monsters. i eventually got it with 2 mins left and went and bought chupims and twinklestones and luckly i already had the advancement book from when i stole it from bubble plains, and went to finish that, went to kill the huge barbari thing and ta da! i became a merc.

no screenies this time, for i forgot to take them x.x

2 thoughts on “woot! i’m a mercenary now”

  1. Congratulations on that! Yes, the job advancement is glorious. You know what happens next, right, ? Time to Fly!

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