All posts by hksmaster

A scam in Wolf Spider Cavern.

Lv.90 xaZnrift3r
I was enjoying some quadruple experience after Nexon’s 19 channel maintenance. It was after I leveled that the scam actually happened. Some Bishop comes out of the blue, and asks me if he could train me. He parties me and whatnot, since I’m just standing there by the portal. Then he tells me he can train me for 3 hours, but forgot to buy pots. He kills a few spiders with his Huge Light thing and tells me to buy him pots. So I bought 600 Mana Bull and gave that to him. The greedy scammer said he needed 300 more if he was going to train me for 4 hours. I asked for my 600 pots back, and he left. I guess he got me good because I was so hyped up on level 90 >,<. read more

Good place to level

LVL 50 Fighter xaZnrift3r
GMS Scania

From the moment I reached level 38, I was confident and found a good place to level. With some decent items, I headed for Ludi’s toy factory, which was full of low HP and decent EXP monsters. The first level of the place consisted of teddies, which I began training on for about an hour, but felt I could take on stronger monsters. Further in I encountered pandas, which also gave decent amount of hp, but they died in 1-2 hits. I began exploring and I discovred a blue box with a yellow star on it. Curiosity made me break the box open, warping me to the secret factory. There I found my perfect training monster, the Trojan horse. I could kill them in 3 – 6 slash blasts and each box created 10 of them. There was the perfect monster, which I recommend, to level from 35- 50. 920 EXP Per Box! read more


Was off to a good start on a normal day and I thought of joining a party. After what seemed like 3 hours of grueling grinding a monster dropped a rare item. I thought to meself “whoop-dee-do” this is what hard work pays off. Then one of my party member comes and takes it.