All posts by Indescane

Bandit’s Sin: Prime Factors, Chapter 7

Hihi. I’m back. I give thee a little shoutout to read the stories of my friends, because they are spiffy and update more often than I do.

UNHOLY MOTHER OF CHEESE. Thank you. THANK YOU ALL READERS, for helping me achieve the 200-likes mark despite my infrequent updates and strange ways.

Urgh, I’m such a slob. It has been three weeks since I last updated, I know. And Kirby has battered me accordingly [O-(‘_’t) Super Rude Kirby courtesy of DaMunky.]. I really am sorry about the delay with this chapter – but storywriting, Maple and all matter of electronica had to be temporarily put aside in favour of healthy sleep and good grades. >_> But seriously, how can one’s real life overtake one’s virtual life?! D< IT’S NOT POSSIBLE. xD[/ubergeek] read more

Well, this is interesting.

Logging on to MMOT today, I decided to check out what the big fuss was about Aqua Road. Seeing as how three-quarters of the blogs last night had the words ‘Aqua’ and ‘Road’ together in the title – oh yes, don’t forget ‘patch’, ‘ghey’ and ‘oh em gee’ – I clicked on the latest blog and found…a discussion of the newly added NEWB SKILLS. Dear son of a bun! I thought to myself, albeit sarcastically. What have GMS done to warrant this…gift for the noobdom? Besides the excessive complaining, the whining, the flaming, that is… read more

I have a confession.

Hi, my name is Shedemai, sometimes called Sheddy by my annoying cousins. I’m a warrior class and a fifteenth-leveled spear-wielder. I have a confession to make, and this may sound…psycho of me, but I guess it has to be said.

I like killing things. I really, really like killing things. I really, really, really, really- OW!

It all started back on Maple Island, when I was really young and had just been handed my first sword. There was a little floating ball of rock, and I remember knowing that it couldn’t do anything to me back. So I killed it. The POWER. The glorious power that flooded my body. I was almighty and cool. So I killed some more. It gave me so much strength! Then there was pretty light and remember nearly spasming from the happy power! I felt a lot stronger and a bit nimbler after that, so I went and killed more things. I really do enjoy killing things so much. It gives me this sense of…happy. read more

Bandit’s Sin: Prime Factors, Chapter 6

Blubble. Back from the dead, or rather, the void that is SCHOOL. *dramatic shiver* I’ve got a math test tomorrow and I’m dead, because there’s no way I’m going to pass. I went to the zoo on Tuesday =D It was fun. And yes. I’m a liar. A big fat liar. I’m sorry this chapter is 2 days late. ;_;

OMG NO WAI 160 LIKES. D= I LOVE you all. I really, really do. Thank you for supporting this random story, commenting, critiquing and stuff. Please never hold back from telling me something is crap or doesn’t fit. If the characters are being OOC, I spelt something funny, got something about the attacks/pwnage wrong, whatever. Tell me and I will keep improving. read more

General. And poetry.


To all the readers of Bandit’s Sin. I AM SO SORRY. The big Writer’s Block hath risen up and smacked me between the eyes so hard I think I’m still seeing crosswise. Not only that, I suck. I really do. (/._.)/ <~~ See that? That’s me. Kowtowing to you for forgiveness. *whimpers*

Well. . .here’s one of my random pieces of work as a bribe. And another bribe is located here, on my account. Plzdon’tkillme. read more

So boredom inspires me.

Liek. Hi.

I might actually make a BLOG for once. Shock horror. o_o

I’m sick at home today with a slight headache, a runny nose and an aching throat. Guess what? Being sick is the suck. Especially when you’re going to go ice-skating on Sunday. But anyway, enough with the random tangents…

Recently, I started a Warrior on Scania, to meet up with one of my IRL friends who has a Cleric. I’m planning to become a Spearman, because, y’know: Spearman with HB + Cleric with Heal = Mass Ownage. My little Shedemai, or Sheddy for short, has been wandering around Newb Island delivering death to all manner of molluscs and funghi infecting the Island. Being a Warrior-newb is really liberating. It’s kinda thrilling to watch yourself 1-hit those blue snails which tormented you as a little lvl7 magician with 4 str and a bucket of Int that’s all but useless until your job advance. On Maple Island, brawn > brains. Or at least, that’s the impression I’m getting. read more

Bandit’s Sin: Prime Factors, Chapter 5

Y’know, the usual; you liked? Feel free to tell me why. You hated? Feel free to tell me why. You love me and want to bear my children? Uh…I’ll get back to you on that one. >.> I heart all of you who have reviewed, commented and supported me. *throws cookies*

School is slowly re-consuming my life. Piece by slimy piece. So, as a kind of bribe I’m going to be posting a few random pictures along the way. Today, I’m posting the duo I can safely refer to as Team Maestro. These are the original sprites I had when I was in the character-developing stages, just as a visual reference, because I’m a visual-ish person who can’t draw for Esther Shields. <_< Oh yes. And a random doodle I did in class of Al. It’s unrecognizable. I told you, I can’t draw for Esther Shields. ;_; read more

Bandit’s Sin: Prime Factors, Chapter 4

O_O W00t! Thanks to all the reviewers who helped put TWO of my chapters on the frontpage =D I luff j00 all!
The usual: if you liked, comment, if you didn’t like, tell me why! And a little note to the readers (please don’t be offended if I don’t mention your name, I’m just answering a couple of questions/commenting/etc. ^^’ Because I’m weird that way.) read more

Bandit’s Sin: Prime Factors, Chapter 3

Gloonk! Back with the next chapter. School starts tomorrow. I am sad that I will no longer be able to lurk on MMOTales and enjoy the plethora of magical delights – *gets kicked in the head*

AAGH! Anyway. In answer to some comments (yes, I’m a person who feels more comfortable replying readers in Author’s Notes rather than comments, a remnant of my days.) As usual, the shoutout to mine readers: if you thought it was worth the however-many-minutes-of-your-life-it-took-to-read, if you liked or hated something in particular about it, always feel free to leave a comment! I want to keep on improving, and the best way I can do that is through your feedback. Your author-to-be needs YOU. *points* read more

Bandit’s Sin: Prime Factors, Chapter 2

Blargle. School is starting soon, updates won’t be as often…y’know, all that jazz. YAY SCHOOL WORK *dies*. Thank ye for feedback, for it spurs me on to greater heights.

Just finished reading a book about Irish balladry, so my head is really REALLY messed up right now. Forgive any weird language, horrible plot development, OOC-ness and grammatical/spelling mistakes that may ensue. I was not meant to write with my head in this state. read more