All posts by Indescane

Bandit’s Sin: Coda, Chapter 3 [FIN]

i. Step: Florina
It was sunset over Florina Beach. At the harbour, various people were milling around; some flirting with Riel and the girls, a couple bargaining with Valen, the rest arranged in small groups around the area to enjoy the comforts of sun-warmed sand and cold sea after a long day of training. Nobody seemed to notice the duo sitting on the shore away from the rest; a pale man and a young woman. read more

Mortis Gratia: Lavender, Chapter 1

Arc 1: Lavender
The Entrance

We remember.

The memories. Each person has a different set, shaped by perception and emotion and belief and reason. Each person bears their own opinions of the good and the bad. Each person holds different pieces of a huge, shifting mirage of a story; a story that is never right and never wrong.

There was no denying that their story had been shaped. Guided, almost. With a pull of a cord, everything had unravelled and clashed and changed them. There was no way back for any of them. None would forget. read more

Travesty and hellfire!

Or something like that.

Take 1 Indescane. Add 3 parts school, 2 parts Summer Vacation, 2 parts Work, 1 part FlyFF and 4 parts Lack of Inspiration. Mix thoroughly until mixture forms thick blood-red peaks in bowl. Add four eggs and a cup of melted chocolate. Fold in until well-blended, then pour into 3′ by 6′ baking container and bake for 42 minutes.
Serve with a side of fresh RAGE. read more

On the life and existence of Indescane.

Yes. Hurrah. Another RP bio. XD

Name: Indescane

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Weapon: Shadow Glaive. It can be in miniature form, 17cm long and hanging from Indescane’s belt by a chain, or its full six-foot form.

Specialty: Darkness and shadows; seeing as she’s the only completely shadow-mage so far, it’ll do for originality.

Personal strengths. Indescane is persistent, with good observational and people-reading skills which have allowed her to become a successful source of information for quite a number of people. Normally, she’s resourceful, practical and patient and doesn’t lose her head easily. She’s also good with that glaive of hers.
Magical strengths. When shadows are at their darkest and deepest she can summon shadow beasts to do her bidding; her favourite of these is a part-wolf, part-raptor. In light to medium shadows she can shadowdelve, dissolving her being to become part of the shadows. This allows her to travel quickly. She can also turn someone’s shadow against them, to a certain extent. If all else fails she can create blasts of pure shadow to use against someone; however, this takes a severe physical toll. read more

Bandit’s Sin: Coda, Chapter 2

Yep. I’m back. Bet you were thinking that onoes, Indescane has updated, let’s not check for a few years or so. DEAL!
I just read Stephen King’s Carrie and now I’m so happy. Happy happy happy. Happy- *gets hit by flying coathanger* OW! But my muse has returned! My brain is kinda steaming and udgy, poke it! POKE! *pokes self in eye* AAOW!

Strange, gory and confusing chapter up ahead. Also, Maple dates in my book are defined differently: Az and Essy made their fated trip to El Nath in early 9059, the events of Lowest Denominator began in early- to mid-9061. Hopefully this’ll help you to understand the chapter better. Not that you’ll understand it in the first place. read more

Bandit’s Sin: Coda, Chapter 1

Before I get lynched, let’s just say some things.

Here is a chapter. It’s been so horrifically delayed owing to a machine that eats this thing I have called ‘free time’, a machine that is built of parts called ‘projects’, ‘French homework’, ‘exams’. Yeah, it’s the machine of school, some evil creaky thing chasing me around and EATING MAH FREE TIME. D< Fortunately now exams are OVER (mostly), which means the ultimate happiness and joy that is freedom. read more

Thanksgiving. A time to give…thanks.

Or so I’ve heard.

I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, my geological position and mental stance don’t allow for it.

But as that is said, let me give my two cents, four cents, even number of small coinage etc. on this wondrous and glorious event.

Ahhh, hunting events. What would an event be without pros KSing the lower-levels, without I/L wizards spamming their moves in the newbie training areas, without the usual gamut of sins bounding left right and center…
Don’t answer that. read more


I was planning to remake Al, because a 19dex wizard really isn’t that impressive.

So I pottered about doing all those things that you do, such as preparing a mule to transfer your stuff to, and redeeming all those quest items. One of my items was the Hero Medal, or whatever you call it, from the Maple History Book quest. So I was planning a trip to Victoria. I was in the FM at the time, so I ran my way up to Orbis with the help of speed pills, my Red Whip and Teleport. All went well, with the exception of a short skirmish with the penguins, right up till the point where I reached Orbis station. read more

Dear MMOT.

Dear MMOT,

I would like to announce to you the imminent arrival of an event that gives me much joy.

*dramatic pause*

Another user of this site, DaMunky89, and I, will be getting…MARRIED.

Yes, ’tis perfect and wonderful and so un-clichéd! Not at all like the declaration of love under the cherry blossoms. Though that happened. And after a long, deep and meaningful chat, about his angsty past and his parents being sadly kidnapped by weasels, I looked into his eyes and knew this was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Even though we’ve NEVER met in real life, who cares?! I’m flying to meet him these upcoming holidays and everyone KNOWS that we’ll love each other straightaway! read more

Bandit’s Sin: Prime Factors, Chapter 8

Wewt, I’m back! Comments pl0x. If I got anything wrong, if I got something right, if there were grammar issues or spelling mistakes, if the plot sucked, if it was really patchy in places? Flame me, comment me, etc. I appreciate comments of any sort, whether commenting on the wrong or right, because it helps me improve on the points I’m weak at. Which will bring you better-quality story. =D read more