All posts by Gradients


     Well, today was basically pretty boring. I hardly got ANY leveling in, and when I finally leveled, I died since MG turned off. Well, anyway, that’s not the point. So has anyone ever noticed how much fame effects the Maple community? For example, the higher your fame, the more people will tend to trust you. Since you have a much higher fame than the person over there with -12. read more

School & Chronos

  OKAY. I know I need to finish the story, it’s just that, school is killing me. x__x; It’s really hard to be on a lot, and when I am, I’m mostly leveling. Anyway, it’ll be done soon. I’m not letting myself procrastinate more. >.>;

  Now, today I stumbled upon Chronos! Normally, I wouldn’t be down here in Ludi leveling, since I figured I should stick with El Nath. But it’s getting preetty boring. So, I went out and tried Platoons, the leveling was fast, and some Cleric invited me to his party. After about 20% he had to go. I don’t remember his IGN, but, I do want another training partner here. It makes leveling funner. :3 read more

Lack there of

I’ve been trying to finish writing the second part of ‘All I Want’ but I have no creative jumps whatsoever. >_<
Anyway, back to my.. fun day in Maple.. :d

Well, my friend and I were heading down to deep Ludi to kill ourselves, when some level 54 or so Fighter comes up and starts spamming that we’re hackers. Just because of the fact, that we both could take damage from a Death Teddy. >_> We moved along – he was still following, and ended up at Thanatoses. Seeing as how there was no Thanatos spawned, we just tele’d through to get to the other side and see if there were Gatekeepers. Apparently, the Fighter whispered my friend saying he got killed by a Thanatos that came from the left. It probably spawned while we were running to Gatekeepers. In other words, I lost five fame.. >_> read more

All I Want – Chapter 1

Weee. So, I started a story, this is my first one so don’t be harsh. >_>;; Yes Manda, this means I WIN THE BET. HAHAHAA.. >_< Anyways..

The story is about a guy named Gary (IT’S THE MOST CREATIVE NAME I COULD THINK OF, OKAY? >_> D). In generalization terms, he’s considered a Hunter. & the story takes place in many areas, if I don’t list it, it probably has a better description. AND ON TO THE STORY NOW. I fear talking too much will make you run away.. <_< read more

Fish, Mebas & Ludi PQ

Yay. First blog. ^^ I joined MMO because a friend told me I should complain here. Though, I wasn’t planning on complaining much. x__x


The day started out fine, I was mindlessly grinding away at Jr. Pepes like I usually am, and auctioned a Meba that I forgot a friend of mine had. I figured I would go delete the auction, until the person who bought it whispered me. Thankfully, he understood the problem and said we could do the trade later on. So, continuing my mindless grinding, I ended up finishing Moppies quest with the fish. Got the 60% shoe speed, tried to scroll my whitebottoms, but it failed. P: As for the rest of the fish, I npced them all and headed off to Ludi to stalk another friend of mine (he likes to PQ). In my opinion, Ludi PQ sucks, it takes waaaaaaay too long to get in & really stupid people do Ludi PQ’s. My friend asked if I wanted to join him doing one, I agreed because I’m not good at saying no. Though I hadn’t PQ’ed since my Assassin was level 47, which was quite some time ago, I figured I could give it a shot. I got into a few successful PQ’s, and I had a very helpful party that would tell me what to do instead of flaming me when I got confused. This all went along great, until I had to start doing my homework. I was half AFK and half doing a PQ, when all of a sudden this conversation starts up between me and a very rude party member if you ask me: read more