Dear MMOT.

Dear MMOT,

I would like to announce to you the imminent arrival of an event that gives me much joy.

*dramatic pause*

Another user of this site, DaMunky89, and I, will be getting…MARRIED.

Yes, ’tis perfect and wonderful and so un-clichéd! Not at all like the declaration of love under the cherry blossoms. Though that happened. And after a long, deep and meaningful chat, about his angsty past and his parents being sadly kidnapped by weasels, I looked into his eyes and knew this was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Even though we’ve NEVER met in real life, who cares?! I’m flying to meet him these upcoming holidays and everyone KNOWS that we’ll love each other straightaway!

And he leaned over, and he brushed the hair out of my face, and we kissed. We kissed a long loving lovely kiss. And we didn’t come up to breathe for the whole of 5 minutes, because everyone knows people in love don’t need oxygen! And we’re in love! SO DEEPLY IN LOVE!!

You hear me, Munky-cuddly-chin-chins? I LOVE YOU! I love you with all my haert! My love for you is so pink that bogeymen cry at the sight of it!

If anyone wishes to attend the Maple wedding, it will be taking place in Cassiopeia, Channel 15, two Sundays from now. Yep, we’re going to move to MapleSEA to have a Maple wedding as well as a real one, because our love is just that great and true.

And you know something else? I only have to wait.
For a bit.
All those people who said our love couldn’t blossom over the internet were WRONG! I was wrong, too. I thought that internet dating was oh so ghey. But now I know better. My eyes have been opened, by uberschwuffymuffysquffyLOVE! I know now it’s true! Internet dating DOES work!

Of course, he doesn’t know about this yet.
But he won’t object. :3


15 thoughts on “Dear MMOT.”

  1. hahahahaha

    i seriously laffed at reading this

    half the time i was thinking: good for them

    then you say he doesnt know and i rofled

  2. Hope you guys got a good wedding. And, erm, two sundays? I wanna attend the wedding. But where and when? I’ll use a super megaphone to tell everybody~~ ! Whisper to xjoshuadsax when you are on. I am supposedly on almost everyday. I WANNA ATTEND IT!

  3. wow alot of marriages and relationships! weird that he does’ent know about this yet lol

  4. Me wanna join you too. Congrats! Can you add me and tell me the proper timing? My nick Is PaleOne(Lvl 8). I never ever play him and BTW: Is this a trick?

  5. LET ME PLAN THE FOOD! OH, DEAR GOD, LET ME PLAN THE FOOOOOOOD! *kills self laughing, then puts on innocent face* I won’t eat it all. I promise. >.> I’ll just have to sample of it to make sure it’s not poisoned, then sample it again to make sure I haven’t missed anything. Yeah.

    Tis the summer of looooooooove~! ^^ Well, if you wanna get technical, the spring of love. . .xD

  6. Indescane said: “You hear me, Munky-cuddly-chin-chins?”

    ROFLMFAO! I wonder how he feels about that. Alterofgod’s reply to AliyahRoyal’s blog was completely different from his normal personality.

    Whatever, send me an invite. XD GRATZ MUNKYPASTE. [/insanecaps]

  8. Is this a dare?. . .
    You said his parents got kidnapped by weasels. . .and you kissed for 5 min without breathing. . .o.o

  9. Rofl, I was laughing so hard when you said Munkly-Didly something. . .

    Lots of people are falling in love onthe website -_-
    Come’on. . .

    But wish you guys good luck! Cassieopia T_T If only you guys would do the wedding in Broa. . . Neo Samurai could be te priest. . . but oh well ^_^

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