New warrior, again

Well i felt like making a new warrior in bera, so i did it today and it took me a long time, but at level 9 with 77% i found a red rose, and i think it’s above average, at 31 ATK.

so now i’m at level 14, equipped with me rose, and i decided to make him a spearman instead of a Axe fighter. (my name is going to be questioned all the time now xD )

and in the second picture, i only got 1k from it -_-;;

One thought on “New warrior, again”

  1. Hey, you might be able to answer my questions so I don’t have to write a whole blog aqbout it :] I started a new char in Maple Story today, and I found a lot of these wish tickets and a red envelope, But how much are they actually worth? It’d be great to get some info, and I can’t find any decent MS forum,

    Haha, your name sure is gonna be questioned a lot 😛

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