All posts by Gradients


  So maybe it’s just me, but I’ve realized that looting is a great way to make money. Especially at HHG1. No one mentions anything about you looting anything and you can just loot everything to finish all of your quests. o_o I mean, that’s how I finished all of my level ten quests. I know people usually look down on looters, but like, if the person doesn’t want it; why let it go to waste? That’s my thinking on the subject, anyway. n 3n; read more

It’s been forever.

  Wow, it’s been forever – and when I say forever, I do mean literally. I haven’t been playing Maple much since my last blog. I actually haven’t played at all basically. I decided to come back because well, it’s probably one of the funnest games I’ve ever played. I feel like something is missing though, I don’t really know what it is though. I guess I just don’t do as many weird things as I used to? I dont’t know, that’s another story for another day. read more


   GRUPINS AREN’T HACKED ANYMORE. I’MSOHAPPYYYYYYYY. -spazzattack- It’s been so long since I last saw every. Channel. With. No. Hackers. Not one, just regular people training. I mean, yeah, last time I was on regularly was like.. a month ago, but STILLLLLL. -dancedancedance-

   ‘Kay, C: I’m over that. > u> So, in other news. I need tips on how to get someone to unquit, I’ve tried everything I know but nothing works. xC Which sucks ’cause, no one ever fully quits Maple, right? 333:~ I think they actually fully did quit, which is depressing ‘CAUSE MAPLE ISN’T THE SAME WITHOUT THEM. :Kiddinggg, kidding ….. (Or am I?) O: read more

One month and nine levels later.

  So it’s been about a month since I last wrote a blog, and I kind of felt like writing one because I have MAJOR writing motivation right now! (Which stands for, “Nikki has to write an essay on global warming and she’d rather write a blog.”)

  Basically within the last month there have been a few highlights of my Maple life: lost a friend, got NX, person becomes my friend again, got more NX, person becomes dumb and we stop being friends, and cakes. First let’s discuss the cake problem. Now, normally I would think the maple anniversary, oh yay, double EXP and maple items. WRONGGGG. I have spent like.. five hours killing those things. Only to get this many blue presents: link zero presents, five hours, what a beautiful ratio. ._. So, as you can see, cakes have been just PEACHY for me. read more

Moustaches? Lol.

Maple’s been pretty much the same for me, I’ve been playing on and off, though now I’m a complete Kerning PQ druggie. ._. Other than that, I haven’t found too much excitement.

Well, I got new NX for my Archer. (: It actually wasn’t much, but I got new hair and a moustache. Which leads me to the small rant of this blog. I quite frankly, love having a moustache on Maple. It’s funny to be a girl with a moustache, and having random people F6 at you. But when people on Basil, start flaming me for having a moustache? Oh yeah. I have one that looks EXACTLY like that in real life. I mean, what the heck? Do they REALLY think I look exactly like my Maple character? Okay, so I have the same hair and eye colors, but other than that it’s fun to NOT look like yourself. I mean, if it was about looking like yourself, why would there be red eyes? Or eyes so big they take up three fourths of your face (Not saying female four is ugly, I actually like it )? So some bald kid comes around saying how he has a problem with me having a moustache. Quote, “u the one with the male moustache…..nexon should rearrange those mustaches and beards >_> i vomit whenever i see a feminine pixel with bear/moustache like u and most likely..the people on maple make their characters how they look in real life”. read more


I don’t care if I’m 11 days late.
I really don’t. D:

So. About two weeks ago one of the Jr’s in my guild deleted everyone.
Everyone, except the leader. Who they obviously couldn’t delete.

I don’t know who did it, or why, but if you did do it-
Trust me, I’ll find you. >_>

I will.


Ugh. :d NX~

Well, to start off, LEVEL 55 FOR THE WIN. xd I finally have my smexi Thorns. ;D Which isn’t the best stats but uh, it still looks cool. So it still wins, right? D:

Anyway, I’m getting new NX soon, (again lol. <_&lt because I have this extra cash I don’t need. :d Anyway, I was thinking of getting new hair, but I don’t know which one I want. So far I’m leaning towards the Henesys exp one, but I’m pretty sure exp coupons hate me. ;~; read more

Two months compiled into one blog! :D

Well, as I recently looked at my last blog, I realised I posted it almost two months ago. <_< And in this entire time period, a looot of stuff has happened.

First of all, I finally got to level 54. :3 Though, leveling got somewhat tedious at Jr. Yetis. ._. So basically, I’ve been hanging around Henesys redoing the Ace of Hearts quest and training Mango, my Panda. :d This hasn’t been so productive, seeing as how all of my friends have passed me level wise. <___< But, THAT’S OKAY! I’ll catch up… eeeeventually. read more

Hitting the big 50 <3

First of all, how long has it been since I’ve updated? D: Like, three months? XD Well, yeah, I’ve actually made some accomplishments recently though. 83

Anyways, I’M FINALLY LEVEL 50 -spazzes and passes out- :3 After like, five months of leveling, quitting, leveling more, quitting, boredom, and leveling more, I’m only half way to level 100, and 20 levels away from third job. D Which for me, is a big accomplishment seeing as how I level once every like, two years. =___=; I actually plan on getting to 51 before break is over. :1 Which sounds like a drastic goal, but I wanna go level at Grupins. >_< Hopefully by the time I’m 55, the hackers will all be gone. @__@ (Dang, I am using a lot of smilies in this blog.. ) read more

Hello Maplers! This new patch brings plenty of cash shop items, lots of lag, disconnecting problems, and a NEW Boss! If you thought Zakum was tough, you need to shoot yourself! If you are level 170+, you can join up with up to 3000 other level 170+ people to try and take down this boss. This red robot McSpanky will use his spanking tactics to destroy you. McSpanky has 643 Trillion (643,000,000,000,000) HP! Happy Mapling! read more