All posts by evilstranger

What has EbilMax been doing?

I have been eating lot’sa bananas..

Buwahaha, for realz. Bananas are high in K (potassium) and Potassium prevents cramps, which is why I do locking.

I’ve spending most of my time practicing locking for my school’s food fair performance. Before it was our turn to go up, i was hardened; my finger tips were cold, my palms were sweating, my legs were frozen, and my shoulder was having like a seizure. So what was my solution? read more

Patterns of Interaction

I’m here to try to talk about my life. From beginning to some part until I get tired of typing.

As most of you know, I love to type blogs; ranting, experience, anything, you name it. It’s just so fun to talk about my experiences on blogs; to share. I may feel good about myself on blogs, but then again, class essays. Typing my experience without any requirements other than my own (humor, sarcasm, and laughter) is an easy task for me. However, in essays, you have to worry about your thesis, blue printing, conclusion, significance, importance, relativity, and all those shit. read more

Worst Game Ever

Hello people, I am pissed off for three reasons.

AdventureQuest’s commercials says that they are a free, fun game and they are cool and you kill real, hip, and cool demons. After I started playing it, it was a bunch of crappy animation of talking, talking, talking, and lagging (even when the quality was set down to low).

I just wasted 4 hours on this shitty game. Yes I know, I’m sorry. read more

Papercraft – Hydralisk

Taiwan just got struck by a typhoon yesterday, the news said that it was stronger than Katrina. Hey, I live at the North of Taiwan, so I’m safe. People at the South were screwed hard, flood everywhere, they always have flood whenever a typhoon. Well, I’m safe; I was infront of my window watching the advertisement billboards being ripped off. read more

EbilMax is LEAVING?!

Okay uh, guess what? Surprisingly, my mother found out what the abbreviation, “MMO” stands for. Maybe she asked some friend or something or she’s actually an undercover English teacher or something and found out. Nonetheless, she thinks MMOTales is a GAMING WEBSITE. I even told her before it’s a blogging website, but she still didn’t believe me. It must be the screen shots taken from other blogs and stuff? But it doesn’t matter. read more

Panda Times

[h]Please read it, I put a lot of effort into this >_>[/h]I’m sorry, this isn’t LunarPanda. But, this is about pandas though! Not much of it :

Ooo, and I’m guessing not a lot of people are on MMOT now because of school, huh? Mine starts in 4 days from now.

You might be wondering what happened to my character’s hair on the picture. No, not the old dude, the topless one. You see, my friend, William.. he’s very very very addicted to the game, KartRider and always loses to me and always buying Gash points (it’s like NX points) buying better, faster, and expensive cars. Even though he bought this really really fast car, he lacks the skills of drifting. im teh pwnz0rs @ drifftign lolololz read more

Back on Taiwan MS

Wow, it’s been like 8 months since I played it! Didn’t get hack.. surprisingly.

I logged back on MS in my previous position of Kerning City. Before I logged on, there was this advertisement saying that there was this new map! Some carrot pirate theme map, I don’t know, but it sounded interesting and random. Sooooo I went to Ellinia to see if I can take the ship there, but no, can’t. read more

ES Comix #003


Hmm.. little longer? Okay.

I downloaded Taiwan Maple yesterday and finally stopped bothering people to get me backgrounds. Heh heh. I couldn’t sleep yesterday, because I already slept 4 hours before 1am due to this huge headache I had. When it was finally 2am, I went to bed. I laid there for like an hour and couldn’t take the heat anymore, so I went to my dad’s bed. (He wasn’t home ) His bed is so messy.. When I was focusing on sleeping, I HEARD THE BIRDS CHIRPING!! IT WAS 6AM ALREADY!! read more