Moustaches? Lol.

Maple’s been pretty much the same for me, I’ve been playing on and off, though now I’m a complete Kerning PQ druggie. ._. Other than that, I haven’t found too much excitement.

Well, I got new NX for my Archer. (: It actually wasn’t much, but I got new hair and a moustache. Which leads me to the small rant of this blog. I quite frankly, love having a moustache on Maple. It’s funny to be a girl with a moustache, and having random people F6 at you. But when people on Basil, start flaming me for having a moustache? Oh yeah. I have one that looks EXACTLY like that in real life. I mean, what the heck? Do they REALLY think I look exactly like my Maple character? Okay, so I have the same hair and eye colors, but other than that it’s fun to NOT look like yourself. I mean, if it was about looking like yourself, why would there be red eyes? Or eyes so big they take up three fourths of your face (Not saying female four is ugly, I actually like it )? So some bald kid comes around saying how he has a problem with me having a moustache. Quote, “u the one with the male moustache…..nexon should rearrange those mustaches and beards >_> i vomit whenever i see a feminine pixel with bear/moustache like u and most likely..the people on maple make their characters how they look in real life”.

1. How does a girl wear a “bear”?
2. Why would you vomit over a PIXEL? Seriously. ._.

“It really bugs me when guys have male face one. It’s so big.. and the eye brows are so big and bushy, god it makes me want to vomit.”
Haha. No.

So that face does actually bug me, but I’m not going to go throw up into tin foil and then eat it because I see someone with it. What actually bothers me the most about this is that, I said the Tiger pets were ugly. Did I say EVERYONE thinks Tiger pets are ugly, or everyone has to? No. I said they’re ugly because that’s what I think. So now people start flaming me because I have an opinion?

Way to be close-minded Basil.

I guess I kind of lied saying that the blog was a small rant.. since that’s what most of it basically is, anyway. Anyway, time to talk about happy things.

Today I spent about half of the day Kerning PQ’ing, and I’m probably gonna go PQ more when I finish writing this. The last time I actually did a Kerning PQ before today was like… December of 2005. On some random Mage I can’t even remember, that I quit at level 25. Luckily, my first leader rushed us in like.. ten times. Good times. I also got to level 27.

There’s one thing I just love about signing onto Maple, knowing half of my buddy list got abducted by a pack of wolves, the others are always AFK. Yep. It’s so nice having people to talk to. ._.

One last thing, on a non related Maple note, some girl named Andi is starting a bunch of rumors about me at school, so I’ve been listening to Wake Up by Hilary Duff even though I don’t really like that song. >_>

That’s all for today, maybe I’ll finally start writing blogs more often. o:

1. My old look.
2. New look. :3

11 thoughts on “Moustaches? Lol.”

  1. I could barely make out your “-coughyoushouldtotallybemyfriendifyoureinscanialololomgrofl- ”

    For other people’s reading convenience, and maybe to make the blogger angry, I shall translate what it says.

    “-cough you should totally be my friend if youre in scania lolol omg rofl-“

    And all the male faces have bushy eyebrows. I don’t like them either. How come female faces have lines for eyebrows? D=

  2. Can’t see the second pic.,

    Ahaha. Mustache.

    *stalks noob and sends to emergency*


  3. TheReplaced said: “I could barely make out your “-coughyoushouldtotallybemyfriendifyoureinscanialololomgrofl- ”

    For other people’s reading convenience, and maybe to make the blogger angry, I shall translate what it says.

    “-cough you should totally be my friend if youre in scania lolol omg rofl-“

    And all the male faces have bushy eyebrows. I don’t like them either. How come female faces have lines for eyebrows? D=”

    -cries at you translating it-

  4. WHOO. NIKKI. <3

    I love the ‘stach. So awesome. 8] I was gonna get it. But it’s useless mentioning ’cause you already knew. <3 Yay for the ‘stach. And the next time someone disses your mustache, say: Shuttup. It’s worth more than your brain.

    Or something equally as lame as that. <3 (:

  5. That wasn’t lame.
    One of the funniest comments I’ve seen in a while, what with these random people. . .


  6. Rumors are weird. . .even if you dont even know the person they make rumors about you and eveyone believes them! GET IT FROM THE DIRECT SOURCE, DUMBARSE KIDS!

  7. Mustaches are pretty shweet.


    . . .Beardy thingers pwn your soul.

    So awesome.

  8. Ecks dee.
    My old guild leader also has a mustache like this. XD Gave me a shock the first time I saw it, but it IS funny.
    Some Basilers have no sense of civilised impropriety. XDXD

  9. Speaking of the ‘stache, I got me some Groucho glasses when they were on sale. They are the best fricking NX item ever!


  10. MOUSTACHE PRIDE. <3. ; w; Don’t let them bother you, Your moustache is simply higher-class then everyone. ;0 Wear it with prideeee. <3 -puts on ‘stache, too.-

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